Trophies, better distinction between players.
Achievements and trophies make the games worth playing. Games without trophies IMO are not usually worth playing because you get nothing for wasting your time playing them.
Achievements are better IMO because they are original and Microsoft introduced them two years before the PS3 introduced them into games. Every XBox 360 game has achievements. You have to find a list on the PS3 games with trophies. Numerical gamer score looks better than different numbers of coloured trophies.
1000G = 1 platinum trophy. Platinum trophies are annoying because you have to spend hours and hours on that game to get all the trophies in a game before you obtain one Platinum trophy.
It is unlikely that developers would patch trophies into old PS3 games.
One isn't better than the other essentially there the same thing but personally I like achievements more because they load fast and comparing with your friends is easy but when I play I can care less about either but I know people do.
as stated in a previous thread....................
how is a plat any better than 1000 GS?
At the end of the day the game has been truly beaten wether you have a plat or 1000.
Someone mentioned to me that plats are better because the amount of plats you have shows how many games you have completed................. so whats 1000/1000? 1250/1250 or 200/200 then?
I'll tell you what it is, the bloody same.
I prefer achievements but thats probably cause thats what i got used to.
Long Live SHIO!
I dislike the simplicity of the achievements system. I feel no draw to have a high gamer score, whereas I _want_ platinum trophies (though I have zippo atm). If I know i'm likely to play a multiplatform game to its fullest I wouldn't even think of getting it for the X360 since I wouldn't want to waste the points.
I think they're both equally cool and pretty much do the same thing. They both put a number value on your gaming, they both reward you for what you do (albeit, it's a pretty meaningless reward except for the bragging rights), and they both are cool additions to gaming. However, the PS3's whole deal with the sync up thing is really annoying. I wish it would just sync itself and also update on the web site so my sigs are self sufficient.
Barozi said:
Not possible on the PS3 ? I would never do it, but I know it's possible on the 360.
OT: I still have the same opinion as I had 3 months ago |
+1 for 360 then! I'll need to check. When the firmware update hit I looked for a notification off setting but couldn't find one. Maybe I'll check the internet, it's sure to know.
EDIT : apparently you can't turn notification off, but it seems Heavy Rain may include a setting to delay them to prevent them intruding on the game. Hopefully that will expand to a general setting with a future firmware update.
Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...
Since trophies aren't in some of my PS3 games, I don't even bother with them. I love achievements, though. Even my kid is a trophy fiend. She has about 3000+ GS.