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Forums - Sony Discussion - If EDGE gives Uncharted 2 anything less than 9.5, there will be mayhem!!

wholikeswood said:
Seece said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Seece said:
Carl2291 said:
What's funny is, everyone was quick to point the "Bias" finger with this review...

Yeah I wonder why .. its a completly unjustified score.

I hope to God carl was joking

Comparing to Edge!

Yeah I hope he was joking to. Because 7/10, 8/10 and 9/10 are good/great scores for a good/great game MGS4/Killzone 2

4/10 for a good/great game ODST (8.5) is shit poor.

7/10 is hardly a good, let alone great, score for two games that averaged scores 24 points and 21 points higher respectively.

Tbh, while this Seece vs. megaman/Carl thing is pointless and boring, the thread itself should have been locked and binned right from the off.

Hey, dont bring me into there little arguement. I only posted something that would hopefully put an end to the "Reviews cant be biased because its an opinion" stuff.

Seems that it worked too...


Around the Network
wholikeswood said:
Seece said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Seece said:
Carl2291 said:
What's funny is, everyone was quick to point the "Bias" finger with this review...

Yeah I wonder why .. its a completly unjustified score.

I hope to God carl was joking

Comparing to Edge!

Yeah I hope he was joking to. Because 7/10, 8/10 and 9/10 are good/great scores for a good/great game MGS4/Killzone 2

4/10 for a good/great game ODST (8.5) is shit poor.

7/10 is hardly a good, let alone great, score for two games that averaged scores 24 points and 21 points higher respectively.

Tbh, while this Seece vs. megaman/Carl thing is pointless and boring, the thread itself should have been locked and binned right from the off.

7/10- is by no way a bad score. It's well above average as well.



wholikeswood said:
Seece said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Seece said:
Carl2291 said:
What's funny is, everyone was quick to point the "Bias" finger with this review...

Yeah I wonder why .. its a completly unjustified score.

I hope to God carl was joking

Comparing to Edge!

Yeah I hope he was joking to. Because 7/10, 8/10 and 9/10 are good/great scores for a good/great game MGS4/Killzone 2

4/10 for a good/great game ODST (8.5) is shit poor.

7/10 is hardly a good, let alone great, score for two games that averaged scores 24 points and 21 points higher respectively.

Tbh, while this Seece vs. megaman/Carl thing is pointless and boring, the thread itself should have been locked and binned right from the off.

What is your problem im having a good convo my good friend Seece, I dont need that kind comment either contribute to thread and let your opinion be known but need for that your not a mod so keep those comments to yourself.

No offense but that comment was absolutely useless.

<embed src="" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="198" height="135">

Carl2291 said:
wholikeswood said:
Seece said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Seece said:
Carl2291 said:
What's funny is, everyone was quick to point the "Bias" finger with this review...

Yeah I wonder why .. its a completly unjustified score.

I hope to God carl was joking

Comparing to Edge!

Yeah I hope he was joking to. Because 7/10, 8/10 and 9/10 are good/great scores for a good/great game MGS4/Killzone 2

4/10 for a good/great game ODST (8.5) is shit poor.

7/10 is hardly a good, let alone great, score for two games that averaged scores 24 points and 21 points higher respectively.

Tbh, while this Seece vs. megaman/Carl thing is pointless and boring, the thread itself should have been locked and binned right from the off.

Hey, dont bring me into there little arguement. I only posted something that would hopefully put an end to the "Reviews cant be biased because its an opinion" stuff.

Seems that it worked too...

It was never up for debate, I certainly believe reviewers CAN be biased ...


darthdevidem01 said:
seece vs carl is starting to be a kind of battle in every thread

lmao thats true

<embed src="" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="198" height="135">

Around the Network

what edge gave halo 3 odst a 9? thats a strange score imo

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

megaman.2. said:

As you all know im a ps3/360 and Wii owner, if there is anything that makes my blood boil than it's amateur reviews with a pinch of bias. I've been monotoring EDGE for quite some time, I've been analysing their 360/ps3 exclusives treatment. Im absolutely outraged and I wont stand for it anymore, the fact that they have the nerve to give a 5-hour expansion game a 9/10 while giving metal gear solid 4 an 8/10 is quite frankly dangerous. But I gave them the benefit of the doubt im a reasonable person.

