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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

BladeOfGod said:
Kenryoku_Maxis said:
BladeOfGod said:
Kenryoku_Maxis said:

No I am not.  I am saying that reviewers and game developers have been using the negative, 'Nintendo is casual crap' mentality that the internet has been pushing since the middle of the GameCubes life cycle.  And it just gets more intense (and more obvious) every year as Nintendo continues to grow more and more dominant in sales.

In other words, outbursts like this are just going to become more prominant as Reviewers have no more material to use against the Wii except 'lol no games' and 'dur Gamecube 2.0'.  Reviewers are finding they have less and less impact this generation, except on people who want to fight over which is better, Halo 3 or Killzone 2

what are you talking about??? Reviewers are not biased agianst the wii. 2nd best ranked game this generation is Super Mario Galaxy. Those people you are refering to are not rewievrs and developers, they are typical fanboys and haters.

And after that one game.....?

Yeah.  Aside from Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy, reviewers across the board are panning the Wii as an 'inferior and obsolete toy'.  One game getting a high score doesn't make all their critisisms and jabs at the Wii go away.  Just like last gen with the GameCube.  Just because Resident Evil 4 got high scores, it doesn't mean they thought highly of the GameCube itself.


Well, none of PS360 exclusive game got that high score ( except Unchrated 2 but its only based on 5 reviews)


And after that one game:

Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess (higher score than Halo 3 and Killzone 2 ) (2007)

World Of Goo (same score as Halo 3) (2008) THRID PARTY

SSBB (2008)

Rock Band 2 (2008) THRID PARTY

Metriod Prime Triology (2009)

RE4 Wii edition (2007) THRID PARTY

Beatles: The Rock Band (2009)THRID PARTY

Guitar Hero 5 (2009) THRID PARTY

Okami (2008) THRID PARTY

Metriod Prime 3 (2007)

Tigger Woods 10 (2009) THRID PARTY

Zack & Wicki (2007) THRID PARTY

Little King's Story (2009) THRID PARTY

Bomberman Blast (2008) THRID PARTY

Boom Blox Blash Party (2009) THRID PARTY

Punch-Out!!! (2009)

Guitar Hero World Tour (2008) THRID PARTY

Gutar Hero 3 (2007) THRID PARTY

Tetris Party (2008) THRID PARTY

MaBoShi: The Three Shape Arcade (2008) THRID PARTY

Super Paper Mario (2007)

Guitar Hero Metalica (2009) THRID PARTY

Boom Blox (2008) THRID PARTY


Those are all Wii games above 85 on metacritic, so how can reviewers and thrid üarty developers be biased agianst the wii?


Blade of God is making a good point here. The average Wii game score isn't that far off the average HD game score. The genres tend to differ slightly though, as there seem to be less traditional games getting high scores (bar the Nintendo games, & RE4), and more casual style games.

I find that as someone that prefers traditional style games the Wii gets less and less playtime as most games released just aren't in the genre's I'm interested in. In fact, I've probably only spent less than 150 hours total playing on Wii. I've clocked more than that on Oblivion on PC alone. Even my 360 that I've only had for under a month is quickly catching up (had Wii for about 2.5 yrs).

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BladeOfGod said:

Well, none of PS360 exclusive game got that high score ( except Unchrated 2 but its only based on 5 reviews)


And after that one game:

Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess (higher score than Halo 3 and Killzone 2 ) (2007)

World Of Goo (same score as Halo 3) (2008) THRID PARTY

SSBB (2008)

Rock Band 2 (2008) THRID PARTY

Metriod Prime Triology (2009)

RE4 Wii edition (2007) THRID PARTY

Beatles: The Rock Band (2009)THRID PARTY

Guitar Hero 5 (2009) THRID PARTY

Okami (2008) THRID PARTY

Metriod Prime 3 (2007)

Tigger Woods 10 (2009) THRID PARTY

Zack & Wicki (2007) THRID PARTY

Little King's Story (2009) THRID PARTY

Bomberman Blast (2008) THRID PARTY

Boom Blox Blash Party (2009) THRID PARTY

Punch-Out!!! (2009)

Guitar Hero World Tour (2008) THRID PARTY

Gutar Hero 3 (2007) THRID PARTY

Tetris Party (2008) THRID PARTY

MaBoShi: The Three Shape Arcade (2008) THRID PARTY

Super Paper Mario (2007)

Guitar Hero Metalica (2009) THRID PARTY

Boom Blox (2008) THRID PARTY


Those are all Wii games above 85 on metacritic, so how can reviewers and thrid üarty developers be biased agianst the wii?


