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Forums - Sony Discussion - inFamous vs Prototype all over again ! This time its God of War III vs rest

This is going off topic in the most shameless way, but does Dante's Inferno, God of War III and/or Bayonetta have available demos on PS3 yet? Just curious.

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Can you compare

FFXIII and Mass Effect 2 ? JRPG vs WRPG --- Answer = NO !

Can you compare

God of War and Bayonetta ? ---- answer = NO !

W Hack'n Slash vs J Hack'n slash. (I made that up)

Heres the difference.

In God of War (and shameless rip off Dante's Inferno) the comabt is more user friendly. Its easy to learn but hard to master.
Harder difficulty levels are sadistically hard, while other difficulty levels are challenging.
Other than the combat, God of war has flight sections and platforming/puzzle sections.
The overall scale of the game is larger too.
GoW and DI are Western made games.

In Bayonetta,DMC and NG, Combat is hard to learn and even hard to master and combos are extremely difficult to pull off, leaving your hands sore.
The other thing is that the only selling point is the'll be pretty much beating people up till the end of the game and thats it. Stories are extremely cheesy too. While these games are awesome, they don't appeal to a wide range of gamers as God of War. Normal difficulty levels are extremely challenging and Harder difficulty levels may cause extreme frustration and broken controllers.
These games are made in Japan.

I compared Starfox and Tetris once......I'm just sayin'!


There's a configuration where you just press triangle!!  What could be easier?

GOW and Bayonetta do have demo's on PS3

nen-suer said:

How can you rank games you haven't played :O

I guess I didn't make that clear, but that was about which ones I look forward to the most, not which games are/will be best.




Though comparing GoW3 to Bayonetta is rather foolish, I'll do it anyway (I don't care if you say this isn't a comparison thread, because it clearly is. If not, it's a troll thread and should be locked).

I played both demos, and in my opinion, GoW was far more enjoyable. It was less in-your-face, I didn't want to rip the main character in half, the combat was simple and intuitive, with a few different combos, rather than 500 which all do the same thing.  It ran smoothly, while Bayonetta was continuously lagging. What story there was in the demo made some sort of sense, rather than being something about getting off a train, and entering a witchhunt, or something. And then fighting somebody who was the chosen something or other who challenges you because you're an outcast.

I'm not impressed with Bayonetta at all, to be honest.

I can't judge Dante's Inferno, but I watched a couple of dev diaries, and they are slightly disturbing. More disturbing than God of War, which is difficult.




(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Yes it'l be xbox fanboys desperately clutching at straws as usual. Bigging up dantes inferno while desperately dissing gow3. Xbox fanboys are a bit dumb they dont seem to realise PS3 owners will get both.

Ok stop calling Dante's Inferno a rip-off.

You haven't played the game yet.

We'll have to wait and see.

2010 should be a great year for the hack and slash/adventure genre:

dantes inferno
god of war 3
castlevania: lord of shadows
kingdom under fire 2 (w/ more srpg elements)

god of war3 vs dante inferno arguments are not looking at the bigger picture, all of these games are looking really good and getting good previews from the media

d21lewis said:

There's a configuration where you just press triangle!!  What could be easier?

Ah, I completely forgot to try "fap while you play" mode. Thanks for reminding me.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Dante's Inferno might be a good game, but to compare it with God of War or Bayonetta won't do the title any good in my opinion (based on the dev vids I watched) ...