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Forums - PC Discussion - Who got Windows 7?

TRios_Zen said:
jefforange89 said:
I've been using Windows 7 since they released the Release Candidate in May.

It's a solid operating system, I love it.

I second this, I've actually been running it since the beta 7 months ago or so, but jeff is right, very solid.

Thirded (or maybe 4thed, I haven't read the rest of the thread).  Had it since the early beta's (from MSFT).  NOw coasting on the RC til next summer.  Complete turn around from the disaster that was Vista - on exactly the same computer. I can boot into XP, good. I can boot in Vista - horrific. I can boot into win7 - nice.  Haven't needed XP since installing win7. Will never touch vista again - won't even help friends/family with it. Use XP, or use 7.



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I'm a little confused I did the free upgrade because I just purchased my computer a few weeks back. Am I going to be getting in the mail. (unfortunately I lost my upgrade order #) Is anyone else doing this?

Win7 Ultimate here... Loving it.

For the "free" upgrade.... I believe you have to sign up for it on-line .... you probably need the upgrade order number though.

And I said "free" because I think you have to pay postage & packing... like £10 or something (how a disc can cost that much to post I don't know)

it only came out yesterday?Some dude dat lives with me has been running it alongside linux on the same PC for over a week.If ur still on XP,its definitely worth the upgrade.Don't forget to back up all ur stuff!" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

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I loved the beta and i have ordered my copy. (comes free with my new laptop that i purchased). So as soon as that gets here ill be installing it! Cant wait!

Long Live SHIO!

I got Windows 7 working yesterday afternoon on my laptop. My colors are VERY vivid with it and FFXI looks a bit better than on Vista for some reason; colors are vivid, stuff looks a lot more detailed, the character flows/motions more fluidly when moving or attacking...

I got 392 wallpapers Slideshowing on my desktop background, though XD They are from the Windows 7 RC's themepacks and Windows 7's themepacks (I had to go within hidden folders just to dig them out), plus from this website that had wallpapers from different countries that had the RC and such:

I just finished installing it on my old laptop(2-3years old).
Home Premium Version
Basic specs: AMD athlon x2 1.6ghz, 2gig of ram, 120gig HD, crappy integrated video card.

So far:

+ Extremly fast. Fastest OS I've seen so far.
+ Beautiful from installation to usage
+ All my programs are working fine
+ No driver issues
+ Did I say it was fast? Cause it is.

- I gotta get used to the new task bar haha, not really a con :P

At some point, something must have come from nothing...

...nothing can come from nothing...

jefforange89 said:
Truballa said:
Train wreck said:
I have Windows 7 Ultimate (which I got free) running on my Mac through Parallels. Its alright no big change from vista imo

you can run windows 7 on mac?????? dang im behind

Of course you cans, Macs use all the exact same hardware as any other computer.

Then how come someone would pay more for one?

@OP Win7 up and running. Best OS yet released.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


i got a free upgrade for my new vaio *hugs* playing aion on it.

it's not as fast a linux, but considering it's microsoft, we can't except miracles but it's what vista should have been in first place.

gaming wise, FPS are going up from vista but not by much.