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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN AU Wii Sports Resort review

So, a game that includes 1:1 sword fighting, Pilotwings kinda game, Wave Race kinda game and loads of game modes is not for us. Ok...



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Kantor said:
Hmmm, 7 posts before we got an "IGN AU hates the Wii" post

I don't know if they are haters or not but I will ignore this review not because i'm not happy with the score but because IGN AU had very little credibility to begin with.  Their reviews are all over the place.

I'm confused now... what are the reviewers we should trust as wii owners?

I thought IGN was trustable (I know IGN AU is different than UK and the american but still)

hsrob said:
Kantor said:
Hmmm, 7 posts before we got an "IGN AU hates the Wii" post

I don't know if they are haters or not but I will ignore this review not because i'm not happy with the score but because IGN AU had very little credibility to begin with.  Their reviews are all over the place.

I'll agree with that. IGN AU aren't Wii haters, they just suck at reviewing. They're on my list of fail reviewers (Edge, Variety and Teletext GameCentral are on there too)

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Oh, no! IGN gave WSR a 6.5, this means it sucks, now i won't buy it! : p

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

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im just gona buy the game and see for myself as with most wii games, critics just cant grasp the wii

What was famitsu score for Wii Sports Resort?

Kantor said:
Destroyer_of_knights said:

Everyone, SHUT THE FUCK UP.....CLOSE THIS THREAD.....because regardless of the score, and the comments people make here, this game will sell millions, just remember, we are NOT the casual market, infact we are NOT Nintendo's market for this game so any energy wasted here is pointless.

In saying that though I have become a hypocrite I know, but it's all worth it to save your brain from consuming power, which in tern means you won't be wasting your vital energy which would result in you becoming hungry, this also means that with out you posting, electricity is saved so there is less emissions, end result, everyone is happy including earth. ^_^

Yes, let's close a review thread because a game is going to sell well. Your logic is flawless. I hope you become a mod.

you know what's funny, I've applied to many sites to become a mod, including this one, speaking with certain people higher up the food chains, they all say the same thing, but I never get the job....I wonder why that is...anyway thanks for the compliment, keeps my spirit burning.

FreeTalkLive said:
Destroyer_of_knights said:

...we are NOT the casual market, infact we are NOT Nintendo's market for this game so any energy wasted here is pointless.

Speak for yourself.  I'd  be shocked if most current forum members don't end up playing the game at least once.  I'm sure many of us will buy the game, and even more of us will like the game.  I am the market for this game.


I am speaking for my self, I unfortunately don't have a secretary to type this for me, working on it though, in any case, got to give up for Nintendo capitalising on another tech demo, but damn will that tech demo like I said, whats the point of us talking about it, the outcome is already known.

Ok, I'll summarise their criticisms here...

-Sword fighting isn't 1:1. Degenerates into wagglefest. Doesn't deliver on the promise of the Motion Plus.
-Lack of 4 player simultaneous mutliplayer.
-No online features to speak of.
-Not much in the way of value for solo players.
-Crap Music.
-Constantly having to calibrate Motion Plus.
-Generally feel that many of the mini games could have been much better/more fleshed out. Some of them just plain suck.
-Sports carried over from the first game have only been marginally improved.

So, I'd say the score is more than justified. It is IGN AU, though. They're really harsh on some games.