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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

BladeOfGod said:
SosusOCR said:
1200p|is|FullHD said:
I agree with everything written in the blog ( except megaman 3 being the best game ever ).

in the past years, i played about 4 hours of Guitar hero 3, 1 hour Wii Play and maybe 2 hours Zelda.
and i palyed thorugh rebel strike ( a GC game ).

I'm a hardcore gamer and nintendo fan, i bought the wii month 1, but I played it < 10 hours in 365 days.

After the Gamecube gen where I always sneaking a peek at the PS2 library, all the games I couldn't play, I thought that this gen, I bet on the right horse.
But Nintendo doesnt give a shit about those who saved their ass when they produced a pure failure console, the people who made them survive despite ridiculous business decisions in the 5th and 6th gen ( cartridges anyone ? ).

Ok, so the Wii has 8 year old hardware, Im fine with that by now. But I havent bough a game since mario kart, and that is for a reason.

A lot has to happen to convince me to ever buy a product of this company.

And it was just a matter of time since sth like this is being posted on a big website. its a logical consequence

Yeah Nintendo owes people like you for nearly sinking the company. Each new gen you might notice how Nintendo sold less and less consoles by trying to match the other guys to the point were the Gamecube came in last. Nintendo needed to do something different in order to not become the next Sega and now we have the highly successful Wii.


Get over yourself, Nintendo owes you and people like you nothing

so you'd rather see Nintendo leading in sales than Nintendo giving you their awesome classic hardcore games you want to play? Ok than

Reviewers and internet forum goers whining about the Wii with catch phrases such as 'Wii has no games' or claiming 'Mario Galaxy is the only good thing on the system' isn't going to help the Wii get good games.  If more people would have shown support for the system early on, like when the Wii was coming out, perhaps third parties would have cared to show it more support.  Its only after the Wii became #1 in sales that anyone gave it a second look.

Also Nintendo pretty much has done 10x better this gen at giving us their 'classic' games than on the GameCube.  And all they need is to throw out Star Fox and F-Zero and they'll have already tied N64 in content.  In less than 4 years.  I don't see where people can keep complaining Nintendo isn't catering to the classic or 'hardcore' fans.

Six upcoming games you should look into:



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The guy doesnt like what the wii has offered him. So what? Youre not going to convince him or other people who dont like it. Just go play your wii games instead of trying to argue or justify your personal defense of the wii.

This reminds of of Kings of Leon. I just saw them for the second time in detroit and people started walking out early after "Use Somebody" the lead singer got pissed and asked if they all wanted to hear sex on fire again. I think the guys point about the market being there in 5 years is accurate.

Its just 2 different ways of doing business, the problem nintendo will face is like that of Kings of Leon. If they want to keep the huge base that helped them turn the corner theyre going to push away the base that has perhaps more dedication to the overal picture. A band like Pearl jam may not top billboard charts ever again, but theres a reason they still sell out every arena they play, theyve given the hardcore base a reason to stay there.

In videogames its a bit different as the line between art and sales is more blurred than ever. Nintendo has always made money, but bottom lines are growing increasingly important and Nintendo seems to have figured it out.

They can still release a zelda every 2 or three years a great mario titles once or twice every 2 years and an obscure madworld or LKS every no and then to satisfy the loyal "gamer" but the oodles of sales from wii-fit, shovelware, party games will ensure a growing base of people who never would buy a game console in the past.

For some of us, a zelda every 3 years and a mario game even once a year isnt enough. Thats just how some of us feel.

Words Of Wisdom said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Mega Man 3 was really good, but the best part about the game was that it had the bosses from Mega Man 2 in it, because Mega Man 2 had better bosses. MM2 also had better music, level design, and weapons, and was by far the better game. MM3 is just such a weird choice for best game of all time. It's really really good, but claiming it's the best game of all time is like saying the same thing for Mario Sunshine while Mario 64 is standing right next to it looking at you all sad. If you're going to be all retro platformer about it, you could at least pick MM2, or SMB3, or DKC, or even Sonic 2.

What a wacko.

Snake Man and Gemini Man > MM2's entire line-up.

Wow, I didn't expect to get into a fight this fast.  But those are some fightin' words right there.

Those guys are pretty badass, but you really think they could fuck with Crash, Flash, and Quick?  Those chumps couldn't even scratch Wood Man or Bubble Man.  And don't get me started on Metal Man.  Those things can shoot IN ANY DIRECTION.

