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Darc Requiem said: Alacrist said: I know they are different prices for different reasons so, ok someone help me out what would be in the systems if they were 200? Okay I'll give it a shot. I'll try to surmise what each system would have for $200. This is assuming that they are trying to at least break even. Also the 360 specs are assuming that MS launched at $200. Wii: Same as now 360: Single core G5 based CPU (2.5 Ghz) 256MB GDDR3 RAM ATI Radeon X1900 based GPU (500mhz) 20GB Hard Drive DVD Drive PS3: Single core G5 based CPU (3.0 Ghz) 128MB XDR Main RAM 128MB GDDR3 Video RAM Nvidia GeForce 7800 based GPU (550mhz) 40GB Hard Drive DVD Drive Bah, much harder than I thought.
This is a completely different topic. the point of this thread is to see which console is the best irrelevant of price, which ones selling point is greater than the others. Wii: Motion sensing controller... PS3: Far more powerful than anything else avaliable, blu-ray player, good brand, (In USA) good BC with massive library of brilliant games, very good 1st party studios (remember God of War, pretty much the greatest PS2 action game ever) large and expandable hard drive, motion sensing "traditional" game contoller, Home, great second party games (warhawk, uncharted, ratchet and clank, next Jak?, Resistance 2 and more) Xbox 360: I really don't know??? Maybe Halo 3

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