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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: Project Natal to replace remote controls

I guess it is good Natal is an add on and only those that would like to use it, will use it.

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naznatips said:
Sounds awkward. I don't want to yawn and pause my movie or scratch my head and suddenly be watching My Little Pony instead of The Dark Knight.

I dunno. The performances in My Little Pony were quite rivetting. Give it a chance.


naznatips said:
It's easy to SAY there should be a simple way around accidentally adjusting things with gestures, but what's the actual solution to this?

A completely crazy gesture that takes forever to do and makes you feel like a moron?

A vocal code that you could still accidentally say during conversation?

A button to activate the motion controls, in which case it's easier to just hold a controller anyway?

This just seems like an incredibly stupid idea.
Naum said:
Change channel with a flick of my hand?? NOOOOO!11! how am I now going to watch p0rn without changing channel right in the middle of "it"???

ROTFL! Two quite effective ways to describe potential flaws, drawbacks and undesirable side effects of the idea! 


Lord Flashheart said:
People are immediately disregarding Natal because it's made by MS.
If it was made by the manufacturer of their choice they would be wetter between the legs than a teenage girl at the mention of Twilight.

This is in part due to people fearing MS gains even more power than the excessive amount it already has, in part due to bad MS record about working, ergonomic and user friendly ideas, although undeniably it did good things too, but they are rarer than bad or unfriendly ones (some quick examples, Win95 just released crap, Win95 OSR2.x acceptable, Win98 crap, Win98SE good, Win ME crap, Win NT <=4.x good but unfriendly, Win 2000 since SP4 very good, but still not friendly enough, Win XP just released crap, Win XP SP>=2 very good, Vista crap, Win 7 looks promising, same pattern for Office, even worse situation for IE, Java implementations deliberately made sloppy and lazily updated to damage Java and Sun, same thing for OpenGL, only DirectX since version 5.x shows undeniably an ever bettering trend): were the idea developed by Nintendo or Apple we could be a lot more optimistic about its success.

So are we biased against MS? Maybe, but maybe you are biased for it, nobody is neutral, call us trolls and we got the same right to call you astroturfer.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

If it is sold as a tv remote for $50 then it must be cost effective, so MS wouldn't lose money they just wouldn't make any on extra's like games for the 360 version.

I'm not sure about your post Nordlead. Natal isn't aimed at you from the sounds of it so you are creating problems that you wont come up against.
In the end it's only going to be sold to those who want it and for whatever reason they need it. If it's true that it'll be sold for around $60 then it is cheaper than the alternatives offered on here.

As it is we don't know the price. We have speculation from websites that it'll be around $60 and then from the PS camp that it'll be $200. Naturally we can dismiss them.
Plus this thread has been nothing more than for people to say how much natal wont work and with flimsy excuses so they can't get done for trolling.

Wii has its supporters and haters. Project Natal has its supporters and haters and is 12 months away from being launched. The haters will be eating crow when Natal takes off in sales and becomes popular.
You want salt with that crow?

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i sure hope not... i like controllers and being lazy way to much to completley get rid of them

Long Live SHIO!

The application of the technology behind Natal in consumer applicances is the golden goose. If M$ can license the capability to tech companies, think about the reach of it. This is what people don't udnerstand, you could even put this into automobiles.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

First the PS3 motion controller to replace the dildo and now this. Cool news.

Sum1 should tell these geniuses @ Microsoft that if they want 2 replace remote controls, they are supposed 2 do it with something BETTER (meaning more PRACTICAL and convenient), not with their natal toy. What a stupid idea!


Alby_da_Wolf said:


So are we biased against MS? Maybe, but maybe you are biased for it, nobody is neutral, call us trolls and we got the same right to call you astroturfer.

Only just noticed this. Your analysis of windows is subjective but you're opinion. My point on here isn't if people hate MS or not. They have a lot of flaws and done a lot of bad things just like Sony but done a lot more good. Well Gates has and as people like to think he and MS are the same when slating him then it should be true for the good things he's done in his personal life.

People are free to hate MS (bit wierd hating a company but then again people love Britney Spears) but to constantly attack anything MS instead of having a discussion about a product is frustrating and a waste of time. Dislike them, dislike Natal but if you can't put your point across in a clever non-flammitory way and want to troll bugger off. It doesn't help.

Some of the best comments in this thread have been from sony fans and that surprised me as from what I've seen on here that's a rarity in an MS thread (or a sony thread) I'm only calling the ones trolls who are attacking and finding any hangups they can think off then passing them off as absolute fact why it will fail no ifs, ands or buts. The people who offer no insight into why it will fail other than for them because it's MS, or not Sony or ninty. The ones who can't force themselves to even contemplate anything positive and are here to cause trouble. If you think I was refering to you when I used the word "troll" then ask yourself why did you think that?

Feel free to think it won't work and say why not, but do it in a manner that allows the discussion to continue.
Think about how it will be used instead of saying "if i make the slightest movement it'll change channel, fail" or "I don't want to have to jump up and down on my settee to turn the sound up" Yes because that's how it'll be implimented.

Use a bit of intelligence and imagination.
Don't be stupid all your lives.


Maybe I should go into the sony threads and say the dil...Zit on a stick will fail in every single dil...Zit on a stick thread I can find.
Have a "Join the Anti Dil...Zit on a Stick campaign" logo in my sig?
Lets see what these same people say then

Might have the word troll in there?