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Forums - PC Discussion - When will pc graphics start to really outpace console (this gen) graphics?

ssj12 said:
Mummelmann said:
Ah, the Crysis card. Cryengine 3 on consoles looks even better than Cryengine 2 on PC so that argument will soon be rendered invalid at any rate. Or are people assuming that no games on consoles will look better than they do right now?
The PC is superior, no doubt, but the games do not reflect it to the degree one would think and I think that that's the point the OP was trying to make.

I have a very odd feeling that CryEngine 3 on consoles is missing some level of effects, HDR maybe? But still CryEngine 3 will look 1000% better on PC since it wil take advantage of Shader Module 5 and all the DX11 features.

You think they left out HDR for console CryEngine 3 - the best single addition to graphics this gen? No way.

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It already outpaces consoles in graphics.

It already does, since the GTX 8800 was released back in 2006. Better graphics, better framerate and better resolution.






Domicinator said:
The PC has always been able to outpace the consoles. The screenshots of Crysis that shio posted don't even do it justice. It's an amazing looking game. That being said---

The days of PC exclusive games like Crysis are over, and that very game is a good example of why. At the time of its release, I was still a PC-only gamer. Crysis was being hyped up as the next greatest thing in PC gaming. It was a shining gem among a whole bunch of other PC games that were just ports from the Xbox 360. It was something that only PC gamers could have.

Actually, I doubt most multiplatform games are ported from Xbox 360 to PC, rather it's probably the other way around because it's easiest to develop a game on PC, then port to consoles. Capcom, for example, develop their multiplats on PC, then port to consoles.

But then the game came out and nobody bought it. Not only that, but it wasn't very good. The graphics were amazing. They ran like a slideshow even on the latest and greatest video cards, but they still looked good. But even Crytek admitted the game was only about 3/4 polished when they released it due to pressure to release. That was about the time when I started looking around me and noticing that every game I could play on the PC was available on the consoles. And before you say, "Yeah, but PCs get better graphics than the consoles, even though it's all the same games." Yeah----not so much these days.

I thought Crysis was the best FPS in 2007. The gameplay is what I loved the most on the game.

Developers don't really bother to do anything special for the PC anymore. The first thing that started to bother me about PC gaming was that there were very few exclusives anymore. The second thing was that a lot of the multiplat stuff (especially if was made with Unreal Engine 3) looked like it was just an afterthought for the PC. No anti-aliasing on Rainbow Six Vegas? Puh-lease. Don't tell me my $2,000 gaming rig couldn't have handled removing the jaggies from that game. Ridiculous.

Now that's stupid. Sure, almost no PC developer focuses on graphics, but they concentrate on gameplay (which is by far the most important part of games).

And you are spreading lies if you think PC has almost no exclusives. There are far more PC games being developed than all consoles games combined! With the rise of the indie scene, and less focus on graphics, PC Game Studios are now making better and more awesome PC games than ever. You only need to look at the amazing 2010 lineup of PC Gaming (best lineup ever!).

There are no longer $2000 PCs, LOL. You are 10 years behind if you think otherwise. In fact, a built $400 PC can easily play Crysis on High Settings, far better than consoles ever could.

Anyway, I started to realize that if I'm going to play all the same games, and they're not going to look any better on the PC, why not just get a console and play stuff on my couch? I already had an HDTV, so I didn't even need to consider that as an extra expense. I have paid less for my PS3 and 360 combined than I did for my last graphics card!!! (Yep, that was the price of the 8800GTS on launch day.) The only thing I felt was lacking on the consoles was playing shooters with a controller..........until I played Killzone 2, that is. The controls on that game felt like it belonged on consoles, and I finally realized that I can get pretty much whatever I need on consoles. I will never buy a gaming card for a PC again.

How about getting a PC and play stuff on your couch?! You know you can play PC games with a gamepad or a lapboard, right?!


BxN said:
The thing is, people always state Crysis to show how great the glorious PC graphics are, but when you think of it, Crysis is the only game that really outmatches the consoles graphics. There's very little multiplatform games that look significantly better on PC than on PS360, and I'm sorry but I've never seen a pc game (not called Crysis) that looked better than Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2.

