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If it is sold as a tv remote for $50 then it must be cost effective, so MS wouldn't lose money they just wouldn't make any on extra's like games for the 360 version.

I'm not sure about your post Nordlead. Natal isn't aimed at you from the sounds of it so you are creating problems that you wont come up against.
In the end it's only going to be sold to those who want it and for whatever reason they need it. If it's true that it'll be sold for around $60 then it is cheaper than the alternatives offered on here.

As it is we don't know the price. We have speculation from websites that it'll be around $60 and then from the PS camp that it'll be $200. Naturally we can dismiss them.
Plus this thread has been nothing more than for people to say how much natal wont work and with flimsy excuses so they can't get done for trolling.