1. Because as people love to point out, there's a lot more games with higher scores on the HD systems.

2. A lot of games with 'high scores' are PS2 ports everyone already liked (Okami), multi-platform games (Rock Band), GC ports (RE4Wii) or even WiiWare and Virtual Console titles (World of Goo).  When it comes to the standard 'Wii' game, reviewers look at it as a lesser product.  Which brings me to the last point.

3. Just read the reviews.  Beyond the countless examples of reviewers poking fun at Wii hardware or making comments at how the game isn't as good as 'X' past Nintendo title or whatnot, Wii games get extra securitization that other games don't.  Namely, the reviewers have this extra category of 'innovation' they've made up for Wii titles, placing their own measure of what a game should or should not do in the way of using the Wiimote, altering gameplay compared to other games, etc.  And if they 'feel' it isn't in the perfect balance, they downscore the game, crying foul in the form of 'lack of innovation' or 'too much innovation'.  But where's this magical category in regards to all the other systems?   

But most importantly, what hurts Wii games is their games get compared to the HD games, even though their graphics and gameplay aren't trying to do the same thing.  And if every reviewer is going to just go into a review thinking 'how is this game going to compare to Fallout3/MGSIV/Assassins Creed/etc'...of course games are going to get an overall lower score than the HD counterparts.  Especially the games that don't come from major studios like EA or Capcom or Nintendo themselves (and most of those games get weak reviews with terrible scores).  This is what has been making review sites stupid for the last 10 years.  Its a clear bias when last gen PS2 games could get 9.8 scores with near perfect scores for graphics, but now Wii games keep getting downscored on things such as graphics and 'presentation'.  With sites constantly complaining about the system not being 'crisp' enough or 'doing silly tricks to hide the Wiis blemishes'.  But these are the same 'tricks' the PS2 did last gen and got huge awards in graphics for it, like in games such as Shadow of the Colossus and God of War.  Reviewers need to stop comparing Wii games to the HD systems and just compare Wii games to other Wii games.

Six upcoming games you should look into:



I can juat say one thing abolt this article ... here it goes ...


Yeah good games on the wii , every single time a look at a article like this , i even read it anymore , what is Murumasa ? Mad World ? The conduit ? just to name a few someone made a huge list above , take a read , and besides this there is a huge number of GOOD game like Rune factory , and many many others like Boom Bloox those are not EPICs like Tales or Zelda but thery are very good games thay i had played a lot ...and with Monster hunter 3 ?(i own a japanse version of the game) Its just AMAZING ... i dont know how much M$ and Sony pays for a article like this , but well , this changes nothing the games are there and still coming (OMG S&P 2 ON THE WAY) and the game still here (Little King story anyone ?) ...the real question for me is "WHAT A 360 OR A PS3 CAN OFFER ME IF I DONT LIKE SHOOTERS OR RACING GAMES ? Than I CAN GET ON THE Wii ?


A patriot to the end. GO PATS!

Now playing> THE LAST STORY (Wii) Best RPG I EVER PLAYED. *-*

Nintendo could u please just take my money and give me back my 3DS?!

selnor said:
To be honest I TOTALLY agree with the article. I can see how anyone can honestly say they cant.

I was a HUGE Nintendo fanboy. I mean huge. I owned every Nintendo system up to the wii. The Snes is my all time fave console.

I'll be honest, even Nintendos core games like Mario and Mario Kart, MP etc have all got IMO worse this gen. MKwii is the WORST mario kart game ever made. There is no longer any skill in that game.

There is so much rubbish on the Wii and VERY little to cater at all for a hardcore Nintendo fan of old that it saddens me seeing the games lineup in stores everytime I go in. I would own 3 games on the Wii. Thats it. I would also dodge some first party titles they have totally dumbed down and ruined for the sake of casuals.

Great article.

I don't get this...
I think almost everything about the Wii is an improvement over the GameCube. 


I never owned a GC, so the backwards-compatibility of the Wii is a plus for me... but so far the only GC game I've purchased is Mario Sunshine, because most GC games have superior versions on the Wii. 
Mario Strikers Charged > Mario Strikers
Mario Galaxy > Mario Sunshine (although I own both)
MarioKart Wii > Doubledash
Brawl > Melee
Prime trilogy > Prime 1 and 2

etc etc.

I do want to pick up Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes for GC though.  One of these days...

max power said:
selnor said:
To be honest I TOTALLY agree with the article. I can see how anyone can honestly say they cant.

I was a HUGE Nintendo fanboy. I mean huge. I owned every Nintendo system up to the wii. The Snes is my all time fave console.