And while those bosses are cool, once you beat them, you're stuck with little weener snakes that don't do anything.  Gemini Lazer blows too.  I'd take Crash Bombs or Metal Blades any day of the week.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Mega Man 3 was really good, but the best part about the game was that it had the bosses from Mega Man 2 in it, because Mega Man 2 had better bosses. MM2 also had better music, level design, and weapons, and was by far the better game. MM3 is just such a weird choice for best game of all time. It's really really good, but claiming it's the best game of all time is like saying the same thing for Mario Sunshine while Mario 64 is standing right next to it looking at you all sad. If you're going to be all retro platformer about it, you could at least pick MM2, or SMB3, or DKC, or even Sonic 2.

What a wacko.

Snake Man and Gemini Man > MM2's entire line-up.

Wow, I didn't expect to get into a fight this fast.  But those are some fightin' words right there.

Those guys are pretty badass, but you really think they could fuck with Crash, Flash, and Quick?  Those chumps couldn't even scratch Wood Man or Bubble Man.  And don't get me started on Metal Man.  Those things can shoot IN ANY DIRECTION.

And while those bosses are cool, once you beat them, you're stuck with little weener snakes that don't do anything.  Gemini Lazer blows too.  I'd take Crash Bombs or Metal Blades any day of the week.

I picked up MegaMan Anniversary collection for PS2 recently ($12!  What a bargain for 8 games)... gotta start playing some more.  Although it kinda sucks that the games peak at #2-3.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Mega Man 3 was really good, but the best part about the game was that it had the bosses from Mega Man 2 in it, because Mega Man 2 had better bosses. MM2 also had better music, level design, and weapons, and was by far the better game. MM3 is just such a weird choice for best game of all time. It's really really good, but claiming it's the best game of all time is like saying the same thing for Mario Sunshine while Mario 64 is standing right next to it looking at you all sad. If you're going to be all retro platformer about it, you could at least pick MM2, or SMB3, or DKC, or even Sonic 2.

What a wacko.

Snake Man and Gemini Man > MM2's entire line-up.

Wow, I didn't expect to get into a fight this fast.  But those are some fightin' words right there.

Those guys are pretty badass, but you really think they could fuck with Crash, Flash, and Quick?  Those chumps couldn't even scratch Wood Man or Bubble Man.  And don't get me started on Metal Man.  Those things can shoot IN ANY DIRECTION.

And while those bosses are cool, once you beat them, you're stuck with little weener snakes that don't do anything.  Gemini Lazer blows too.  I'd take Crash Bombs or Metal Blades any day of the week.

Pfft no way.  Crashman just threw bombs.  And the power was basically the buster only suckier with energy drain.  Flashman's power was even lamer and has since been abused by Bright Man.  Quickman was just a doofus with boomerangs--probably just a silly Australian in a cosplay who got lost on the way to the convention.

As for Wood Man, he gets matched by Hard Man.  Still, no one actually wants to see them go at it.

Metal Man was pretty awesome.  He's my favorite MM2 boss. You don't see anything like him till MM4 with Pharaoh Man.  Still, Metal Man isn't awesome enough to take on Gemini Man.  Double your robots, double your fun.

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steverhcp02 said:
The guy doesnt like what the wii has offered him. So what? Youre not going to convince him or other people who dont like it. Just go play your wii games instead of trying to argue or justify your personal defense of the wii.

This reminds of of Kings of Leon. I just saw them for the second time in detroit and people started walking out early after "Use Somebody" the lead singer got pissed and asked if they all wanted to hear sex on fire again. I think the guys point about the market being there in 5 years is accurate.

Its just 2 different ways of doing business, the problem nintendo will face is like that of Kings of Leon. If they want to keep the huge base that helped them turn the corner theyre going to push away the base that has perhaps more dedication to the overal picture. A band like Pearl jam may not top billboard charts ever again, but theres a reason they still sell out every arena they play, theyve given the hardcore base a reason to stay there.

In videogames its a bit different as the line between art and sales is more blurred than ever. Nintendo has always made money, but bottom lines are growing increasingly important and Nintendo seems to have figured it out.

They can still release a zelda every 2 or three years a great mario titles once or twice every 2 years and an obscure madworld or LKS every no and then to satisfy the loyal "gamer" but the oodles of sales from wii-fit, shovelware, party games will ensure a growing base of people who never would buy a game console in the past.

For some of us, a zelda every 3 years and a mario game even once a year isnt enough. Thats just how some of us feel.

That's a really, really good analogy.

"For some of us, a zelda every 3 years and a mario game even once a year isnt enough. Thats just how some of us feel."

That was the case in the NES and SNES days, that the article is claiming were so much better. So claiming it's worse with the Wii shows ignorance of history.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

max power said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Mega Man 3 was really good, but the best part about the game was that it had the bosses from Mega Man 2 in it, because Mega Man 2 had better bosses. MM2 also had better music, level design, and weapons, and was by far the better game. MM3 is just such a weird choice for best game of all time. It's really really good, but claiming it's the best game of all time is like saying the same thing for Mario Sunshine while Mario 64 is standing right next to it looking at you all sad. If you're going to be all retro platformer about it, you could at least pick MM2, or SMB3, or DKC, or even Sonic 2.

