Being a big F1 fan, I went straight down to the shops today to pick it up, even though the screens looked awful and I haven't heard much about the game. I'm happy to say it looks a lot better than the early screenshots and has quite a good range of options. Did anyone else out there pick up this game or are planning to, or am I the only F1 fan here??
Wii FC: 6440 8298 7583 0720 XBOX GT: WICK1978 PSN: its_the_wick 3DS: 1676-3747-7846 Nintendo Network: its-the-wick
Systems I've owned: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, GBColor, N64, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, GBAdvance, DSlite, PSP, Wii, Xbox360, PS3, 3DS, PSVita, PS4, 3DS XL, Wii U
The best quote I've seen this year:
Angelus said: I'm a moron |