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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Brand new Forza 3 demo SCREENSHOTS!

Slimebeast said:
FKNetwork said:
Slimebeast said:
Im so confused. The screens right above me from photo mode look gorgeous, but the direct gameplay screens have bad and simple looking car models (or is it the lighting I dont know).

There shouldn't be such a great difference. I dunno what to think of this game any more.

The game is stunning and looks a LOT better than the images in the OP,

Apart from the bugs in the demo I mentioned the game is superb in everyway, I wish the replays were 60FPS though as they feel slow and a bit jumpy compared to the silky smooth gameplay, I also think the reflections on the cars could be much better but that is a minor complaint tbh.


Take a look at these screens:

LOL! WTH, yesterday u said you were deeply disappointed, having tried the demo yourself.

Ok, how do I explain, I'm confused myself but here it goes lol:

The game looks stunning, just not *quite* as good as I was expecting, but I really should have played Forza 2 before playing Forza 3 instead of DiRT 2 as that is also a stunning looking game and I seem to be comparing things to that game a lot because of it. this is what i'm going to do this morning, play Forza 2 for a little while then play the Forza 3 demo so I can compare to that.

My main concern were the bugs in the demo but seeing as not that many people have problems i'm sure it is something they know about and will fix in the final game.



Anyway, take a look at these new 60FPS videos, judge for yourself! when you visit the page click on "Stream Video":

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dsgrue3 said:
When you talk about visuals you can only compare what the eye can see. 30 fps, 60 fps has no affect strictly speaking. And you can't even tell the difference between 60 fps and 100 fps. The eye doesn't process images that quickly, well I should say the brain.

Visual comparisons should not include how much is being drawn etc. That should be included in the processing, not visual category.

Anyways, yeah I thought Forza was going to compete graphically with GT5. But as everyone has been saying, good gameplay minus the sub-par damage, which I imagine is incredibly difficult to program (Computer Science Major :D). There is still time to up the graphics but maybe we are seeing the extent of what the xbox can handle? (Don't kill me).

BS... there are plenty of comparison videos which show a clear difference between 30 and 60 fps. It's hard to notice when motion blur is used, but otherwise it's night and day.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

are you guys playing with the wrong settings? on my TV it looks amazing, I think some of you guys are actually looking for defects on the game instead of enjoyning it

"I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all- you live in the heart of the beast." 

Ernesto "Che" Guevara.


I can't tell.

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Even though it doesnt look that good as everyone maybe expected, its just a demo and perhaps its not the final build. Just like Motorstorm2 demo.

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Here's my take on the demo


1. Very fun to play.

2. Feels extremely realistic. 

3. Its quite a colorful game, much more so than Forza 2 was.

4. Draw distance is very good


1. Graphics are absolutly nothing to what I thought they would be (They are probably as good as Prologue at best, and hardly any better than Forza 2 at worst)

2. The game honestly looks like one big jaggie

3.  The driver AI is kinda easy (even on hardest mode its not so bad)

4.  And my biggest disappointment lies with the damage modeling, which quite frankly sucks ass!  Its pretty much scraped paint or a little dent or two.  I wanted Dirt 2 like damage!!!

yo_john117: From what I heard, the visual damage is not very extensive, but the mechanical damage is.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
yo_john117: From what I heard, the visual damage is not very extensive, but the mechanical damage is.

Yeah the mechanical damage is right on, but I wanted visually pleasing damage as well

All of the shots look fantastic...except for 1:

tbh it looks like utter crap compared to some of the other screens. Why the discrepancy?

According to someone, on the Forza Motorsport forums a mod said there were problems with Anti-Aliasing, and this is a slightly enhanced version of the E3 build, and not the final version as such.

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