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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

Kenology said:
asumal said:

The wii's fun, yet its hard to imagine it being your only console. there's just too many good games on xbox and playstation.

but the games are coming now, 2010 a lot of core games are going to the wii. ther's no point by being offended by this guy's remarks. hes not important in any way.

That's true.  The Wii is my only console and while I do want a 360, I just don't have enough time to play games as I used to.  I'm more than busy with the Wii (as my backlog denotes), and I've already made peace with the fact that I'll miss out on many great games on the HD consoles.

We will always miss great games if we only own one console. It just seems like if you own a wii, you will miss out on all the multiplat HD games on top of the xbox and playstation exclusives, which is unfortunate.

i've also made peace with this fact, and even though i haven't play my wii as heavily as i did back in 2008, i know that 2010 will showcase an incredible offering for the Wii. its a great time to be a wii-only owner.

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Avinash_Tyagi said:
asumal said:

The wii's fun, yet its hard to imagine it being your only console. there's just too many good games on xbox and playstation.

Opinions lol, I would actually find it hard to believe that a PS3 or 360 could be someone's only console

some people buy one console. its not that rare to find. and the games available on the playstation and xbox appeals to many core gamers, which furthers cements the idea that someone may only own one of those two. there are people on this website who only own one console, ie. me and kenology.

--OkeyDokey-- said:

Let it go people.

Yeah, I agree. This is just some "Wii is DOOOOOMED!" rant, and it's not credible at all.

I'll just see how well the Wii does this week.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

I'll add my two cents (and even a few more), even if nobody reads or cares: it's true that the Wii, with such an historical success, should have had at least two or three times more AAA games in its library, now almost 3 years after launch... as a dedicated Wii gamer, i know the situation quite well...

But who is to blame?

The Wii's "outdated tech"? So a console easily a few times more powerful than PS2 can't have any "worthwhile" game, after years and years of critics praising most of the PS2 games? Only because it's not in HD? Give me a break...

No, the ones to blame are all the gaming "journalists", whose agenda and propaganda in the last three or four years have been: Wii is a future failure - Wii is a fad that won't last - Wii is for the casuals only - Wii is already outdated - Wii's innovation equals waggle - Wii doesn't deserve any big budget effort - Wii games don't deserve good critics, because they are on Wii...

When all these "very valid" points are on the table in most interviews, in most reviews, and in most editorials or blog posts, what's supposed to be the reaction of the industry?

No big budget games for the Wii... the first year, it could have been seen as normal, but after? No matter the sales, no matter the enthusiastic market's response, the Wii isn't worth any effort, because the allatoyahs of the gaming community have said so...

This is called a "self-fulfilling prophecy", and now the same guys, after three years of frustration and bitterness, still want to give Wii a bad name, whatever it takes: and they laugh about Wii's library...

But THEY are the ones to blame... as well as most 3rd parties out there, especially western ones, whose creativity and commitment may be seen as a total lack of respect for Wii gamers... they want to expand the market and make their brand shine with shovelware and second grade efforts? Great way to treat millions of potential future consumers...

But the Wii itself, or Nintendo, have nothing to do with this situation: the Wii was not supposed to be a success, and Sony and Microsoft, with the help of all their dedicated fanboys all over the net, did their best to make you think any "real gamer" HAD to buy one of the "real" console, and not that "outdated piece of sh**": how strange...

In the same time, the fact that profits are easier to be found on Wii and DS is of course irrelevant... PS360 is the one and only future of the industry, and who cares if only the biggest blockbusters survive? We all know gaming is all about 10 or 20 blockbusters each year, and not hundreds and hundreds of "niche games" which suddenly, don't have the possibility to exist anymore... right?

No, not right at all...

But i will stop here, and will go back to my beloved "niche" and "kiddy" and "casual" games... i'm not a "real" gamer, you see... i've just grown with Nintendo games, i can't know what's a good game or not... (and yes, if you still don't get it, this is very sarcastic, and quite bitter, too...)


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."

Not too long ago, Nintendo fans loved IGN for things like their high scores for Wii games (especially The Conduit).

Now, they're the devil.

I don't mind the change in attitude, but don't act like a lot of you didn't love them before.



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MontanaHatchet said:
Not too long ago, Nintendo fans loved IGN for things like their high scores for Wii games (especially The Conduit).

Now, they're the devil.

I don't mind the change in attitude, but don't act like a lot of you didn't love them before.

Most people like whoever is talking good about their system of choice at the time.

I, on the other hand, have disdain for about 95% of the gaming media. 

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

MontanaHatchet said:
Not too long ago, Nintendo fans loved IGN for things like their high scores for Wii games (especially The Conduit).

Now, they're the devil.

I don't mind the change in attitude, but don't act like a lot of you didn't love them before.

I've disliked IGN ever since they redesigned their site.  It's not half as good as it used to be.  I also hate the way IGN seem intent on forcing their own preferences on people as opposed to giving fair coverage to everything (their Wiiware coverage is especially awful IMO).

IGNWii used to be my favourite website but Gonintendo and nintendolife (especially the wiiware section) are far better now IMO.


I can't say I'm overly concerned by this editors view as it's similar to the attitude that has been there since day one with the gaming media and the Wii (if it's not HD and/or a AAA franchise..they don't pay the slightest attention).

Being a Wii-only owner, I feel like I am in a bad relationship with the general video game media sites. I know they hate me for owning a Wii. But I want them to like me. Thus, I am very sad when they say bad things but overjoyed when they infrequently say good things.

Admittedly, this is a bit of an overstatement. But there is some truth in this.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


I can't think of a more one-sided website other than one who has a "Team Xbox" as one of their features.

68soul said:

But who is to blame?

The Wii's "outdated tech"? So a console easily a few times more powerful than PS2 can't have any "worthwhile" game, after years and years of critics praising most of the PS2 games? Only because it's not in HD? Give me a break...

No, the ones to blame are all the gaming "journalists", whose agenda and propaganda in the last three or four years have been: Wii is a future failure - Wii is a fad that won't last - Wii is for the casuals only - Wii is already outdated - Wii's innovation equals waggle - Wii doesn't deserve any big budget effort - Wii games don't deserve good critics, because they are on Wii...

Actually, the ones who are most to blame are the third parties, who never gave the Wii full support for over 3 years.  Even now, they still haven't, though they have given it 100x more support than it got back when it came out.

But yes, a major factor to appealing to at least the American market is being able to put up stupid '9 out 10' scores on commercials and have a number of positive reviews.  And across the board, Wii games have been downscored for being the 'lesser' system and even for being overexamined.  Early on, some Wii games were criticized because they had bad graphics, but praised for having 'innovative controls (as limited as their Wiimote controls were).  Now its like every Wii game that comes out is nit picked and downscored for being 'too innovative' or 'not innovative enough'.  Since when did 'innovation' become a 6th category in judging games?  And why does it so heavily apply to Wii games, but it seems to miraculously disappear when talking about XBOX360/PS3 games?

If anything, reviewers have just put impossible standards on the Wii, expecting it to perform as good as a PS3 in the graphics department while demanding every game to 'innovate' more than their imaginary view of what the Wii 'should do', but yet not expecting the Wii to do anything because the 360 and PS3 are superior.  So is it ay wonder Wii games get downscored...most reviewer is just going into it with the mindset 'well this is going to suck....I wish I was playing a 360 game....'

Six upcoming games you should look into: