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It should be multi-plat though, that would be the best solution.
And @ "FF is what sells Kingdom hearts not the disney people so much"

I think the Disney worlds is what sold me :P. Going to Olympus, Agrabah, Neverland, and all those awesome places was probably what brought it to my attention in the first place. I think the only FF game I played at the time was FFX, wait I take that back, Kingdom Hearts and Tekken 4 were my first two PS2 games. I was only in 5th grade when I got the system so I was fairly young.

I think for older gamers the FF aspect is what drew them, but the majority of Kingdom Hearts fans were probably in Elementary or Junior High IMO. I just hope they don't add new worlds like Hannah Montana or some crap like that. Because the fans are not in elementary school anymore.