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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Where will Kingdom Hearts 3 eventually land?

I still think the game will be PS3 only. The wii will have a KH game but it wont be KH3. (the wii title will be a side story). I say this because, all PlayStation Kingdom Hearts games had a special movie at the end showing the next "MAIN" HK title. All the games showed in those movies arrived ALWAYS to PS consoles.

So, considering Nomura already said that Birth by Sleep will have a secret movie at the end, the most logical thing is to expect that game on a PS console. Also Birth by Sleep a year ago was expected to arrive A LOT sooner, but it hasnt. I think that is because they are planning some sort of PS3-PSP connectivity with KH3 and Birth by sleep.

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I think it will be on the PS3 on or after the Wii maybe even PS3 exclusive


Disney is a main backer of Blu-Ray and a

kingdom hearts movie+game combo would do very well in japan


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Like i said years ago it will land on the PS3.

FF is going to be on the PS3.

FF is what sells Kingdom hearts not the disney people so much.

So it would be a good idea to put it on the 360 and PS3 or ps3 exclusive. Thats the console it would sell the most on

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Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Serious_frusting said:
Like i said years ago it will land on the PS3.

FF is going to be on the PS3.

FF is what sells Kingdom hearts not the disney people so much.

So it would be a good idea to put it on the 360 and PS3 or ps3 exclusive. Thats the console it would sell the most on

I agree but Disney movies sell very well, and a Kingdom heart's movie I think would do very well as an incentive to buy the game.

In my opinion Kingdom hearts story line is one of the main point's of the fanfare of the game, so it's just a good idea to have the movie expand on that .


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

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Orca_Azure said:
It'll probably be a multiplat for all 3 systems with each version getting its own unique world to visit.

^ This!

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Serious_frusting said:
Like i said years ago it will land on the PS3.

FF is going to be on the PS3.

FF is what sells Kingdom hearts not the disney people so much.

So it would be a good idea to put it on the 360 and PS3 or ps3 exclusive. Thats the console it would sell the most on

I've heard this argument before, but i have a very, very hard time believing it. If the FF people were what sold the game, why in the hell would they bother with all that Disney at all? Far less licensing costs and more creative freedom.


And even if they hadn't, this would be disney's chance to make them make a game that's more about their characters, and not just Nomura's creations.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

It should be multi-plat though, that would be the best solution.
And @ "FF is what sells Kingdom hearts not the disney people so much"

I think the Disney worlds is what sold me :P. Going to Olympus, Agrabah, Neverland, and all those awesome places was probably what brought it to my attention in the first place. I think the only FF game I played at the time was FFX, wait I take that back, Kingdom Hearts and Tekken 4 were my first two PS2 games. I was only in 5th grade when I got the system so I was fairly young.

I think for older gamers the FF aspect is what drew them, but the majority of Kingdom Hearts fans were probably in Elementary or Junior High IMO. I just hope they don't add new worlds like Hannah Montana or some crap like that. Because the fans are not in elementary school anymore.

You Guys know that BOTH Square and Disney own the IP right?

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"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi

BTW it depends on how the following Games do.

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and FFVSXIII

PS360: Final Fantasy XIII

Wii: Crystal Chronicles

It all depends on how well those games do. If the PS3 version of XIII and VSXIII do well but not the 360 version we could see it end up being an exclusive for Sony. If FFXIII does well on BOTH consoles we can see it land on PS360. And if the Wii's Crystal Chronicles flops then you can expect Square to just skip that platform entirely however if it does better than FFXIII then expect it to land there.

Black Women Are The Most Beautiful Women On The Planet.

"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi