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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN AU Wii Sports Resort review

I can't really tell if they are bashing or praising WiiSports. "tech demo" that people plays for months and years...

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I think this review is a bit harsh. Ive thoroughly played the game and the one short coming I can agree with is the lack of multiplayer modes. There is only one mode where four people can play at once, so that is a bit weak. The lack of online is also a bonehead move on Nintendo's part, but other than that this game has improved on Wii Sports in major ways. You get three times as many sports, better graphics, and superior control. How could that not deliver?

Run it in the HD emulator and it'll become the best game ever!



Everyone, SHUT THE FUCK UP.....CLOSE THIS THREAD.....because regardless of the score, and the comments people make here, this game will sell millions, just remember, we are NOT the casual market, infact we are NOT Nintendo's market for this game so any energy wasted here is pointless.

In saying that though I have become a hypocrite I know, but it's all worth it to save your brain from consuming power, which in tern means you won't be wasting your vital energy which would result in you becoming hungry, this also means that with out you posting, electricity is saved so there is less emissions, end result, everyone is happy including earth. ^_^

Dazkarieh said:
Run it in the HD emulator and it'll become the best game ever!

Beware the power of the Emulator!

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Destroyer_of_knights said:

Everyone, SHUT THE FUCK UP.....CLOSE THIS THREAD.....because regardless of the score, and the comments people make here, this game will sell millions, just remember, we are NOT the casual market, infact we are NOT Nintendo's market for this game so any energy wasted here is pointless.

In saying that though I have become a hypocrite I know, but it's all worth it to save your brain from consuming power, which in tern means you won't be wasting your vital energy which would result in you becoming hungry, this also means that with out you posting, electricity is saved so there is less emissions, end result, everyone is happy including earth. ^_^

Yes, let's close a review thread because a game is going to sell well. Your logic is flawless. I hope you become a mod.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

The review makes fun of Link's Crossbow Training. That bothered me but didn't cross the line. However, giving the game a 5 for Lasting Appeal went way over the line. Anything less than an 8 is a joke (and 9 would be more fair).

The review admits that Wii Sports entertained people for months or even years. It also admits that Wii Sports Resort is better than Wii Sports. Clearly, Cam Shea has a serious problem with reality.


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Destroyer_of_knights said:

...we are NOT the casual market, infact we are NOT Nintendo's market for this game so any energy wasted here is pointless.

Speak for yourself.  I'd  be shocked if most current forum members don't end up playing the game at least once.  I'm sure many of us will buy the game, and even more of us will like the game.  I am the market for this game.


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Destroyer_of_knights said:

Everyone, SHUT THE FUCK UP.....CLOSE THIS THREAD.....because regardless of the score, and the comments people make here, this game will sell millions, just remember, we are NOT the casual market, infact we are NOT Nintendo's market for this game so any energy wasted here is pointless.

In saying that though I have become a hypocrite I know, but it's all worth it to save your brain from consuming power, which in tern means you won't be wasting your vital energy which would result in you becoming hungry, this also means that with out you posting, electricity is saved so there is less emissions, end result, everyone is happy including earth. ^_^

Is this a joke or...?

It's nice of you to speak for the whole community. That saves some more energy.

What did they give to Wii Sports when it came out?

Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.