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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Forza 3 Demo - Fail?!

have you tried redownloading it? it must be corrupted data.

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Oh crap I will have to wait for the full game to be released. If it's no good I will exchange it for another game.

Wow. But still, this IS only a demo.

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Skeeuk said:
well its a demo after all, unlike xbox fanboys i dont start spewing doom doom doom on a game if the demo has glitches.

full game wont have this, OP can you tell us what the grafix and handling are like, and how good are replay grafix and how good is the audio.

im on silver so il wait a few days before i can give my verdict.

The graphics are very good but somehow I do feel let down, maybe because I have been playing DiRT 2 non stop for the last two weeks which is also a lovely looking game? I should have put Forza 2 in first then tried Forza 3 demo.

You all know i'm normally a 360 fanboy and have also been sticking up for Forza 3 for ages but I honestly don't think the graphics are as good as they have made them out to be, yes it looks very nice but I can't help but see the jaggies, the cockpit view seems to be running at 30FPS in this demo too, the full game is meant to have that view running at 60FPS.


The handling is amazing, feels real and I mean real!!!, the sound is also fantastic, so yeah, looking very good, just was a bit shocked at the poor quality of the demo (bugs) and how short it is, a two lap race with no online.....

forza glitchsport ? i think its similiar to the KZ2 demo where the groun biggie

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PullusPardus said:
have you tried redownloading it? it must be corrupted data.

Yeah, already tried that

god damn....must be a really early demo. They will fix that shit up guaranteed before it is released.

Where is selnor?

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

never had this problem and I played all five cars. Do you have this problem only in replays? If yes, then you have too much time to create this thread.

a gfx-bug in a replay of a

where is the a ignore-button ?



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Alan Greenspan, 1967

huaxiong90 said:
Where is selnor?

Not sure but I just saw his thread about the demo saying how great it is, sorry but we must be playing two different games, the in game graphics are not as good as the screenshots Turn 10 showed us, the demo is GOOD but not great.