I'll be honest, even Nintendos core games like Mario and Mario Kart, MP etc have all got IMO worse this gen. MKwii is the WORST mario kart game ever made. There is no longer any skill in that game.

There is so much rubbish on the Wii and VERY little to cater at all for a hardcore Nintendo fan of old that it saddens me seeing the games lineup in stores everytime I go in. I would own 3 games on the Wii. Thats it. I would also dodge some first party titles they have totally dumbed down and ruined for the sake of casuals.

Great article.

I don't get this...
I think almost everything about the Wii is an improvement over the GameCube. 


I never owned a GC, so the backwards-compatibility of the Wii is a plus for me... but so far the only GC game I've purchased is Mario Sunshine, because most GC games have superior versions on the Wii. 
Mario Strikers Charged > Mario Strikers
Mario Galaxy > Mario Sunshine (although I own both)
MarioKart Wii > Doubledash
Brawl > Melee
Prime trilogy > Prime 1 and 2

etc etc.

I do want to pick up Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes for GC though.  One of these days...

Maybe I should be more clear. GC was the beginning of the downfall. Mario Strikers/Charged? The ? there is for not for me. Double Dash was a better game than MKWII, MK64 owneed both of them. Melee was better imo. Brawl is massively overated. I dont like any new MP. The Snes games were so much better. The N64 games were so damn good from, Nintendo that GC and Wii versions pale in comparison. When I said I was a hardcore fan I meant a long serving Nintendo owner. Since the Nes. Rareware's Snes and N64 games were better than anything on the Wii. Look at Starfox on GC, they completely ruined it. Lylat Wars ( Starfox 64 ) was amazing.

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^ Losing Rare was indeed a huge blow for Nintendo.

It wouldn't have hurt them to have a studio that could push the Wii to it's limits this gen.


Gnizmo said:
selnor said:

I have actually lived in a household whichhas one for the last 6 months. Long story recession.

Anyway, MKWii has been dumbed down alot. I played MK64 non stop for 2 years. Major multiplayer. That game is infinately better and much more skilled.

I like Galaxy, TP and The Conduit. But from what Ive played and watched over the last 6 months, it has completely put me off one. I love my Mario games and any Nintendo first party franchise to be honest. But the newer versions just dont have that Nintendo magic that made them so amazing. It just feels like they are cashing in now. Something I never thought Nintendo would do to it's core audience. Believe me, it hurts to say it. They are the only company I have ever been a true gaming fanboy of EVER. But in reality I really am disapointed.

Interesting back pedaling here. From "There is no longer any skill in that game," to "[MK64 requires] much more [skill]." You also have not explained which games it is you feel were dumbed down. Metroid Prime 3 is just the same as ever. Metroid Prime 1+2 were ported over as well for new controls. Mario Party 8 is pretty "casual" but is that new? Punch-out is the same rote memorization it has always been. Fire Emblem is still ridiculously hardcore. SSBB continues to walk that fine line between casual party game, and deep fighter.

Which games exactly have been dumbed down? Since you have seen, and played so much over the last few months I am certain you won't have trouble citing examples right?

Edit: Also include exactly why MKWii is so much less skilled now if you wouldn't mind. I have played the game just as long, and do not know what you are talking about. The only major difference is the removal of snaking. All this does is re-emphasise the importance of track knowledge. Other than that there is a stat system, and a whole new class of car to consider which seems like it would take more skill to truly dominate.

Ok I wasn't back pedalling, but maybe I should say that Ninbtendo first Party was in decline in the GC days. That hasn't helped. Not a fan in anyway of MP games. I would rather complete the nes and snes versions again. The N64 Nintendo titles absolutely destroy the GC and Wii First party games. Mario 64 is still esily imo the best 3d platformer ever. OOT is the best Zelda ( although TP is good ). MKWii. Where to start. MK games have always had catch up for players at the back. But on the Wii this is rediculous. The game basically may as well drive for you at the back. Jumping was a major part of MK64, and from this came a multitude of skills that lead to winning or not. The tracks leant themselves to be designed towards skillful play. The MKWii tracks ( and DD as well ) track design is majorly lacks. The whole game feels overly cutesy and made to cater so everyone can play. I played against a 6 year old for about 2 hours. Randomly nearly a half a lap up you can see the game giving the last player a massive boost. Massively unbalanced. It's to make the casuals continuing to play. It's frustrating and concerning.

But this is my feeling. I was lucky enough to grow up in Nintendo's truly best days. I remember getting my first Nes, then trading it for the Snes. Finally before my Dad bought me an N64. Those were the best gaming years Ive ever experienced.

