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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 getting a 360 favorite

Sounds like Dead Rising to me.

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Its nothing earth shattering, so its either a port of a very old title, or an XBL title. He mentioned it isn't as big as people make it out to be.


Maybe Geometry Wars 2?

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
MAFKKA said:
I read TheSixthAxis update and they said that fans needs to remember that they are but a small fan site and that the announcement wont be any be all end all announcement. But still, as the headline said, it is a game that has a good rep from the 360 community.

So i dont think it will be anything "huge" like a Gears game. But thats just how i see it.

Saying it that way sounds like SO4 alot more.

Nah. He's been talking to the studio, remember. That rules out Square-Enix, tri-ACE, Capcom, Bioware, Epic, etc. Plus, despite how horny all PS3 fans are over the possibility, he said it's not a case of the PS3 stealing a 360 exclusive. In light of that, I think this is about Gameloft bringing UNO to PSN.

I'm going to say it's Castle Crashers

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badgenome said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
MAFKKA said:
I read TheSixthAxis update and they said that fans needs to remember that they are but a small fan site and that the announcement wont be any be all end all announcement. But still, as the headline said, it is a game that has a good rep from the 360 community.

So i dont think it will be anything "huge" like a Gears game. But thats just how i see it.

Saying it that way sounds like SO4 alot more.

Nah. He's been talking to the studio, remember. That rules out Square-Enix, tri-ACE, Capcom, Bioware, Epic, etc. Plus, despite how horny all PS3 fans are over the possibility, he said it's not a case of the PS3 stealing a 360 exclusive. In light of that, I think this is about Gameloft bringing UNO to PSN.

It'll happen one day though, SO4 coming over that is. so really doesnt matter i guess.


Ewww... but then that means **** will fap to ******* ..... >_> nvm....

It can't be that great of a game if they can't reveal it. They are just holding off on showing the game that is jumping ship so they get more hits on their site.

Mass Effect would be nice, it's basically the only game which would interest me in the 360 library. I'm not so much a shooter fan, and I've already got Killzone 2 anyway.

its been confirmed its briad for psn

im pretty happy with that, its supposed to be a good game

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Oh so the AAA XBLA title Braid is coming to PSN