Then you haven't seen anything of PC gaming. Just look at Empire: Total War, Dawn of War 2, Crysis Warhead, Stalker, Stalker Clear Sky, etc...

Also, 99% of multiplats look better on PC, FACT. Hell, just look at Assassin's Creed and Mirror's Edge, which look WAY BETTER on PC than on consoles.

KillerMan said:
BxN said:
The thing is, people always state Crysis to show how great the glorious PC graphics are, but when you think of it, Crysis is the only game that really outmatches the consoles graphics. There's very little multiplatform games that look significantly better on PC than on PS360, and I'm sorry but I've never seen a pc game (not called Crysis) that looked better than Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2.

Reason for that is that PC versions are almost always ports from console versions so games are made with consoles limitations and then ported to PC. (saddest example is GTA IV)

Dude, the console versions of GTA IV are around the LOW SETTINGS of the PC version. Even Rockstar themselves said it.

BxN said:
The thing is, people always state Crysis to show how great the glorious PC graphics are, but when you think of it, Crysis is the only game that really outmatches the consoles graphics. There's very little multiplatform games that look significantly better on PC than on PS360, and I'm sorry but I've never seen a pc game (not called Crysis) that looked better than Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2.

There's no game announced yet but I believe in 2011 we'll see PC exclusives that significantly outpace console grafix.

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I have batman:aa,nfs:shift and re5 for pc they all look better then the console versions

ssj12 said:
Barozi said:
ouch posting Crysis mod pics = fail

The consoles gain more ground after every generation. Last gen the difference between consoles and PC was huge and now in the present the only differences are resolution and AA.

Crysis is so far the only game that really outshines every console game in terms of graphics. Last gen there were tons of them.

lawl? the current generation of consoles can barely handle HDR lighting, how are they even close to eachother?

HDR is not the second coming of Christ....

And as you already said. There are console games which use HDR.

It should come with games that take full advantage of DX11 (on PCs with new DX11 cards naturally).

As it's been mentioned, we haven't actually heard any of these being announced that absolutely sell DX11 VGA cards, but wait and see.

As it was, DX10 was largely a disappointment for many with most opting to stay with Windows XP/DX9 due to the lack of clear advantages.

Xbox 360 is essentially DX9, so the main advantages to going with the PC build are increased resolution and smoother frame rates, which, depending on the display you happen to be playing on, how close you sit and how good your eyesight is, and how good your VGA card is, is worth the additional hassles associated with PC gaming.

Slimebeast said:
Mummelmann said:
Ah, the Crysis card. Cryengine 3 on consoles looks even better than Cryengine 2 on PC so that argument will soon be rendered invalid at any rate. Or are people assuming that no games on consoles will look better than they do right now?
The PC is superior, no doubt, but the games do not reflect it to the degree one would think and I think that that's the point the OP was trying to make.


CryEngine 3 on consoles looks incredible. There's not a significant difference to how Crysis on highest settings look.

Those pics are around the Medium Settings of Crysis 1. That's not close to High, and nowhere near Very High settings...

shio said:
KillerMan said:
BxN said:
The thing is, people always state Crysis to show how great the glorious PC graphics are, but when you think of it, Crysis is the only game that really outmatches the consoles graphics. There's very little multiplatform games that look significantly better on PC than on PS360, and I'm sorry but I've never seen a pc game (not called Crysis) that looked better than Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2.

Reason for that is that PC versions are almost always ports from console versions so games are made with consoles limitations and then ported to PC. (saddest example is GTA IV)

Dude, the console versions of GTA IV are around the LOW SETTINGS of the PC version. Even Rockstar themselves said it.

BxN said:
The thing is, people always state Crysis to show how great the glorious PC graphics are, but when you think of it, Crysis is the only game that really outmatches the consoles graphics. There's very little multiplatform games that look significantly better on PC than on PS360, and I'm sorry but I've never seen a pc game (not called Crysis) that looked better than Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2.

PC version of GTA IV is very poorly optimized and developed. You need quad core processor, over 2gb RAM and new DX10 graphics card to run it decently. At the beginning game also had so many bugs and glitches that is was almost unplayable. Rockstar made very lazy port.