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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does anyone here actually dislike Uncharted 2?

Parasitic said:

I really liked the campaign but for me, there's not much reason to go through it again - many parts in the game are great because of the wow/surprise factor, but it's much more dull going through those parts a 2nd time since you already know what's gonna happen, or how to solve a puzzle.

I'm already trying to sell the game for $40-45 which is disappointing. The only game I ever really loved/kept for it's sp was MGS4 and that's cause it kept me hooked with all the replayability. I was gonna keep U2 for the multiplayer but it's barely improved since the beta. It feels abit lacking.

It's a great game but, I wanna get some of that $60 back.

Now when it comes to people that hate it:

I recently showed it to two of my other friends about two days ago who also own ps3's and wow.......I was already getting tired of all the bitchin and moaning they do when they play something that isn't CoD at my house, but this time around, they were being more whiny than they normally are. As usual, they have me playing so they can watch. They won't touch any game they've never played. If they do, they somehow manage to die constantly, then end up complaining and hand me back the controller. Only a few minutes into the game and one of them says that the game seems boring already.

They do this anytime I show them a new game. It's getting stupid to the point where I'd rather not have them come over anymore, unless they've had a few drinks.....if they're sober, then god....they all seem to do is bitch moan and cry.

Sounds like they need a swift kick in the nuts. That might bring them back to reality.

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fooflexible said:
I absolutely loved the game, it's a great game, with that said. I'll only complain about aspects of the gameplay. the puzzles didn't really feel like interesting puzzles to solve its more like matching whats in the drawings so It wasn't very cleaver on that end. And secondly I still hate the way they manage guns, I know lots of games only allow for two weapons, but still there are shotguns on the ground which hold very little ammo and rpgs, but I find with only being allowed to hold two weapons your forced to only use the gun with the larger clip. I think all shooting games should allow 4 weapons and have them selectable on the D-Pad. I thought to it would have been neat if there was vehicular gameplay, they took that out from the first game.

the gameplay all around is solid, and never a problem, it's just doesn't feel like a skill game, or a game where your thinking about your tactics, it's more like a passive gameplay with a movie like experience. I'm not saying that's bad, I love this game and think everyone should buy it. In fact even though I don't think the gameplay is new, I think the graphics and some of the angles you play out were so clever and amazing that it felt new. In fact there were times climbing my fear of heights kicked in because it felt so real.

Anyway I'm just saying maybe some gamers who love managing items and are all about gameplay, tactics and more complex puzzle solving, and usually skip cutscenes maybe those are the type to not love this game, or more likely to be disappointed, but even still I can't imagine hating it, graphics and cutscenes alone warrent this a worthy purchase.


With regards to the weapons, on my first play through i did the same thing as you. But then when i played it through again i made a concerted effort to use as many guns as possible (you get medals for all the different gun kills).  What i found was that there is a massive oversupply of weaponry  in this game, and the game really allows (and rewards) you to use multiple guns in a fight, you just have to pick them up instead of switching to them. For instance, there are MANY situations where you will find one of those low ammo type guns (pistole, shotguns, deagle, rpg) just before you are about to enter a combat scene.  Another way the game does it, is it will allow you to stealth take down an a few enemy's often resulting in getting one of these weapons.  You simply drop your current weapon, pick up a pistole or equivalent and then when you run out of ammo, switch to your other weapon, or find ammo/another weapon. When the fighting is over you collect ammo for whatever weapon you want to use.


You just have to approach the weapon situation differently to other games.  I actually quite like the way it has been done. Once you work out the location of different weapons in a firefight, you actually kind of plan a route, like take down this guy, then grab his rpg, kill these two, switch back to m4, kill these guys, etc.. etc..


As for what you have said about skill, i believe the above covers most of that... If you still don't feel this game is based on skill, and for that matter if you are just cruising through with the same two weapons as i did on my first play through (m4/ak & M92) then you need to up the difficulty.  Give hard a go, then when/if you finish that, try crushing... the name really suites it perfectly.


On topic: No way could i say i hate this game, this is one of the best games of this generation, for people/reviewers who say it isn't original, then i say simply tell me another game that is just like it? (not including UC1 of course) There are none, it takes the best idea's from several games/genre's and puts them together and arguably the most free flowing cinematic game ever.  My biggest criticism of this game is it's muliplayer, it simply doesn't allow for large enough teams, and matchmaking is CRAP, what is with console games and matchmaking!!! bring back lobbies!! and custom games!!! i realise this game has custom games but it's only for people on your friends list and i don't know 10 people who have uncharted 2, so that makes it hard. Games end so quickly and everyone leaves the lobby it's almost impossible to meet new people to play with on this game.  Plus i never find anyone from my own country to play with (i live in australia) so pings are always poo house.  Overall, MP could have been epic, but falls terribly short due to these shortcomings.  I see MP dieing slowly everyday.  At first there were almost 20,000 players.. yesterday when i played... it was only 5000.....

letsdance said:
I love when you get to Shambala. It gets pretty cool.

I'd edit that spoiler sir!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

tedsteriscool said:
Parasitic said:

I really liked the campaign but for me, there's not much reason to go through it again - many parts in the game are great because of the wow/surprise factor, but it's much more dull going through those parts a 2nd time since you already know what's gonna happen, or how to solve a puzzle.

I'm already trying to sell the game for $40-45 which is disappointing. The only game I ever really loved/kept for it's sp was MGS4 and that's cause it kept me hooked with all the replayability. I was gonna keep U2 for the multiplayer but it's barely improved since the beta. It feels abit lacking.

It's a great game but, I wanna get some of that $60 back.

Now when it comes to people that hate it:

I recently showed it to two of my other friends about two days ago who also own ps3's and wow.......I was already getting tired of all the bitchin and moaning they do when they play something that isn't CoD at my house, but this time around, they were being more whiny than they normally are. As usual, they have me playing so they can watch. They won't touch any game they've never played. If they do, they somehow manage to die constantly, then end up complaining and hand me back the controller. Only a few minutes into the game and one of them says that the game seems boring already.

They do this anytime I show them a new game. It's getting stupid to the point where I'd rather not have them come over anymore, unless they've had a few drinks.....if they're sober, then god....they all seem to do is bitch moan and cry.

Sounds like they need a swift kick in the nuts. That might bring them back to reality.

And to eliminate them from the gene pool. Both arguably good reasons ;)

outlawauron said:
letsdance said:
I love when you get to Shambala. It gets pretty cool.

I'd edit that spoiler sir!

Because nobody would ever guess that you go to the place that Drake mentions in the first cutscene...

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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I dislike that I haven't played it does that count.

Feylic said:

@Kantor: Napal is pretty awesome, but i really really like the first museum level, bornea was cool because it really showed off how much the engine has been improved, and the urban warfare part is so far my favorite. Only on chapter22 or so though. The vehicle chase sequence was pretty sweet too.

The museum was pretty good, until I realised how much the stealth AI sucked.

As I said before, everything is amazing on your first playthrough. It's not until your second that you notice the parts that really stand out.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective