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Forums - Sales Discussion - When will PS3 surpass Xbox360 for total sales? 2011 or 2012

When does next gen start? When MS puts a bluray drive in the 360? When Natal ships?

How does it "not matter" if PS3 outsells the 360 after MS decides to drop a new console?

Did it "not matter" that the PS1 vastly outsold the Saturn because Saga came out with the Dreamcast?

Did it "not matter" that the PS2 dominated the the original X-Box because MS came out with the 360?

I consider saying: "it doesn't matter if the PS3 outsells the 360 after the X-Box '720' comes out", to be damage control perpetuated by those who once doubted the PS3's ability to outsell the 360 lifetime and would attempt to diminish such a feat rather then admit that they were wrong.

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Good conclusion, Steroid.

evilfeilong said:
I would say 2011 because's playsatation 3 sales have been strong since the price cut & show no signs of slowing down 2.the strong list of exclusives this year are still pushing strong playstation 3 sales & should get them through the rest of this year year seems to be building a strong list of exclusives which should help them maintain their strong playstation 3 sales momentum.

Change every spot where it says something about PS3 and insert 360.  Hey look we are looking at the end of 2008 all over again!

Seriously, if you people think the PS3 sales will stay like this forever and nothing will be done on either side to change them, you need to take some history lessons on the last few years of this console generation.

I say never.


Because next year the 360 will likely repeat 2008's holiday season and put the lead right back up to 8 million.  And it will keep bouncing back and forth until next gen, with the 360 always at least a few million ahead.


Good post.  Everyone needs to seriously stop setting themselves up for embarrassment

For MS to drop another few billion on another console while Sony simply "sits out" "next gen" and rides the PS3 of course that would be a victory. MS will first try and re brand the 360 with Natal and continue to try and convice people they don't need blu-ray until 360 sales start to seriously dwindle. Then they'll come out with the 720.

With Wii HD and PS3 looking to be similar in specs the 720's power won't even be able to stretch its legs as developers will be forced to choose between developing for WiiHD/PS3 or go 720 exclusive. Consider MS's first party studio situation and you'll have an understanding of where I'm coming from.

Steroid said:
For MS to drop another few billion on another console while Sony simply "sits out" "next gen" and rides the PS3 of course that would be a victory. MS will first try and re brand the 360 with Natal and continue to try and convice people they don't need blu-ray until 360 sales start to seriously dwindle. Then they'll come out with the 720.

With Wii HD and PS3 looking to be similar in specs the 720's power won't even be able to stretch its legs as developers will be forced to choose between developing for WiiHD/PS3 or go 720 exclusive. Consider MS's first party studio situation and you'll have an understanding of where I'm coming from.

Oh really?

I beg to differ.  If anything, with the way technology has advanced and decreased in price, the Wii HD would likely be drastically more capable than the PS3 and 360.  The Wii HD and 720 would be more closely related in tech level.  The PS3 would be alienated.

That is unless you have some proof of the Wii HD specs?

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i can't believe people underestimates the power of sony's playstation brand. but anyway, i think ps3 has a chance to catch up in the next months or next year. and if it never does, then i bet my money it will never happen, because once natal comes out, xbox360 sales will surge once again. no matter though, both consoles are the bomb-diggity, and i'd rather have both companies still alive until next gen. WHY?!? Competition makes everything better. I bet sony wouldn't even churn out as much quality exclusives as it is now, if the xbox360 wasn't a success. same thing goes with microsoft, you think they would go as far as to make the xbox live's quality as good as it is now without sony's playstation? i don't think so....

look at nintendo, they have no competition so far in the motion control business, and its been a while since they had a really great 1st party exclusive, u know why? people support them anyway for the crap, recycled games they keep making, that and there really isn't competition for them, cuz they already blew both sony and microsoft out of the water....

Why do some people think its so cool to have the other company die in shambling flames? If anything, microsoft's xbox brand has a great victory with them already, because they have already finished their goal to become an established brand in the video game industry. i guess its easier to point out the playstation's decline this generation, after their victories 2 generations in a row. but sony IS TRYING, xbox360 fanboys just fail to see that, and microsoft IS TRYING, ps3 fanboys just fail to see that too!

End of 2010 Predictions (Original Prediction Made: Jan. 1, 2010---Revised April 1, 2010---Revised Again July 1, 2010---Revised Again on Nov. 1, 2010)

PS3: 46 MIL (April Revision: 44 MIL, July Revision 43 MIL, Nov. Revision 45MIL)

360: 44 MIL (April Revision: 46 MIL, July Revision: 48 MIL, Nov. Revision 49MIL)

WII: 82 MIL (Apr. Revision: 84 MIL, Jul. Revision: 82 MIL, Nov. Revision: 82MIL)

THE MUST BUY LIST of 2010: Gran Turismo 5

THE BOUGHT LIST of 2010: White Knight Chrnociles, Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy 13, God of War 3, Modnation Racers, Sports Champions

nightsurge said:
Steroid said:
For MS to drop another few billion on another console while Sony simply "sits out" "next gen" and rides the PS3 of course that would be a victory. MS will first try and re brand the 360 with Natal and continue to try and convice people they don't need blu-ray until 360 sales start to seriously dwindle. Then they'll come out with the 720.

With Wii HD and PS3 looking to be similar in specs the 720's power won't even be able to stretch its legs as developers will be forced to choose between developing for WiiHD/PS3 or go 720 exclusive. Consider MS's first party studio situation and you'll have an understanding of where I'm coming from.

Oh really?

I beg to differ.  If anything, with the way technology has advanced and decreased in price, the Wii HD would likely be drastically more capable than the PS3 and 360.  The Wii HD and 720 would be more closely related in tech level.  The PS3 would be alienated.

That is unless you have some proof of the Wii HD specs?

The only proof you need is Nintendo's insane profit margin this generation. Nintendo has stepped out of the console specs pissing contest and it has worked well for them.


And no doubt Sony and MS see the same thing. Why lose another few billion dollers launching even MORE powerful console when you've already lost billions of dollers launching machines that are already equiped to last deep into the HD generation. 

It`s not like anyone expected crisis in late 2008 and that the console with highest entry price will have problems with selling big numbers.
PS3 performed good in late 2007 and was outselling x360 for the most of time in 2008. The gap was 6 mln. and could be 4 mln. by the end of 2008. Instead of this it went up to 8 mln. for some time.

People are confident in PS3 sales this year because of price&slim and next year because of GT5.
And till Natal, if Microsoft won`t lower x360 price, there is nothing, what could stop PS3 momentum.
I expect 249$ x360 price in late 2010, but 50$ isn`t very important. PS3 was oustelling x360 at 399$, when main x360 model cost 349$.
And Natal, at what price? Again 399$? That is expensive for today`s gaming standarts, unless MW2 bundle will make wonders.
Meanwhile, the gap can decrease to 4 mln. already this year.

People seem to be forgetting that the recent jump in sales for the PS3 was as a result of a price cut which is costing Sony hand over fist. Before that the PS3 wasn't even competing for second place; it was consistently losing ground to the 360 each week. Microsoft is so far ahead of Sony this generation that they can keep the price of the 360 at a level which is profitable for them for many months to come without relinquishing 2nd place.

its like kowenicki DOESNT want the ps3 to outsell the 360, he is being very defensive about this

