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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is NSMB Wii worthy of the title Game Of The Year?

gustave154 said:
Edge gave NSMB wii a 7 because it was the same thing.
And modern warfare 2 is gonna be GOTY even though its the SAME THING.
what irony.
Bayonetta should win GOTY if it was released this year IMO. Now that's originality.
but NSMB is not worthy of GOTY due to the reviews.

Bayonetta, original? It is a carbon copy of Devil May Cry. But that's not what this thread is about.

I imagine the majority of media GoTY awards will go to Uncharted 2 and MW2, but NSMBWii would get quite a few. Oh, and before the whole "Media hates Wii games and will never give one an award!" thing starts, 2007. That is all.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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CGI-Quality said:
routsounmanman said:
CGI-Quality said:
routsounmanman said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
It isn't game of the year material. It's top 3 or at least top 5 of '09 though.

It seems wrong to give the honor to any game but Uncharted 2. Even if it's not your personal favorite it's inarguably the most deserving.

This is wrong in so many ways >_>

Well, since opinions are a quality of human beings, I don't see how his thought and feelings are wrong when you can't factually dispute it.

For his thoughts on Mario, no I don't agree. His thoughts on Uncharted 2, I do agree. Does either make his opinion "wrong", no.

I never said his opinion is "wrong". Him saying that his opinion is "inarguably" the right is, actually wrong.

When you type: "this is wrong in so many ways", people are going to assume you mean the entire post. Beyond that, even if he thinks it's "inarguable", it's still just his opinion, and therefore can't be factually disputed with another opinion.

Maybe I misstyped, yet, when I see someone say "inarguably" it seems like he's trying to force his opinion on mine, which is plain wrong. And I may think that the world is fat, it's my opinion, yet I can't say it's "inarguably" flat, I'll get ridiculed!

no but that's because it hasen't blown people minds away by gameplay,visuals or story but it's still a great game but probeley not game of the year material.Just hope Galway 2 gets GOTY.

NSMBWii is decent.

GOTY YES (in 1987)

GOTY NO (today)

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

Ramser said:
Isn't strange how must of the people that say its game of the decade are the people that don't own a ps3 or a 360. NSMBW is most likely the best WII game of the year, but it cant be game of the decade because that spots already been taken, by uncharted 2

Game of the decade you mean Wii Fit, which if it were on the PS3 would have a 82% attach rate

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Buzzi said:

The game doesn't have online!!


Regarding your consoles, you're supposed to defend Mario!

Hmm... sorry, I have to say no. Sure, the concept was great, but the broken play mechanics move it to a no. If I go to scratch my nose, and the game takes that as a sign to spinjump into the bottomside of an enemy, I have a problem. (And this, and things like it, happened more times than I care to think about. I play a twitchy style in tight areas, and doing so makes me spinjump instead of the normal jump I needed.) I also liked how they kept some of the extra moves from other Mario games, like the triple jump, but the controls were a lot more sluggish for doing this versus, say, Mario 64. Fix the controls, and sure, I'll agree with you. But I gave up on this game from frustration of the controls; a real crime to do to a Mario game.


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...

So, in a nutshell, is NSMBW the best old hat ever?

Sorry, this time I was really trollish, I just couldn't resist, grats to Mario anyway!

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
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