Gesta Non Verba
Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:
Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099
Gesta Non Verba
Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:
Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099
Gesta Non Verba
Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:
Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099
@Louie Right now it is pretty difficult to download even DVD-movie. I'm using pretty comfortable 2Mbits adsl line and sorry 25 GB file is a way too much for me. I think downloadable content can't directly affect on HD market. Personally I buy only movies I really appreciate - I like an extra content, box and so on. I can download every movie right now without paying for it but I buy DVD's though.
@ gamingdevil I'm not saying PS3 and HDTV or any electronic stuff is for everyone right now. We don't have 2 billions PS2 units all over the world but "only" 100 millions because of reasons you've mentioned. If you find something not important for you - there is no problem - you just spent your money for something you care. All I'm saying technology is cheaper day after day. With such long race in mind you can't calculate only with today's criteria.
The only positive I've heard about the Wii's software architecture is from Majesco, who says it fits their budget games strategy perfectly. So in addition to Boogie, we can look forward to more Cooking Mama Cookoff. Square and Take Two aren't going to dumb down their games to suit Nintendo's needs. Granted, anyone using UE3 can probably make games cheaper on PS3/360 than they can on Wii. I'd take Sony's first/second party over Nintendo's in terms of sales. They need to find a way to replace the hit they took when Rare left, which didn't happen during the Cube's lifetime.