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I think Robben will have his revenge against another 1 of his former teams.. :)


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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WOW,that will teach me for going into Skyrim with barca 1-0 up and terry off,haha,brilliant,i can't believe it,watched real v bayern all the way,another big night,so almost everybody was wrong and that's why i love football with the amount of diving real and barca do i'm glad anyway,just because you fall over it doesn't mean someone has fouled you,uefa and fifa neeed to get on this but i won't hold my breath,gustavo got a yellow for one of the best tackles you will ever see and the fancy players don't get punished in the same way for continually falling over like defenders/battlers do for tackling,

and mourinho has finally lost his golden touch

i like the bayern team with robben and ribery,they are very dangerous and were the better team at the bernabeu if you ask me,i don't fancy chelsea chance much but i've been saying that for ages it seems,but without ramires & meireles who play those important roles in modern football,i can't really see it

iniesta and xavi are the best players at barca team wise and they can't go on for ever or get it right all the time,without them barca will not be the same,i guarantee it

@ kowen,messi is amazing,why are you going on like he isn't very good,you cannot be serious,best player in the world,we are seeing xavi and iniesta coming to an end in my opinion

quite alot of suspensions,it seems a bit stupid from uefa especially when you get booked for amazing tackles and girly over reaction,i love football and have watched for many years but the cards and the way the referees guess at all major decisions is totally out of touch in modern sport,they really need to get up with the times now,so many good goals disallowed,non goals allowed and players getting cards for nothing is very annoying,referees and linesman just guess,how can this be,i for one know you cannot look in two places at once so every close offside is a guess

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zuvuyeay said:

quite alot of suspensions,it seems a bit stupid from uefa especially when you get booked for amazing tackles and girly over reaction,i love football and have watched for many years but the cards and the way the referees guess at all major decisions is totally out of touch in modern sport,they really need to get up with the times now,so many good goals disallowed,non goals allowed and players getting cards for nothing is very annoying,referees and linesman just guess,how can this be,i for one know you cannot look in two places at once so every close offside is a guess

How do you feel about sin bins being in football?

Andrespetmonkey said:
zuvuyeay said:

quite alot of suspensions,it seems a bit stupid from uefa especially when you get booked for amazing tackles and girly over reaction,i love football and have watched for many years but the cards and the way the referees guess at all major decisions is totally out of touch in modern sport,they really need to get up with the times now,so many good goals disallowed,non goals allowed and players getting cards for nothing is very annoying,referees and linesman just guess,how can this be,i for one know you cannot look in two places at once so every close offside is a guess

How do you feel about sin bins being in football?

i don't like sin bins myself,because football needs the balance of 11 v 11,and  how many sin bins would we have,there would be one every minute with thiese refs,

i just want correct decisions which TV can supply but it seems i am in the minority when ever i suggest this anywhere,for me the game has gone beyond the one man and his dog ref outfit,people don't like the stop and start of video but i just want correct decisions and allow more contact,

people say they want the game last night to be played the same way as on hackney marshes,which is idiotic these days in my opinion and that video refs will ruin football,but i disagree,i'm not in a hurry and  i don't care if it takes longer and is right,for anything that leads to a goal or red card it should be looked at by a video ref team and brought back if the wrong decision was made,its as simple as that for me,like ronaldo was offside last night,shouldn't have been given if that is the rule

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football is more about fitness and running than anything these days,they'll be glad of a rest when the video refs are deciding on a penalty,if its not conclusive then don't give it,brushing someone is not contact and players should get yellows for going down over nothing,retrospectively that would stop it more than anything,if we lose the art of defending then we will lose football,slowly but we will lose it,heart and effort should be regarded as highly as blessed and genius

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Even better than Falcao would be Neymar. This guy is so young and talented, and with a coach like Guardiola he could become one of the best players in the world. Yes, Guardiola might not be able to improvise when things go wrong, but he definitly can build up players. Iniesta, Xavi and Messi weren't nearly at the same level as they got with him.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

I cant believe Sergio Ramos missed the most important penalty LIKE THAT !!!! He would have missed Empire State Building if it was 5m away from him, with a shot like that

spurgeonryan said:
Is the world cup going on right now or something?

D'uh no the Champions League semi finals

ghettoglamour said:
Even better than Falcao would be Neymar. This guy is so young and talented, and with a coach like Guardiola he could become one of the best players in the world. Yes, Guardiola might not be able to improvise when things go wrong, but he definitly can build up players. Iniesta, Xavi and Messi weren't nearly at the same level as they got with him.

You really think Pep will stay after a year without titles?

spurgeonryan said:
Lol, then I have no idea what that is. One last question before I leave this thread forever. Is America playing in it?

It's a competition for the best of the best European clubs, so no.