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Forums - Website Topics - If you could become ioi for 15 minutes...

ioi said:
Gamerace said:
ioi said:

I think I'd have to ban myself if I answered that honestly

It wouldn't be the first time you were banned.  lol.

Say isn't there some rule against previously banned users becoming a mod?

Fourth actually.

And yes, we don't like to allow users with a mod history to become moderators so watch out, but it's ok when you already are a moderator

wait, i've only been banned once for a few days, and it was for a very slight stupidity on my part. i made this "best and worst advertisements of this generation" thread, and happened to post the playstation thumb penis picture.. will that make me completely ineligible to be a mod? :( :( :(

cmon ioi, i've been a good boy... i promise i won't make this site into BugriChartz.

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trashleg said:
ioi said:
bugrimmar said:

wait, i can suck up better than that!

for those 15 minutes, i'd lather myself up with baby oil and take a hundred pictures of myself and post them on this site, so everyone would realize the glory and sexiness of our bossman!

... on second thought, maybe that's not such a good idea...

I could see hits going dramatically down if I did that...

@trashleg - a jobby?! You started this by making things sleazy

:-O i was not being sleazy! i was being honest.. come on now, tell me the truth.. if you found yourself in MY body for 15 minutes, what would YOU do? lol


and yes, a jobby.

if i was you for 15 minutes... i'd make a movie. :) :D ;) :O

I'll permaban Zexzen Lowe!!

ioi said:
bugrimmar said:
trashleg said:

:-O i was not being sleazy! i was being honest.. come on now, tell me the truth.. if you found yourself in MY body for 15 minutes, what would YOU do? lol


and yes, a jobby.

if i was you for 15 minutes... i'd make a movie. :) :D ;) :O

What kind of movie?


This was a fun thread.

Can I change my answer to "Bring back the Prediction League"?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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I would troll PS3 fanboys by shifting half the weekly hardware sales to the Wii. Also I would consider the 3DS the only new gen handheld in the market :P

See if i can find his bank information anywhere.

I would step down as commander-in-chief and give Jay520 full control.

I'd ban all mods for a day. The result could be the most epic gamrConnect day ever... or the most disastrous one :P

I would rename the site "RedInker's Video game Emporium Sponsored by Spurgeonryan" Also I would charge Spurgeonryan a dollor a post so I could pay off my mortgage by the end of next month.