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Hmm... sorry, I have to say no. Sure, the concept was great, but the broken play mechanics move it to a no. If I go to scratch my nose, and the game takes that as a sign to spinjump into the bottomside of an enemy, I have a problem. (And this, and things like it, happened more times than I care to think about. I play a twitchy style in tight areas, and doing so makes me spinjump instead of the normal jump I needed.) I also liked how they kept some of the extra moves from other Mario games, like the triple jump, but the controls were a lot more sluggish for doing this versus, say, Mario 64. Fix the controls, and sure, I'll agree with you. But I gave up on this game from frustration of the controls; a real crime to do to a Mario game.


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...