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I just took a look at the averages for this round and there seem to be some good opportunities to make some money.

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Prediction League said:
I just took a look at the averages for this round and there seem to be some good opportunities to make some money.

The real question is, why haven't you joined the prediction league yet? Are you a hypocrite, mr Prediction League?

Pineapple said:
Prediction League said:
I just took a look at the averages for this round and there seem to be some good opportunities to make some money.

The real question is, why haven't you joined the prediction league yet? Are you a hypocrite, mr Prediction League?

I'll be entering, just not with this account

Zexen interview? No thanks...


Ah, well. I would believe that Prediction League (the user) is non-gravity then. He was one of the last betters, and also bet so much it seems likely that he's a major PL fan. Of course, I could be mistaken. Another note is that non-gravity and PL write the same way.

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Each timed I placed a bet, I felt like I had to add database information to get that VG$ back.

Being able to read some Japanese helps lots.

Uninteresting nowdays.
But fine I try.



Take my love, take my land..

oh yes!! i thought 12pm GMT would be 12 pm in my timezone. I entered at 12:07 to try anyway and i got it
i always make confusion with timezones cause sometimes is the same as GMT (winter) and others is one hour plus (summer), i never knew if it was plus or minus.
the problem is that i posted too fast without thinking much and now that i see BHR-3 did not enter yet rrrr

I would love to join..but I cant



Don't take information from Zexen, he'll take your money and run with it.

I, however, offer my answers for a measly VG$2000. And I found out before Zexen, so the information is not corrupted.

Also, it's not Nordlead. Seriously. Or is it?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective