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tedsteriscool said:
Parasitic said:

I really liked the campaign but for me, there's not much reason to go through it again - many parts in the game are great because of the wow/surprise factor, but it's much more dull going through those parts a 2nd time since you already know what's gonna happen, or how to solve a puzzle.

I'm already trying to sell the game for $40-45 which is disappointing. The only game I ever really loved/kept for it's sp was MGS4 and that's cause it kept me hooked with all the replayability. I was gonna keep U2 for the multiplayer but it's barely improved since the beta. It feels abit lacking.

It's a great game but, I wanna get some of that $60 back.

Now when it comes to people that hate it:

I recently showed it to two of my other friends about two days ago who also own ps3's and wow.......I was already getting tired of all the bitchin and moaning they do when they play something that isn't CoD at my house, but this time around, they were being more whiny than they normally are. As usual, they have me playing so they can watch. They won't touch any game they've never played. If they do, they somehow manage to die constantly, then end up complaining and hand me back the controller. Only a few minutes into the game and one of them says that the game seems boring already.

They do this anytime I show them a new game. It's getting stupid to the point where I'd rather not have them come over anymore, unless they've had a few drinks.....if they're sober, then god....they all seem to do is bitch moan and cry.

Sounds like they need a swift kick in the nuts. That might bring them back to reality.

And to eliminate them from the gene pool. Both arguably good reasons ;)