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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Problems NATAL Must Overcome to Find SUCCESS? (your list?)!

As far as hurdles, price is definitely an issue. But that can be overcome by having must have software. If you write it, they will come.

Software is the key and something that we have not seen what they have in store yet.

Latency will be down to 100ms by launch.

For a good read on Natal, look up the thread I created about the Digital Foundry article Digital Foundry vs Natal.

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Barozi said:
Why's your sig messed up in the OP darth ?
Sometimes I wonder if you do this on purpose

I have no clue lol

Whats would I gain by doing it on purpose, unless your telling me warping your sig in the OP can make you get DOUBLE VG$ for that thread?!!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Fair enough, JaggedSac, so you don't think it will be a big problem?

Sony will be marketing the PS eye like its a natal device before natal even comes along. M$really should watch out for that more then anything and sony should do it to steal natals thunder

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Star Scream said:
Fair enough, JaggedSac, so you don't think will be a big problem?

I sure hope not.  Otherwise that would be the biggest f'up in the history of electronic devices.  MS is racist headlines all over.  1000 times greater than the uproar that happened when that NIR stuff was first brought up.  I doubt even MS would be dumb enough to release a product with a problem that incredibly huge.

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Funny thing is, it wouldn't really be MS' fault, but more of a tech limitation.

Entering it's 4th year, try 6th!


Serious_frusting said:
Sony will be marketing the PS eye like its a natal device before natal even comes along. M$really should watch out for that more then anything and sony should do it to steal natals thunder

WIth regard to $ony's PS Eye stealing Natal's thunder, I haven't seen anything approaching compelling from the PS Eye Camp, and they are running out of time to affect a holiday 2010 launch, let alone something which could counteract the positive press on Natal thus far.

Keeping it real: PS Eye's been around for a long time already and $ony haven't been able to make it work well enough that PS2/3 owners (or, more importantly, developers) look at it as anything other than a curiosity.

That monkey pet thing they've got looks like the only real attempt to leverage it at all, lately.

In order for $ony to use the PS Eye to steal Microsoft's Thunder, they'd have to decide to actually *do something*, and that that something can't suck.  Monket Pet aside, I don't see anything of the sort on the horizon... personally.

$ony has the advantage - if they release Monkey Pet and it is fantastic, and they have four or five other compelling titles, it could make a case to consumers that Natal isn't that big of a deal.  If Monkey Pet faceplants, or if it's the only compelling thing shipping next year, then they have a much more tenuous opportunity to make a case that the Eye is relevant, let alone a competitor to Natal.


Natal... interesting concept hope they can pull it off.

What happens when there's lots of people moving in front of you or you live in a dark place with dark coloured walls etc...and you're black

i will be buying it definately as they are trying to redefine gaming and i have not experiened the wii at all. and if i am going to waggle. its gonna be with a good game with nice graphic fidelity. not with miis!