They have given one of the most solid all round FPS shooters with graphics to leave you speechless a 7/10 (Killzone2). Why on earth are these people still allowed to review games. These people do not know how to review Ps3 exclusives and for that reason If I was Sony I would tell EDGE to F**k off you will never review a ps3 exclusive again. This will send a message to the reviewers that we will not tolerate any biased reviews whether it be ps3, wii or 360 games.

Now im waiting with anticipation for their Uncharted 2 review, anything under 10 and ladies and gentlemen we will have problem on our hands.


Dont worry Drake this time I wont let EDGE of the hook!

Megaman2 out

Let see some exclusives in Metacritic and EDGE

Bioshock (Exclusive2007)        96                   80

Oblivion (Exclusive2006)          94                  80

Gears of War                           94                   80

Little Big Planet                       95                   100

And you say it is biased...

If killzone2 is a 7 is because as a game, it is a seven, just copy-paste other games levels, bad control and the only pro is graphics, that will be bested in few months.

If MGS4 is a 8 it is because it is half a movie that most people, those who haven't  played mgs1-3, doesn't even care to see.

Maybe it's the fact that Sony was once on top of the mountain in this industry, and the fall from grace has been swift and brutal. The worst thing about being on top is the fall to the bottom, and maybe the transition from PS2 dominance to PS3 heel-dragging has had a damaging effect on the fanboy psyche, leaving them vulnerable and insecure. Maybe fanboys are suffering from a severe case of paranoid delusion, brought about by denial that the PS3 is in third place when once Sony was leading the charge.

-- Jim Sterling

megaman.2. said:
darthdevidem01 said:
seece vs carl is starting to be a kind of battle in every thread

lmao thats true

yeah.....its getting quite ridiculous now actually.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

megaman.2. said:
wholikeswood said:
Seece said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Seece said:
Carl2291 said:
What's funny is, everyone was quick to point the "Bias" finger with this review...

Yeah I wonder why .. its a completly unjustified score.

I hope to God carl was joking

Comparing to Edge!

Yeah I hope he was joking to. Because 7/10, 8/10 and 9/10 are good/great scores for a good/great game MGS4/Killzone 2

4/10 for a good/great game ODST (8.5) is shit poor.

7/10 is hardly a good, let alone great, score for two games that averaged scores 24 points and 21 points higher respectively.

Tbh, while this Seece vs. megaman/Carl thing is pointless and boring, the thread itself should have been locked and binned right from the off.

What is your problem im having a good convo my good friend Seece, I dont need that kind comment either contribute to thread and let your opinion be known but need for that your not a mod so keep those comments to yourself.

No offense but that comment was absolutely useless.

I was going to just ignore this for good, but the hypocrisy of accusing me of useless contributions is just too much when the only thing this thread does is waste bandwidth with inconsequential arguments over journalistic bias ("Edge are unfair to Sony exclusives!!!!!1111" vs. "no, 7 is teH good scorezz!!!!1111111").

Reported for being a waste of everyone's evening. Bye.

Seece said:
Carl2291 said:
wholikeswood said:
Seece said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Seece said:
Carl2291 said:
What's funny is, everyone was quick to point the "Bias" finger with this review...

Yeah I wonder why .. its a completly unjustified score.

I hope to God carl was joking

Comparing to Edge!

Yeah I hope he was joking to. Because 7/10, 8/10 and 9/10 are good/great scores for a good/great game MGS4/Killzone 2

4/10 for a good/great game ODST (8.5) is shit poor.

7/10 is hardly a good, let alone great, score for two games that averaged scores 24 points and 21 points higher respectively.

Tbh, while this Seece vs. megaman/Carl thing is pointless and boring, the thread itself should have been locked and binned right from the off.

Hey, dont bring me into there little arguement. I only posted something that would hopefully put an end to the "Reviews cant be biased because its an opinion" stuff.

Seems that it worked too...

It was never up for debate, I certainly believe reviewers CAN be biased ...


More importantly... Our little arguements are becoming popular... ¬_¬