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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

This is not stating an opinion. It's claiming the Wii's price isn't going to help the system. It's right at the top of the article.

And he posts a bunch of dubious points to back them up.

"And it's not only due to the fact that no one in their right mind wants to "waggle a Wiimote" over holding a normal controller."

Even if that is just his opinion, it's not a good way to claim the Wii is not worth it to the consumer in general, which is what the article is actually about.

This is not "The Wii isn't worth it to me because of X". It's "The Wii is doomed because of X".

That's why it's wrong. It's a faulty prediction, not a stated opinion.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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I enjoy my wii... It may not be the most 'technically advanced' system on the market but it does what I bought it to do. It plays 'casual' games that requires me to flail my body parts around. As well, I think quite a interesting games came out in the past 2 years. WSR and EAA being them. If you looks at X360 and PS3 it could be argued that it's the same. There aren't that may quality games that come out very often... Fable II, Mass Effect, LBP, Killzone 2, Uncharted, Halo, Final Fantasy or GT aren't the types of games that come very often. The Wii has Zelda and a new met coming.

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!

Scoobes said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
"For some of us, a zelda every 3 years and a mario game even once a year isnt enough. Thats just how some of us feel."

That was the case in the NES and SNES days, that the article is claiming were so much better. So claiming it's worse with the Wii shows ignorance of history.

In the NES and SNES days though there what a lot of other good games comming out in between. With the Wii you have a lot of party games and shovelware comming out in between with few core games, and the ones that do tend to score poorly or sell terribly. The games that are comming out in between your Zelda and Mario's just aren't to the blog author's tastes.

That wasn't what the context of the comment implied. And the article is NOT ABOUT HIS FFELINGS OF THE GAMES. It's about how his feelings of the games is proof the system won't be helped by the price drop.

Did you miss the headline of the article? And I mean that to all of you acting as though the article is just discussing his feelings on the Wii. You clearly didn't read all of it, when the thesis is clearly not about his feelings on the games.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Shoestar said:
I enjoy my wii... It may not be the most 'technically advanced' system on the market but it does what I bought it to do. It plays 'casual' games that requires me to flail my body parts around. As well, I think quite a interesting games came out in the past 2 years. WSR and EAA being them. If you looks at X360 and PS3 it could be argued that it's the same. There aren't that may quality games that come out very often... Fable II, Mass Effect, LBP, Killzone 2, Uncharted, Halo, Final Fantasy or GT aren't the types of games that come very often. The Wii has Zelda and a new met coming.

Thats where I think you're wrong. They could release a quality title every month on PS3 and 360, but instead release them all at X-mas! I'm, having a lot of trouble deciding what to buy over the next few months with my limited money.

LordTheNightKnight said:
"For some of us, a zelda every 3 years and a mario game even once a year isnt enough. Thats just how some of us feel."

That was the case in the NES and SNES days, that the article is claiming were so much better. So claiming it's worse with the Wii shows ignorance of history.

In some other thread a long time ago, Viper did the math and proved that Nintendo is actually making more hardcore games for the Wii than it ever did for the GameCube, and making them faster, debunking the entire "Nintendo is abandoning us wah wah wah!" argument.


But let me see...

3-D platformers: GC got Sunshine, Wii gets Galaxy 1 and 2, Wii wins.

2-D platformers: Wii is getting Wario Shake It, Super Paper Mario, and New SMB Wii, Wii wins.

Kart: 1 each, but the Wii's has 12 player online, motorcycles, and classic tracks, far superior, Wii wins.

Smash Bros.: 1 each, but Wii's has a level editor, online, and an adventure mode, Wii wins.

Metroid: GC gets Prime 1 and 2, Wii gets Prime 3, Metroid: Other M, and the Prime Trilogy, Wii wins.

Zelda: GC gets WindWaker and Twilight Princess, Wii gets far superior Twilight Princess and the new one, so far it's a tie.

Classic Zeldas: GC gets the collector's disc, but doesn't get Link to the Past, failing miserably.  Wii gets them all on the VC, Wii wins.

Punch-Out!: Wii wins.

Indie games: Wii has WiiWare, Wii wins.

Sports games: Wii wins.

Puzzle games: Wii wins.

Party games: Wii wins.

Exercise games: Wii wins.

Music games: Wii wins.

Brain training games: Wii wins.

Online Dr. Mario: Wii wins.


So people can complain that there are too many sports, party, exercise, music, and brain training games, but they're getting more 3-D Marios, more 2-D Marios, more control methods, online gaming, Virtual Console, WiiWare, THE MOST EXCLUSIVES OF THE GENERATION, and the same amount of Zeldas, Metroids, Karts, and Smash Bros. games.  If Nintendo has SHIFTED its focus to casual games, what hardcore franchises is it leaving behind?  It's making MORE hardcore games and MORE casual games.  Nintendo is simply making MORE games.  And this is good.

All GC has going for it is Pikmin, Star Fox, F-Zero, Kirby, and Mario Party.  But Wii is going to get Pikmin 3, and I highly doubt F-Zero will miss an entire console.  Kirby, like Donkey Kong, lives on on the DS and in mini-games, and nobody misses Mario Party.  Wii already got the best Mario Party.  And Star Fox is in limbo or something.  I'm waiting or a Star Fox and F-Zero, but I already have about a billion games to play through, so I can wait a long time for those.

