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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft’s Project Natal: Bigger and Badder Than We Thought

It will be funny if Natal flops to bring back all these posts of blind faith in it. Maybe I should start recording these users down.


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Senlis said:
It will be funny if Natal flops to bring back all these posts of blind faith in it. Maybe I should start recording these users down.

It will be even funnier if Natal is a big success to bring back all those posts of naysayers convinced that it would fail without the product even being on the market.  Maybe I should start recording these users down.

Awesomeness isn't measured by the number of patents. A single item can have multiple patents to it.

crumas2 said:
Senlis said:
It will be funny if Natal flops to bring back all these posts of blind faith in it. Maybe I should start recording these users down.

It will be even funnier if Natal is a big success to bring back all those posts of naysayers convinced that it would fail without the product even being on the market.  Maybe I should start recording these users down.

That's fine by me.  I'm in the skeptical but it's possible category.


Senlis said:
crumas2 said:
Senlis said:
It will be funny if Natal flops to bring back all these posts of blind faith in it. Maybe I should start recording these users down.

It will be even funnier if Natal is a big success to bring back all those posts of naysayers convinced that it would fail without the product even being on the market.  Maybe I should start recording these users down.

That's fine by me.  I'm in the skeptical but it's possible category.

This thing will have a ''console size'' will definitely not fail. It won't be as big as wii of course but I still think it will have an impact on hw sales.

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^ And it's impact on future consoles not just MS. Sony is trying something similar and ninty will follow suit plus this can be used on the PC. I see this type of tech being used by business' and elsewhere like museums for example which are well known for incorporating and making use of whatever they can for a better, more varied experience.

I'm not saying it'll take over the world but down the line something like this will become far more integrated with everyday life. Mobile phones perhaps?

My opinion on all this:

When I first saw the wii, I thought "controls won't deliver, it will flop". I was right about the controls (see the later inclusion of motion plus). I was wrong about its success. From all the people I know, everyone bought it after playing wii sports as a friend, and leaves it alone now. Still other people continue to buy it as they try it at friends.

Sony introduced its motion thing too, control will deliver, but I still can't see what's so fun about it. People will be like "meh, it's like the wiimote, sony is copying" and won't buy, and they'll be right not to.

MS demoed his NATAL, and everyone was like "WOW", because MS sold them the dream that they could finally really get into the game(what nintendo did at first, remember the discussions about light saber battles?). And if they can make this dream live up, they'll sell A LOT, just like Wii did (does). But I still think that even if the technology is perfect, the gaming uses are close to zero. You won't be into the games, you'll do gimmicks in front of cameras, and everyone who played with eyetoy games knows that it's not so fun... 3d detection won't change the fact that you can't walk, turn, roll, jump in the game... So they'll have to come up with a really new kind of games.

I don't see this coming, but who cares? it will sell. A lot. Because people already dream about it. It's a good first step into virtual reality. And people want that.

They will know Helgan belongs to Helghasts

^^^ Nintendo already researched this tech and passed on it, as did VR systems from the mid 90s. The concept behind Natal extends far back as the 1980s. The only diff now is multicore processing. Nintendo never has followed suit, thus why the Wii and DS are so successful.

Lord N said:
crumas2 said:

Who would want to play using a different control interface? What about no feedback. This is too funny, and the weakest argument of them all. Now everybody watch what happens in this next process:

1. I explain how silly the "no feedback/new control interface" argument is... the Wii uses a radically new control interface, and is selling more games and consoles this gen than the competitors. And moving your arm around to play tennis, bowling, Zelda, etc. seems to work well, provides no "feedback", and millions upon millions of consumers have bought into it.

1) The Wiimote was available from the beginning, meaning that every Wii owner has one. This obviously isn't the case with the 360. Millions upon millions upon millions of 360 owners won't have one. This means that devs aren't going to put a lot of effort into it because it would be to risky to make software for something that only a small fraction of the user base will have.

2) Nintendo made sure that software was there from jump to take advantage of the Wiimote and Nunchuk. To be more specific, software that appeals to every demographic. Microsoft hasn't even managed to do this with a standard controller. Their software appeals exclusively to core and hardcore gamers, and every game that they've made that was supposed to have more appeal like Lips, Scene It, Banjo & Kazooie, Kameo, and Viva Pinata has failed miserably to do so.

Bottom line, no add-on that was released mid-generation has ever had any real impact, and my first paragraph pretty much explains why.

In regards to bolded, have you not heard of the Wii Balance Board? Seriously, why is Nintendo completely ignored when it suits a fanboys purposes? Also, I remember after E3 and people brought up how Natal could do head tracking with Forza, and all the Sony fans were like "Stoopid!" "You can't seez the tv'ses!", now that it's in GT5 it's just another great feature! Hooray!

Crashdown77 said:
Lord N said:
crumas2 said:

Who would want to play using a different control interface? What about no feedback. This is too funny, and the weakest argument of them all. Now everybody watch what happens in this next process:

1. I explain how silly the "no feedback/new control interface" argument is... the Wii uses a radically new control interface, and is selling more games and consoles this gen than the competitors. And moving your arm around to play tennis, bowling, Zelda, etc. seems to work well, provides no "feedback", and millions upon millions of consumers have bought into it.

1) The Wiimote was available from the beginning, meaning that every Wii owner has one. This obviously isn't the case with the 360. Millions upon millions upon millions of 360 owners won't have one. This means that devs aren't going to put a lot of effort into it because it would be to risky to make software for something that only a small fraction of the user base will have.

2) Nintendo made sure that software was there from jump to take advantage of the Wiimote and Nunchuk. To be more specific, software that appeals to every demographic. Microsoft hasn't even managed to do this with a standard controller. Their software appeals exclusively to core and hardcore gamers, and every game that they've made that was supposed to have more appeal like Lips, Scene It, Banjo & Kazooie, Kameo, and Viva Pinata has failed miserably to do so.

Bottom line, no add-on that was released mid-generation has ever had any real impact, and my first paragraph pretty much explains why.

In regards to bolded, have you not heard of the Wii Balance Board? Seriously, why is Nintendo completely ignored when it suits a fanboys purposes? Also, I remember after E3 and people brought up how Natal could do head tracking with Forza, and all the Sony fans were like "Stoopid!" "You can't seez the tv'ses!", now that it's in GT5 it's just another great feature! Hooray!

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