What a wacko.

Snake Man and Gemini Man > MM2's entire line-up.

Wow, I didn't expect to get into a fight this fast.  But those are some fightin' words right there.

Those guys are pretty badass, but you really think they could fuck with Crash, Flash, and Quick?  Those chumps couldn't even scratch Wood Man or Bubble Man.  And don't get me started on Metal Man.  Those things can shoot IN ANY DIRECTION.

And while those bosses are cool, once you beat them, you're stuck with little weener snakes that don't do anything.  Gemini Lazer blows too.  I'd take Crash Bombs or Metal Blades any day of the week.

I picked up MegaMan Anniversary collection for PS2 recently ($12!  What a bargain for 8 games)... gotta start playing some more.  Although it kinda sucks that the games peak at #2-3.

Yeah I got the Anniversary Collection on the GameCube, just for the arcade fighters.  I'd only seen one of the arcade machines once in my life, and played the living hell out of it.

Have you played Mega Man 8 yet?  That's one of the biggest disappointments in gaming.  It was the one that made the jump to the PS1, so of course it's all hip and in your face with its ugly anime style with ridiculous cutscenes everywhere, and tons of stupid talking sidekicks, and it has Clown Man.  The level is a wacky circus!!!  It's that bad.

Words Of Wisdom said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Mega Man 3 was really good, but the best part about the game was that it had the bosses from Mega Man 2 in it, because Mega Man 2 had better bosses. MM2 also had better music, level design, and weapons, and was by far the better game. MM3 is just such a weird choice for best game of all time. It's really really good, but claiming it's the best game of all time is like saying the same thing for Mario Sunshine while Mario 64 is standing right next to it looking at you all sad. If you're going to be all retro platformer about it, you could at least pick MM2, or SMB3, or DKC, or even Sonic 2.

What a wacko.

Snake Man and Gemini Man > MM2's entire line-up.

Wow, I didn't expect to get into a fight this fast.  But those are some fightin' words right there.

Those guys are pretty badass, but you really think they could fuck with Crash, Flash, and Quick?  Those chumps couldn't even scratch Wood Man or Bubble Man.  And don't get me started on Metal Man.  Those things can shoot IN ANY DIRECTION.

And while those bosses are cool, once you beat them, you're stuck with little weener snakes that don't do anything.  Gemini Lazer blows too.  I'd take Crash Bombs or Metal Blades any day of the week.

Pfft no way.  Crashman just threw bombs.  And the power was basically the buster only suckier with energy drain.  Flashman's power was even lamer and has since been abused by Bright Man.  Quickman was just a doofus with boomerangs--probably just a silly Australian in a cosplay who got lost on the way to the convention.

As for Wood Man, he gets matched by Hard Man.  Still, no one actually wants to see them go at it.

Metal Man was pretty awesome.  He's my favorite MM2 boss. You don't see anything like him till MM4 with Pharaoh Man.  Still, Metal Man isn't awesome enough to take on Gemini Man.  Double your robots, double your fun.

I'll totally give you Hard Man over Wood Man, since he's a giant boner, and he gives you "Hard Knuckle" which is not only a better weapon than the Leaf Shield, but takes his weird masturbation metaphor even further.  But I still think Crash Bombs are better bombs than Hard Knuckles.

Quick Man is the sexiest robot in the series, and totally the inspiration for Viewtiful Joe.  And he has one of the best levels in the entire series too.

Gemini Man is a fun boss to fight, but after you beat him, you don't get to split into 2.  You get a shitty crap turd lazer.

And Metal Man could kill 10 Gemini Mans at once.  He'd shoot his blades up, down, anywhere.  The lazers would just bounce all slowly and be too easy to dodge, while they just jog around in their glam jumpsuits.  I don't think Gemini Man is actually 1 robot that splits into 2 anyway.  I think he's 2 robo-bros that "become one" when you're not around.


And most importantly, MM3 music doesn't even touch MM2 music.

LordTheNightKnight said:
"For some of us, a zelda every 3 years and a mario game even once a year isnt enough. Thats just how some of us feel."

That was the case in the NES and SNES days, that the article is claiming were so much better. So claiming it's worse with the Wii shows ignorance of history.

In the NES and SNES days though there what a lot of other good games comming out in between. With the Wii you have a lot of party games and shovelware comming out in between with few core games, and the ones that do tend to score poorly or sell terribly. The games that are comming out in between your Zelda and Mario's just aren't to the blog author's tastes.