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No More heroes
Mario kart
animal crossing

The list can go on but AS USUAL you cant spell IGNorance without IGN.

Scoobes said:
Shoestar said:
I enjoy my wii... It may not be the most 'technically advanced' system on the market but it does what I bought it to do. It plays 'casual' games that requires me to flail my body parts around. As well, I think quite a interesting games came out in the past 2 years. WSR and EAA being them. If you looks at X360 and PS3 it could be argued that it's the same. There aren't that may quality games that come out very often... Fable II, Mass Effect, LBP, Killzone 2, Uncharted, Halo, Final Fantasy or GT aren't the types of games that come very often. The Wii has Zelda and a new met coming.

Thats where I think you're wrong. They could release a quality title every month on PS3 and 360, but instead release them all at X-mas! I'm, having a lot of trouble deciding what to buy over the next few months with my limited money.

That? It's just part of the seasonal business mentality. They assume all the money is made around then, where it's been shown quite a bit a hit game can make money any time of the year.

In fact, Nintendo has been working on that. They seem to have gotten sidetracked after Wii Music didn't work as well as they hoped. But before that, they released hit games quite a bit in the off months, while with HD games, off months tended to come from delays.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Kenryoku_Maxis said:
BladeOfGod said:
SosusOCR said:
1200p|is|FullHD said:
I agree with everything written in the blog ( except megaman 3 being the best game ever ).

in the past years, i played about 4 hours of Guitar hero 3, 1 hour Wii Play and maybe 2 hours Zelda.
and i palyed thorugh rebel strike ( a GC game ).

I'm a hardcore gamer and nintendo fan, i bought the wii month 1, but I played it < 10 hours in 365 days.

After the Gamecube gen where I always sneaking a peek at the PS2 library, all the games I couldn't play, I thought that this gen, I bet on the right horse.
But Nintendo doesnt give a shit about those who saved their ass when they produced a pure failure console, the people who made them survive despite ridiculous business decisions in the 5th and 6th gen ( cartridges anyone ? ).

Ok, so the Wii has 8 year old hardware, Im fine with that by now. But I havent bough a game since mario kart, and that is for a reason.

A lot has to happen to convince me to ever buy a product of this company.

And it was just a matter of time since sth like this is being posted on a big website. its a logical consequence

Yeah Nintendo owes people like you for nearly sinking the company. Each new gen you might notice how Nintendo sold less and less consoles by trying to match the other guys to the point were the Gamecube came in last. Nintendo needed to do something different in order to not become the next Sega and now we have the highly successful Wii.


Get over yourself, Nintendo owes you and people like you nothing

so you'd rather see Nintendo leading in sales than Nintendo giving you their awesome classic hardcore games you want to play? Ok than

Reviewers and internet forum goers whining about the Wii with catch phrases such as 'Wii has no games' or claiming 'Mario Galaxy is the only good thing on the system' isn't going to help the Wii get good games.  If more people would have shown support for the system early on, like when the Wii was coming out, perhaps third parties would have cared to show it more support.  Its only after the Wii became #1 in sales that anyone gave it a second look.

Also Nintendo pretty much has done 10x better this gen at giving us their 'classic' games than on the GameCube.  And all they need is to throw out Star Fox and F-Zero and they'll have already tied N64 in content.  In less than 4 years.  I don't see where people can keep complaining Nintendo isn't catering to the classic or 'hardcore' fans.

NO, that cant be it. what the hell does people hating on the wii on internet has to do with 3rd party developers not making decent games on wii? You think developers are reading what some forum and blog posters are posting about the wii? Please explain that. Also, PS3 got THE BIGGEST hate any console has ever recived in 2007 and it still got tons of good 3rd party games.

"NO, that cant be it. what the hell does people hating on the wii on internet has to do with 3rd party developers not making decent games on wii? You think developers are reading what some forum and blog posters are posting about the wii? Please explain that. Also, PS3 got THE BIGGEST hate any console has ever recived in 2007 and it still got tons of good 3rd party games."

It's more because a lot of developers are from the same pool that these online haters came from, and also because the heads of publishers are thinking that making games for the HD systems is safer than developing for the Wii, because they think the higher costs are less important than the familiarity to the last generation.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Scoobes said:
Shoestar said:
I enjoy my wii... It may not be the most 'technically advanced' system on the market but it does what I bought it to do. It plays 'casual' games that requires me to flail my body parts around. As well, I think quite a interesting games came out in the past 2 years. WSR and EAA being them. If you looks at X360 and PS3 it could be argued that it's the same. There aren't that may quality games that come out very often... Fable II, Mass Effect, LBP, Killzone 2, Uncharted, Halo, Final Fantasy or GT aren't the types of games that come very often. The Wii has Zelda and a new met coming.

Thats where I think you're wrong. They could release a quality title every month on PS3 and 360, but instead release them all at X-mas! I'm, having a lot of trouble deciding what to buy over the next few months with my limited money.

The same thing can still be said about PS3 or 360. It's all about opinions, taste and in some cases your fanboy level.