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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Secret World Might Be Microsoft's Killer App

What about Halo3?

4 ≈ One

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Looks interesting.

Looks interesting, but I don't see it as a killer app, honestly. But I could be wrong.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

MMORPG as killer app on 360 is hard to believe.

Some people are even proclaiming that 2010 will be "the year of the PS3"


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^ PS3 Fanboys say this every year. We all know it hasn't happened yet. It's fanboy dreaming is what it is.

As for OP I have a hard time seeing an MMO as a killer ap for X360 primarily because: it is an unproven genre on consoles and it's hard to even predict how well an MMO would even sell on a console for that matter. Sure we have FF11 on X360 but that was just a port of a 2-3 year old game. It could ha[ppen but i just don't see it happening any time soon.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

I agree please keep the PS3 out and dont derail it.


@CGI- Does this game have a release date? Or just a estimate?

cool this could be very interesting

Long Live SHIO!

i think this is unique unlike Slimebeast said...
but i doubt it will look this good , they re-touched the lightning in the pictures alot, i'd love this game to be action based and not turn based. and also have deep character personality.