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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Forza 3 Demo - Fail?!

The road was there when I was playing so all's good for me.

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Vetteman94 said:
You know I hate to say this but maybe its the video card in your 360 going bad. Is that a possibility?

no, when the graphic card/chip has a problem (and it still runs) you'll see green, pink or black pixels everywhere, there usually is no geometry missing

@ F3 demo ) ofcourse it looks way more aliased than the (way too perfect) T10 screenshots and therefore loses a bit edge in picture quality, but I like the lighting in this demo better .. in those photo mode screenshots the cars looked way too plastic/comical to me, while in the demo it seems to be fine

dorbin2009 said:
Phrancheyez said:
Wow, that's pathetic...a demo is a demo, but all this demo is going to do is turn people away from the game. Good job, MS! Everyone knew you didn't have a GT killer in you=P

Before you fanboys go crying, SONY doesn't have a Halo killer either. What am I getting at? Everyone who thinks Forza will be better is delusional. Just like everyone who thought Killzone 2 would compete with Halo was delusional. Not saying it won't be a good game but they simply don't have the pedigree, and you're only hyping it up to fail. But hey, that's what everyone does anymore, so it's not like I can fault you.

I truly hope you are full of sarcasm, because if not you just jumped the fun faster than ..well faster than someone who REALLY jumps the gun. Graphical glitches in a demo do not equal = failure. sarcasm here.  Where did I say failure?  I said it's not a GT killer, and YOU ARE DELUSIONAL IF YOU THINK IT IS.


Did you read it?

Forza and Microsoft DO NOT HAVE THE PEDIGREE WITH THE RACING SIM GENRE like SONY and Polyphony Digital do.  That's why they can't make a GT killer.  Maybe 2-3 iterations from now, but not now.  You can't be better than a game that you're trying to be like.  When Forza finds its own identity, then it will have a chance, and not until.  As for now, Forza is simply a watered down version of GT - just look at the car count and my point is made.

FKNetwork said:
Vetteman94 said:
FKNetwork said:
Vetteman94 said:
You know I hate to say this but maybe its the video card in your 360 going bad. Is that a possibility?

Naa, it's the only game i'm having issues with, it's like a rendering issue loading the textures in time, maybe it's just my 360 or the hard drive, but I have re-downloaded it, I'm also downloading it on my 2nd 360 as we speak to make sure, will take more pictures too.

Also, my Evo can officially do handstands, it got stuck on it's front (front on the floor) with it's rear standing up right lol

Well thats good,  it would suck if that was the case.  I am sure T10 is going to take care of this.  It just sucks because alot of people will base their decision on the demo, and if they see that it may trn them away to NFS:Shift or something.    I also hope they fix it, cause with Sony screwing up and releasing GT5 next March I want a racing game and Forza 3 may be a good pinch hitter.

I agree^

I can't help but feel Turn 10 have mucked this up a bit though, they made this game have SOOOO much hype everything now feels a bit of a dissapointment? Just how I feel after the hype and screenshots/videos etc, or am I reading too much into a demo?

Well you being a long time video gamer, and someone who knows that the demo is not always what the final game is like, I would say yes you are reading too much into the demo.   As for the hype I just think it was Turn 10 getting excited about a product they had a rushed the demo, and it unfortunately shows. 

Phrancheyez said:
dorbin2009 said:
Phrancheyez said:
Wow, that's pathetic...a demo is a demo, but all this demo is going to do is turn people away from the game. Good job, MS! Everyone knew you didn't have a GT killer in you=P

Before you fanboys go crying, SONY doesn't have a Halo killer either. What am I getting at? Everyone who thinks Forza will be better is delusional. Just like everyone who thought Killzone 2 would compete with Halo was delusional. Not saying it won't be a good game but they simply don't have the pedigree, and you're only hyping it up to fail. But hey, that's what everyone does anymore, so it's not like I can fault you.

I truly hope you are full of sarcasm, because if not you just jumped the fun faster than ..well faster than someone who REALLY jumps the gun. Graphical glitches in a demo do not equal = failure. sarcasm here.  Where did I say failure?  I said it's not a GT killer, and YOU ARE DELUSIONAL IF YOU THINK IT IS.


Did you read it?

Forza and Microsoft DO NOT HAVE THE PEDIGREE WITH THE RACING SIM GENRE like SONY and Polyphony Digital do.  That's why they can't make a GT killer.  Maybe 2-3 iterations from now, but not now.  You can't be better than a game that you're trying to be like.  When Forza finds its own identity, then it will have a chance, and not until.  As for now, Forza is simply a watered down version of GT - just look at the car count and my point is made.

So many things wrong with all of that.

But you did make a point. Not the one I suspect you intended to.

Around the Network

That's weird, I just played the demo for a while and never saw any of those issues in replay mode.

hmm.... it not GT.
kama it's a perfecionist though u can't compare both game.

polish and time consumed GT it on league on it's own.

forza damage it's kinda disappointed because people were saying its of the "old features".

and the textures... it just some cars? because that could take alot.
track problem should be a bug and easily fixed but textures will require some patching.

its just a demo

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"


The road is DLC. Economy of value, etc. etc.

SD resolution pics....EWWWWWW!