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Forums - Website Topics - Two new mods / news writers

ioi said:
Nobody is "pro-everything", that is the problem. I'd like to see more PS3 and 360 stories on the front page - Halo 3, sales increase in Europe etc. I am looking more for the writing side than the moderating side.

Yeah, you need somebody more pro PS3 as a mod on this site. They will be a good news writer I think, because they enjoy it.

I pick Leo-J as a mod  

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Ok, now I have a question.

How did BlindSight become a mod?



what happened to ckmlb?


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And I Pick Oona76 (previously Wiigirl76) as a news writer/mod too. She speaks Japanese, maybe she can give us news directly from Famitsu/Japan

(@Oona: hint...hint......)

We were being sarastic soriku... me konichhwaa and monatana even thought you killed him for supporting the ps3.. lol

A simple joke that is all.

He is OK, his PC IS BROKEN, but we talk on the PS3 al tha time :D



Rofl 269 persons are banned.

ioi said:
Also, whilst we're at it has everyone checked out the forum rules?

Everything should be black and white.

Yep read everything but do we have to report mods or send a mail to a mod about a mod his behave?

 @Soriku: Ioi was talking about blindsight (I think).

@konnichiwa, why would they have a different set of rules?