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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft’s Project Natal: Bigger and Badder Than We Thought

Darth Tigris said:
Crashdown77 said:
Lord N said:
crumas2 said:

Who would want to play using a different control interface? What about no feedback. This is too funny, and the weakest argument of them all. Now everybody watch what happens in this next process:

1. I explain how silly the "no feedback/new control interface" argument is... the Wii uses a radically new control interface, and is selling more games and consoles this gen than the competitors. And moving your arm around to play tennis, bowling, Zelda, etc. seems to work well, provides no "feedback", and millions upon millions of consumers have bought into it.

1) The Wiimote was available from the beginning, meaning that every Wii owner has one. This obviously isn't the case with the 360. Millions upon millions upon millions of 360 owners won't have one. This means that devs aren't going to put a lot of effort into it because it would be to risky to make software for something that only a small fraction of the user base will have.

2) Nintendo made sure that software was there from jump to take advantage of the Wiimote and Nunchuk. To be more specific, software that appeals to every demographic. Microsoft hasn't even managed to do this with a standard controller. Their software appeals exclusively to core and hardcore gamers, and every game that they've made that was supposed to have more appeal like Lips, Scene It, Banjo & Kazooie, Kameo, and Viva Pinata has failed miserably to do so.

Bottom line, no add-on that was released mid-generation has ever had any real impact, and my first paragraph pretty much explains why.

In regards to bolded, have you not heard of the Wii Balance Board? Seriously, why is Nintendo completely ignored when it suits a fanboys purposes? Also, I remember after E3 and people brought up how Natal could do head tracking with Forza, and all the Sony fans were like "Stoopid!" "You can't seez the tv'ses!", now that it's in GT5 it's just another great feature! Hooray!

Welcome to VGChartz forums.

I have a better example... Dual Shock Controllers... Sony launched them and then put them in every system from that point on and look at it now

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The argument should change to 'No company has ever launched a mid-gen add-on that was effective.....If it wasn't packaged with every system sold'.

That's NATAL's key.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

This will the 360 a huge boost more than 300 percent. I will be getting it first day. It might even outsell the Wii with this.




susymar said:
The same comments we saw on E3 alongside the Avatar Seizure and problems recognizing black people.

Fix that, and turn it into a flawless motion tracking camera and you'll convince me. And some fun games please :P

Are you trying to say Black people don't produce heat? Natal has a thermal camera to track you. You can play Natal in complete darkness.

I personally don't really think racing with an imaginary steering wheel would be fun at all, but I think the public will eat it all up and Natal will be a huge hit.

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Because as we all know that will be the only use for Natal.

Here are some ideas that I have for Natal:

World Championship Dodge Ball:
Using Natal, this dodge ball game would be basically a 1:1 mapping of real space and game space. The player would be able to use maybe a 10ft X 10ft area in order to play. If a player moves 1 foot to the right and forward, the game character would move the exact same distance. So this would basically be a pseudo virtual reality game.

The player can catch, throw, jump, dive, dodge, etc. Whatever you can do with your body in real life, can be done in the game. Catch a ball and then use the ball to deflect balls coming at you, etc. The game is played in rounds where each opposing team member must be eliminated to gain a point. Games can be won with a configurable amount of points.

It is called World Championship Dodgeball because of the Live integration. On a monthly basis world championships will be held. Each country would have a team in the championships. Country teams are determined by single players competing in country wide ranked matches during the month. The top players from each country would represent their country as a team in the championship tournament. The tournament would be held on a Saturday at a time that is convenient(time could be rotated so that regional favoritism is not shown) for all parties involved. The tournament could be completed in about 3 hours since multiple matches can be held at the same time and match lengths could be relatively short.

Players from around the world not involved in the matches could spectate any of the current matches in progress. Perhaps allowing their avatars to be in the stands.

Aside from the tournaments, multi-player matches can be played at any time using Live's matchmaking system, complete with skill and ranking support. Matches can be configurable to a high degree. Physics configurations(ball speeds, etc), match lengths, time based events, etc. One such configuration could have parts of the floor be removed after set time limits. This could help speed up the game and provide for some intense action.

World Championship Sports:
This concept of 1:1 motion controlled world championship sports games could be implemented for a wide variety of games. Tennis, volleyball, bowling, sword fighting, etc. MS could start their own virtual reality sports Olympics.

Personal Trainer:
Natal is obviously incredibly well equipped to handle all manner of exercises. The basic concept does not need explaining. But an interesting aspect that would be unique for XBox Live members, would be the ability to have a real time trainer perform daily programs. Users could tune in to the real time programs during set times during the day. The trainer could talk in real time and provide users with unique daily training programs. There could be trainers for a wide variety of exercise styles. Users are provided feedback on how well they are following the trainers so that they can be assured they are performing the exercises correctly. The daily regiment could also help keep users coming back on a more consistent basis. If users are unable to catch the programs in real time, the software will allow them to play back the program at any time. Perhaps keep a backlog of 2 weeks worth so that users can have a large selection of exercise sets. Parties could be created so that during the exercises, people can talk to their friends who are also doing exercises. This could be a nice draw as people can socialize and work out at the same time. Much like going to a gym with your friends.

I think this could be a HUGE draw and provide a differential from the other exercise software.

Tron Disc Game from the movie:
Not sure if you are familiar with Tron, but in the movie a game is played where discs are thrown at the opponent's platform in an attempt to make them fall. This would be quite fun as a Natal game. Not sure if it could be a full release by itself though. Perhaps a mini game included with another game. Multi-player would be a blast with this.

Educational Child Programing:
Not sure how well the Live infrastructure is suited for this, but I think this could be a great draw from an entirely different audience than what the 360 currently has.

Child programming on televeision usually consists of segments where the children are asked to participate in something that is going on. Such as choosing a solution to a puzzle, or providing the answer to a question that is asked. With Natal, children can now actually interact with these programs. The main draw to this is the fact that no controllers are necessary. The children can be sat down in front of Natal and can interact in a manner that is natural. Natal can even recognize the children and perhaps be programmed to greet them and congratulate them on successful answers. Vocal and gestural responses would be perfect for choosing the correct piece of the puzzle that is onscreen, or correctly pronouncing a word that is displayed. Awards are given to the children for successful completion of the programs. Perhaps unlocking content, or avatar awards. This gives children incentive to continue their learning. The possibilities are endless. MS could provide the programming via a channel on Live.

inverted3reality said:
Doesn't look any better than it did at E3, and we all know how that went.

hugely popular you mean?

BTW...somebody forgot to "inform" the OP that MGS is reserved, so they have to use MSGS

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

I wish there was more info on the price