I'm Town.
Anyways, going to class, most likely not staying since the world is in the swine flu scare, and I am coughing.
Khuutra said: Link or Reno would fit pretty nicely. |
Link fits more the Hero role in name at least. That supposes Soleron knows about it though. If we fail to lynch someone it would be a good indicator. See the mafia scum wiki to get a bit better explanation.
Right on the investigation bit. Sorry. Its late, and my paranoia is still a bit too active. Still could be the poisoner though, but thats something that can be worried about later.
Carl, time to answer questions. Why do you have so many strange bottles of liquid spread around your house, and why are you looking for the alien?
Okay everyone, here's an update. We figured out the problem with the program. Turns out the program hates 64 bit operating systems. So, that's done. I should have more time now, but I spent 8 hours straight yesterday working on it, and we're still launching saturday, so I don't know exactly how much free time I'll have.
Anyway, so we have an extra death? I think that Khuutra's idea of a viligante with bad aim is plausible. I'd imagine that a serial killer would target someone who's actively participating and is actually a threat.
Marking the thread, so I know where to start reading when I get home tonight!
I'm just going to say that since Smoked was to be replaced by megaman we would have lost our cop anyway.
Signature goes here!
Gnizmo said: Carl, time to answer questions. Why do you have so many strange bottles of liquid spread around your house, and why are you looking for the alien? |
Red - Eh? How do i have liquid around my house?
Blue - Wondering what that mysterious transmission was means im looking for the alien?
Carl2291 said: Hmm... Another protective role? Alien maybe? |
Naming the alien means you are interested in who the alien is. More interesting, the alien has role claimed. He is talking to you right now. He already stated what he did last night. The alien said it failed. This transmission has nothing to do with him, who is also me.
Soleron said: A mysterious transmission. "Stop trying to kill Hatmoza! He's MINE goddamnit!!! Mwuahahahah!!" |
I think the key to figuring this one out is the phrase "mysterious transmission".
The only real possibilities off the top of my head, looking at the list of characters, are
Mr. Ford - I haven't played The Conduit but it involves aliens ... on the other hand it's an alien invasion so most likely no.
Leon Kennedy - The weird conversations with Salazar were certainly mysterious, and they were transmissions, but very unlikely IMO
Samus Aran - The most likely IMO, but I can't recall if that particular phrase was used ... any Metroid nuts want to clear this up?
Dr. Wily - Also possible if Mega Man or Dr. Light ever got any "mysterious transmissions"
I think the key thing is that the source game will most likely IMO have literally involved a "mysterious transmission" at some point, which narrows it down in my mind to Samus or Dr. Wily, or possibly Cortana but I don't recall anything that might fit the bill in that series.
If it's Samus, and she's a Bounty Hunter, then she might be hunting an SK role, and if we're getting this transmission she might have found it in hatmoza. Dr. Wily is more of a stretch for this, because although he's a doctor he's not that kind of doctor -- plus HE's the crazy one; but he might be something else.
Or I might be totally wrong. But I want people to figure this out.
Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys:
; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for
, let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia. Thanks WordsofWisdom!