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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Buy Xbox 360 HD-DVD, get 9 HD-DVDs for free!


You are correct, Paramount and Dreamworks recently became exclusive to HD-DVD.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

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dallas said:
I wouldn't. I've never heard of heroes so I could care less if I got a season's worth of episodes, and if I don't think that HD-DVD has any chance of surviving, the HD-DVDs are only useful as DVDs, which could be purchased for $10 a pop.

That's weird.  With a name like Dallas i'd assume you lived in the united states.  I've never seen an episode and people won't shut up about it.  It gets mentioned all over the place on media outlets and is likely the biggest show on TV at this point.

I'm surprised you could even frequent an interent forum without hearing about that show... and i mean it's even on a basic network.

Heroes was the #1 selling dvd on Amazon for quite some time. It will probably be one of the best selling DVD titles of the year. If you don't know this, you probably shouldn't be discussing DVD sales.

I got my HD-DVD player back in Sept. It came with 5 movies from a list, and I think it was still worth it. I also have Hot-Fuzz it's fantastic, and a copy of Transformers. Transformer > Spiderman 3 for me. Like some I'm buying newer movies for my player instead of buying all of my DVD's over. So if the format dies... which I really doubt. I'll still have my player and movies to enjoy.

dallas said:

I really haven't heard of Heroes until this thread. The thing of it is though is that if you are going to put out a free season of a series, it would be better it would be something that was on par with Seinfeld, whatever show that everybody watches. Or mabey that is an accurate description and I just work too much haw haw



Just because you haven't heard of the show don't assume it wasn't a popular show. Heroes was *the* most popular drama last year, even getting ahead of such shows as Lost, 24, and House. I'm actually very surprised you have never heard of it.

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And I do admit, this deal has me considering buying the HD-DVD addon more than ever before. I don't really care about those 5 movies from the list because frankly they are crap and I would only use them to sell (so I would probably get 2 movies I want from that) but the $35 gift card and the free Heroes season 1 (even though I already own it on DVD) is pretty enticing.

Sadly I just bought a condo, have to pay for painters, and there are games that are more important to me at the moment to worry about so I doubt I will be taking advantage of this deal. If this were last year though and I wasn't buying a home I would more than likely grudgingly take advantage of this though.

ripper said:
HMMMMM star wars in hd.... that would seal the deal for me!!! I would actually buy whatever platform i had too to watch my beloved star wars in hd.

i have never watched heroes, but i will now if i don't like it i will sell it, actually even if i do i will sell it

 It would have to depend on what version of Star Wars.  If it were the original remastered then yes, that would be enticing.  If it were the bullshit ones with the extra crap added in, no.

It is my understanding that HD-DVD is region free and that many "blu-ray exclusives" will be available on HD DVD in other regions not subject to "exclusivity". I'm assuming the same thing in reverse but I believe there are some (minimal) region controls on blu-ray. I doubt imports will ever be cost effective so that may not be an option, but the number of import titles not available in the U.S. is quite large...

Personally I would like to see every studio support both formats completely and let the merits of the hardware and the end users decide the winner. This won't happen, of course, because Sony won't be publishing outside of Blu ray and they have some pretty solid stuff in their library. It would push the next generation into users homes much quicker, though...

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

twesterm said:
ripper said:
HMMMMM star wars in hd.... that would seal the deal for me!!! I would actually buy whatever platform i had too to watch my beloved star wars in hd.

i have never watched heroes, but i will now if i don't like it i will sell it, actually even if i do i will sell it

It would have to depend on what version of Star Wars. If it were the original remastered then yes, that would be enticing. If it were the bullshit ones with the extra crap added in, no.

There's only one version of Star Wars that I love:

Three words describe it:


@ KN

That would be sweet - but more than likely, I will buy a PS3 one day soon. Right now, I can't justify paying that kind of money on something with just one game - F1 - that I am nuts about.

@Madskillz -- Love your avatar by the way. Question, where in the flyer are you seeing this offer. I've combed over the flyer repeatedly and can't find an HD offer of "get 7 movies" other than the once specifically attached to the Toshiba player. Is there something else? I see the Heroes specifically attached to the 360 HDDVD player but the 7 movies aren't mentioned anywhere that I can find... I'm in zip 78664 if you want to look at the flier for my area... Maybe it's different? I as going to print out the flier and go over and wheel n deal but I'm not seeing it.


I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.