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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Whats with all the hate on Halo?

Still no one answered my question... lol
Anyway you made this thread because people vote down Halo, but a lot more people vote down on metroid prime just because it's on the top. Including the OP, so don't be such a hypocrite douche bag.

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Samus Aran said:
Still no one answered my question... lol
Anyway you made this thread because people vote down Halo, but a lot more people vote down on metroid prime just because it's on the top. Including the OP, so don't be such a hypocrite douche bag.

Yeah, they (including myself) were voting it down because it doesn't belong on top, not because they hated the game (unlike you with Halo) so really there is no hipocracy here, after all, the thread title is "Whats with all the hate on Halo" not, "why do people keep voting down Halo" 

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

ultraslick said:
I feel like the Halo franchise sort of represents the "hardcore" game market to the mainstream media. When the type of people in a forum like this one have realized that Halo is just one game and there are sooo many better games out there.
I am tired of telling people that I was playing video games (and they have no clue about anything video game related, and they say; Halo?) and having to clarify that I am not playing Halo.

It is a great franchise, but even still, it is wayyyy overrated imo. Eventually I want to move on from a game that launched with the first xbox. Common, lets let it die.

Plus the frustration builds because the Halo name is whoring itself worse than mario at its current rate. I guess they should milk it before COD completely takes over.

Halo 3
Halo Wars
Halo 3 ODST
Halo Reach

but even with all that, I still like Halo

Halo is till the best console FPS in the market.

ironman said:
Samus Aran said:
Still no one answered my question... lol
Anyway you made this thread because people vote down Halo, but a lot more people vote down on metroid prime just because it's on the top. Including the OP, so don't be such a hypocrite douche bag.

Yeah, they (including myself) were voting it down because it doesn't belong on top, not because they hated the game (unlike you with Halo) so really there is no hipocracy here, after all, the thread title is "Whats with all the hate on Halo" not, "why do people keep voting down Halo"

He said that he made this thread because of the voting down on Halo. Besides what do you know about metroid prime... Nothing, nada, rien, nichts, niets... You haven't played the game and are there for in NO position to judge if the game belongs to the top or not. The only thing made of iron here is your thick skull.. Please get it through that skull of yours.... You haven't played metroid prime, so you don't know if it belongs on the top or not.

And my question remains unanswered, I guess Halo is nothing special then and just some overrated game...

Some fanboys are just jealous about the best game ever.

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Manos said:
Some fanboys are just jealous about the best game ever.

Halo is awesome as hell but its not the best game ever.

This is.


Yeah, tetris is great too. :D

Because most of the people on this site are SDF. And popular games always get som jelous haters. They look at one or two pictures and think that they can judge it by that. Lol

But what's so special about Halo? What does Halo do that no other fps has done?

Is this question to hard to answer that you guys avoid it?

Manos said:
Some fanboys are just jealous about the best game ever.

Your opinion, i dont even think most 360 owners believe that it is.