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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which should I buy? A PS3 or XBOX 360?

Considering the points in the OP.

And the fact we know what some of the motion games for PS3 will be...

I'd say the best choice for you is a PS3.


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d21lewis said:
It all comes down to what you want as a consumer. If you want to browse the web, store your pictures, play some good downloadable games, some great exclusives, watch Blu-Ray, or connect with a PSP, get a PS3.

If you want to download some good (better, imho) downloadable games, play some great exclusives, pay for a (once again, my honest opinion) better online service (but still, extremely similar), utilize Netflix on your television, get a 360.

Both systems have their exclusives. Both systems have their shortcomings. It's on you to figure out which console YOU will have the most fun with. We can all recommend, argue, post pics, and stuff.....we're very good at it. I've seen it. But in the end, if you're serious about this debate, it's your decision. For all we know, the CD-i is the best console for you.

Don't even joke about that!

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

I was myself in a similar situation half a year ago. I did my research on the internet, as very few of my friends have any console. If you are deciding between Xbox and PS3, you should consider these questions to yourself:

1. Which console have more appealing exclusive lineup?
2. Can I use what PS3 has to offer to it's fullest? (Blue Ray, HDD, Integrated Wi-Fi)
3. Do I want to pay for online?

For me the dealbreaker were those exclusive titles. I picked PS3, because noone from the people I know has Xbox, I also known those famous franchises such as Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, God of War, Gran Turismo, Devil May Cry, yet I've never played them and they were all PS exclusive at that time. While on the other hand I knew Halo (played on PC, was lame compared to other PC shooters) and that was it... If I had to make that choice again, I'd go for PS3 without a second hesitation. The future is brighter on the PS side at this very moment.

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

Why did you even post this? This thread is only going to incite ignorance and misinformation, not debate and guidance. And you knew that's all it would do too..

I'm not going to tell you to buy one or the other cuz I'm not going to feed into this crap fest. I think this thread should be closed. This kind of thread is annoying as hell. What you should have done is PM'd a few of the more intelligent fanboys on either side and compared what, say, 3 of each fanboy had to say to what you feel like you want.

Great job making a thread you knew was going to start a flame war!

Phrancheyez said:
Why did you even post this? This thread is only going to incite ignorance and misinformation, not debate and guidance. And you knew that's all it would do too..

I'm not going to tell you to buy one or the other cuz I'm not going to feed into this crap fest. I think this thread should be closed. This kind of thread is annoying as hell. What you should have done is PM'd a few of the more intelligent fanboys on either side and compared what, say, 3 of each fanboy had to say to what you feel like you want.

Great job making a thread you knew was going to start a flame war!

Wonderful, this post is made of art.

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looking at the point sin your OP I would say the Playstation 3

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

honestly,it depends on what console you think has more favourable games...
personally id pick up a ps3 because i prefer the exclusives(MGS4,KILLZONE,UNCHARTED etc...) than (GEARS OF WAR,HALO,FABLE etc...).
Would use get xboxlive gold?Then a ps3 would be cheaper in the long run...
But most importantly it up to you

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"


i think the issues that would be compelling for me are:

1. the 360 failure rate. if i'm going to pay that much money i don't want to deal with it breaking after a month.
2. the game library. get the console which seems to cater to your interests the most. this also includes online play. if all your friends play 360 online, then that should be considered.
3. what do you want to do with it? games vs games and movies. making the upgrade to a full hd entertainment center is expensive. you need a tv, 7.1 surround system to get the most out of bluray. that for some is too much hassle.

getting an answer that way will probably guarantee your satisfaction.

as for me we all know that i think the answers invariably lead to a ps3.

art is the excrement of culture

Train wreck said:
I believe many people ask these questions (whether to buy a or b) because if they make the wrong personal choice, they can easily blame it on someone else. Its like an easy way out.

Firstly I'd never base my decision around one opinion, I'm trying to get a feel for what each system has to offer.

Secondly I like to research for things that'll end up costing me thousands of dollars and be at least a 5 year investment. Perhaps if you've made some wrong personal choices in the past you should think about doing some research too, I'm a uni student, it's what I do ;)


Oh and btw, one thing I completely forgot to consider was the lack of Wi-Fi in the 360 :P that's one reason why I'm asking this, thanks aragod! Also a good point was raised about the controllers. Since I owned a GameCube and PS2 last gen I'm used to the basic layout of both the PS3 and 360 controllers. I've used the 360 controller, I thought it was too moulded, I like to be able to move the controller around in my hands a bit.. The PS3 controller has crappier triggers though and the analog sticks feel floaty so they're probably about even.. Another thing is I'm Australian so I don't even know if we have Netflix here :P I wouldn't be interested anyway and the prices are..

$299 Arcade + 2 games

$449 Elite + 2 games

$499 PS3 + a platinum game


puffy said:

With the HD systems lower price points I'm now considering buying one but I'm not 100% on which one I want..

I am interested in the PS3 more than the 360 right now due to (1)Uncharted 2, (2)free online and (3)Blu-Ray but I'm not sure if those three items really outweigh (4)the 360's price advantage and I'm not sure how viable the PS3 is in the long term compared to the 360. (5)I see Natal as much more likely to get meaningful support than Sony's Wand and I own a Wii so Sony's Wand looks like a downgraded experience to me in that respect where as Natal looks different. I must add though that Natal/PS Wand aren't big reasons to pick one over the other as I already own a Wii and I'm not looking for a 'Wii HD' or anything like that.

(6)XBOX 360 hardware failure is another issue I have on my mind and I'm not a fan of Halo so that won't sway me. Also as much as I don't want this to turn into a (7)Forza 3 vs. GT5 debate, these are both titles that I'm highly interested in and so those should be considered.. There aren't that many exclusive titles and I'd like to pick up MW2 and NFS: Shift on whatever console I choose.. 

You guys know more about each console than I do so what do you think?


PLEASE DO NOT TROLL OR FLAME!! If somebody says something that you disagree with then politely correct them with your reasoning.

For the short version IMO, check the bolded portion.  But if you want details, I think this will help you make an informed decision:  

(1) Games are definitely a big part of deciding the game console you want to get, no sarcasm!  People sometimes understate this fact.  And there might be more exclusives than you think -- even ones that may interest you -- on either side, or both.  

(2) For me, I don't play enough online to justify paying for Live, but I do play enough to be annoyed that I don't have it on my 360.  So that would be a push to the PS3 if you are not OK with (or would really prefer not to) pay for online play.  

(3) Obviously if you do want a Blu-ray player getting a 360 would make you pay much more for a separate player.  

(4) IIRC the 360 doesn't actually have a price advantage anymore unless you're happy with just the Arcade.  If you are happy with an Arcade, get that.  If you want an HDD, then the PS3 and 360 are on an equal price footing, with 360 paying extra for online (or will be soon if the channel hasn't emptied on the $250 Premium -- and even then, your first year of paying for Live pretty much cancels that out).  

(5) Prepare for disappointment if you are counting on either of these.  (I am personally even more skeptical of Natal, partly for the very reason you dismiss the Wand -- crossover with the Wii will give it games, while Natal might wither on the vine.)  

(6) Honestly, I don't think you need to worry about this in 360s of recent manufacture.  Even if the 360 still has failure rates higher than the competition, it's not anything like it used to be.  

(7) I doubt either game will be less than great.  

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!