MKWii is good but massively disappointing because they ruined the battle mode from mk64. I must have spent days and days playing 4 player mk64 battle mode with friends. I hardly even played normal races.

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selnor said:

Ok I wasn't back pedalling, but maybe I should say that Ninbtendo first Party was in decline in the GC days. That hasn't helped. Not a fan in anyway of MP games. I would rather complete the nes and snes versions again. The N64 Nintendo titles absolutely destroy the GC and Wii First party games. Mario 64 is still esily imo the best 3d platformer ever. OOT is the best Zelda ( although TP is good ). MKWii. Where to start. MK games have always had catch up for players at the back. But on the Wii this is rediculous. The game basically may as well drive for you at the back. Jumping was a major part of MK64, and from this came a multitude of skills that lead to winning or not. The tracks leant themselves to be designed towards skillful play. The MKWii tracks ( and DD as well ) track design is majorly lacks. The whole game feels overly cutesy and made to cater so everyone can play. I played against a 6 year old for about 2 hours. Randomly nearly a half a lap up you can see the game giving the last player a massive boost. Massively unbalanced. It's to make the casuals continuing to play. It's frustrating and concerning.

But this is my feeling. I was lucky enough to grow up in Nintendo's truly best days. I remember getting my first Nes, then trading it for the Snes. Finally before my Dad bought me an N64. Those were the best gaming years Ive ever experienced.

Man, that is an extremely long winded way to say "I can't back up my point with any concrete examples." Should have saved yourself some time and typed that instead. Mario Kart has always rewarded people in last place with better items. Always. If you are better than your opponents though it won't matter. I can get slammed with 3 blue shells in a single lap and still maintain first place against my friends. You over look tricking, wheelies, drafting, and the new power slide tricks as which add to the skill required. On top of that you have character stats that change the game slightly from person to person.

I grew up with the NES and on as well. I am not blinded by a lot of nostalgia though. Many of the early NES games are damn near unplayable by modern standards. Of course it is mildly contradictory that you praise OoT so much considering how much easier (or casual as you seem to say) the game was compared to previous iterations. It had been "dumbed down" a lot compared to just the SNES game let alone the NES versions.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
selnor said:

Ok I wasn't back pedalling, but maybe I should say that Ninbtendo first Party was in decline in the GC days. That hasn't helped. Not a fan in anyway of MP games. I would rather complete the nes and snes versions again. The N64 Nintendo titles absolutely destroy the GC and Wii First party games. Mario 64 is still esily imo the best 3d platformer ever. OOT is the best Zelda ( although TP is good ). MKWii. Where to start. MK games have always had catch up for players at the back. But on the Wii this is rediculous. The game basically may as well drive for you at the back. Jumping was a major part of MK64, and from this came a multitude of skills that lead to winning or not. The tracks leant themselves to be designed towards skillful play. The MKWii tracks ( and DD as well ) track design is majorly lacks. The whole game feels overly cutesy and made to cater so everyone can play. I played against a 6 year old for about 2 hours. Randomly nearly a half a lap up you can see the game giving the last player a massive boost. Massively unbalanced. It's to make the casuals continuing to play. It's frustrating and concerning.

But this is my feeling. I was lucky enough to grow up in Nintendo's truly best days. I remember getting my first Nes, then trading it for the Snes. Finally before my Dad bought me an N64. Those were the best gaming years Ive ever experienced.

Man, that is an extremely long winded way to say "I can't back up my point with any concrete examples." Should have saved yourself some time and typed that instead. Mario Kart has always rewarded people in last place with better items. Always. If you are better than your opponents though it won't matter. I can get slammed with 3 blue shells in a single lap and still maintain first place against my friends. You over look tricking, wheelies, drafting, and the new power slide tricks as which add to the skill required. On top of that you have character stats that change the game slightly from person to person.

I grew up with the NES and on as well. I am not blinded by a lot of nostalgia though. Many of the early NES games are damn near unplayable by modern standards. Of course it is mildly contradictory that you praise OoT so much considering how much easier (or casual as you seem to say) the game was compared to previous iterations. It had been "dumbed down" a lot compared to just the SNES game let alone the NES versions.

Zelda 3 as NOT complex at all. Niether was the first one. OOT was much more complex. The 2nd one with it's 2d side segments was the only complex part of any of the first 3.

I guess my opinion is different to yours. I can see exactly what the IGN article means. I know MK has always had rewards for people in last place. But nowhere near the rediculousness that is MKWii.

And also you cannot have concrete evidence to opinion. Yours is opinion just as much as mine as is IGN's. So no I didnt waste time at all, I'm sorry my opinion is what you wanted, but it's how I feel about Ninty letting me down.