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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does anyone here actually dislike Uncharted 2?

It's kind of scary, actually. Everybody loves the game. With good reason, of course. It's incredible. But it's still rather odd that I haven't seen anyone who thinks the game is anything less than brilliant.

So, does anyone (who has played the game) not like it?

If we can't find that, is there anyone who would even give it below 9/10?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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I hate the parties in online. They need to make solo playlists and ones for parties.

Chances are ill prbl dislike it,that and tomb raider are not my type of games.


I havnt played it yet so im not gonna give my thoughts, tho MP does look fun as hell.

This belongs in the official thread.


I thought that Chapter 23 could have used some more polish, and the final "boss" battle was less than extraordinary. That being said, this is one of the best games I've played and certainly earns a 10/10.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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91 reviews none below 90...

i just got it yesterday and im on chapter 12 i believe (where drake sets off to find chloe)

so far the gameplay itself is better then the first but something isn't clicking in. So far it seems like i have played the game in two environments and there hasnt been much change.

But thats obviously gonna change by the time I finish the game.

PS. where the fuck are all the puzzles? so far I have only done one and it was easy as hell

there are puzzles in the game?

dsister44 said:
This belongs in the official thread.


No, it doesn't. Nobody who dislikes Uncharted 2 is going to go into the Official Thread, are they?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

dsister44 said:
This belongs in the official thread.


Do you have anything better to do?