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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is Microsoft such a hated company around here?

I'm curious as to why you feel a need to make a tread about this. Okay, so MS topics don't dominate the VGC forums and sometimes MS ones are negative... yeah, I don't get what your problem is.

It's seems like you take attacks aginst MS as personal attakes. I mean why do you feel a need to be THE DEFENDER OF MICROSOFT? That sounds so silly

Oh yea, my favorite corporate conglomerate is getting hated on by some internet trolls, let me go post about how bad that makes me feel!

That's all i'm hearing here. I'll be honest and say that I love the games that Sony puts out. Because of that, I guess one could call me a 'Sony fan'. Ever since the ps3 launched, Sony's been getting hit pretty hard with "PS3 IS DOOMED" , "SONY SUKS!!!" and the ever classic "PS3 AINT GOT GAMES".

Do I get angry at this? Absolutely not. Do I care about what others think? Heeell no. Do I respond to these opinions with frustration by saying the Wii or Xbox Suks? Not at all. And you shouldn't either.

Plus, it's not like MS is overly hated and the two other companies aren't. It all depends on what forums your visiting to be honest. Most are biased with Xbots, Nintendrones, or Sony fanboys tipping the scales in a particular direction. If you want a really good source of diverse, unbiased news and an intelligent community, go to Kotaku. But in the meantime, just chillaxe :D

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''ps3 got no geamz'' , ''blu-ray suxx'' , ''sony suxx'' etc etc, remember those? The tides have turned i guess, deal with it.

Do you want japanese voices in FF13 and Versus 13? Write to these guys and tell them:

Unclean said:
''ps3 got no geamz'' , ''blu-ray suxx'' , ''sony suxx'' etc etc, remember those? The tides have turned i guess, deal with it.

LMAO the one in red was ALWAYS on youtube.

can't wait for Track Season 2009/2010, guna beast out!


My sole reason for hating Microsoft is the absolutely embarassing quality issues with the 360. Many of the games appeal to me, but I will NEVER buy a 360 in its current form. If they ever release a redesigned "slim" model or whatever that fixes the RROD issues, I'll consider it.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

i think a lot of the hate comes from  , microsoft knew the 360 had major problems when it was released, they still chose to release it knowing dam well they were going to royally fuck a lot of people with the red ring of death, then they would not fix it, my cousins rrod 8 months after he purchased it, he sent to microsoft, after 3 weeks expecting to get his system back, they told him it was unreparable, basicly you are out of luck, he was pissed off like anyone would be, so he had to go and buy a whole other unit, i mean what the fuck unreparable, you built the dam thing ,you should be able to fix it, right. so after this same thing happened to millions of people microsoft got sued, a hugh class action lawsuit, well microsoft lost and had to fix these systems, and also made the warranty 3 years only because how much bad press they were getting. this issue has costed microsoft over 2 billion dollors, and had as high as a 68 percent fail rate. i dont have any respect for microsoft, they knowenly fucked all of us, i wont suport a company who does that, this is only one reason why they are so hatted

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Just wow at the people owning up to hating a company.

Anyway I don't get how they get so much hate or how Sony fanboys on every site go round crying that MS trolls are in every site doing what they do.

You say one negative and it can be accurate thing about Sony and you have a load of ridiculous childish insulting replies usually involving 'the list' and how great Sony are.

For instance whenever some Sony fan says 'PS3 has the best games' thats fine. MS fan says it and its 'well thats subjective' you talk about Sony trolls and its 'but why are you singling them out what about MS or ninty trolls' yet when someone talks about MS trolls its all agreement.
Where's the subjectivity there?

The answer is its down to fanboys.
A few negative although could be accurate articles about MS and it's fact (even if it comes from a Sony fanboy blog)
One negative although could be accurate article about Sony from a credible news source and its 'teh hole interwebz iz after uz' and the impartial news source (no not fox) is paid off by MS or run by xbots.

That's what happens when the first console they was old enough to own was a PS2.

Get used to it. You can't open their eyes to how bad Sony fanboys are as they refuse to see it.
And they'll see Sony hate everywhere. Insecurities I think.

Oh and don't pretend its the build quality.
You all owned PS2's.

This has been like this before the 360 was released.

RRoD was the golden egg for fanboys.
Without that it would be some other lame excuse.

The build is fine now so claiming you hate them for giving an extended warranty and sorting it in revisions is as laughable as still saying you wont buy a PS3 because of the price.

I always assumed that SEGA4Life wasn't a fan of Sony... being a Sega fan and all... and he started one of those threads, dunno about the other guy.

Lord Flashheart said:
Just wow at the people owning up to hating a company.

Anyway I don't get how they get so much hate or how Sony fanboys on every site go round crying that MS trolls are in every site doing what they do.

You say one negative and it can be accurate thing about Sony and you have a load of ridiculous childish insulting replies usually involving 'the list' and how great Sony are.

For instance whenever some Sony fan says 'PS3 has the best games' thats fine. MS fan says it and its 'well thats subjective' you talk about Sony trolls and its 'but why are you singling them out what about MS or ninty trolls' yet when someone talks about MS trolls its all agreement.
Where's the subjectivity there?

The answer is its down to fanboys.
A few negative although could be accurate articles about MS and it's fact (even if it comes from a Sony fanboy blog)
One negative although could be accurate article about Sony from a credible news source and its 'teh hole interwebz iz after uz' and the impartial news source (no not fox) is paid off by MS or run by xbots.

That's what happens when the first console they was old enough to own was a PS2.

Get used to it. You can't open their eyes to how bad Sony fanboys are as they refuse to see it.
And they'll see Sony hate everywhere. Insecurities I think.

This is all reversible and can be said about MS fans, and is therefore vacuous.  For instance:

And they'll see Microsoft hate everywhere. Insecurities I think.

Windows Vista - a OS so horrible it causes 1000 children to die every minute out of sheer terror of the incompitence with which Vista was made. It is so utterly useless and counter-intuiative it's like being slapped with a wet fish while in a cold bath. Windows Vista is nothing but a malingering soul raping virus that sleeps with your wife, bangs your mother and then does the nasty with your half-brother. It's trash that has been made electronic and then set upon the world with more hatred in its programming than a racist, sexist hillbilly with an attitude and an unhelpful disposition. I hope the MS corparation burns and Bill Gate's is killed by a comedically large hat while carrying some heavy shopping. In the time you've read this 1000 children have now died because of Vista.