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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Best 6th Generation Game, GAME, please read the rules!

SOTC +1 (it's a fantastic, unique game and one of the few that feel close to Art. Sure its a melancholy tale - but its rewards are richer than mere fun!)

Fable -2 (too much disappointment vs claims and hype for me. Still, they delivered much better with number 2).

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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- FFX (good final fantasy, but not nearly as unique and amazing as SotC)


+ metroid prime


edit: just saw the part where you have to explain.

metriod prime: this game is pure sex.  i'm soo excited for the plays on wii re-release. xD

GTA III: ugh, i just hate everything about GTA.  my friends loved just going around killing cops to reach 5 stars and i was on the couch gauging my eyes out.  the only thing worse was the time they wanted to go warthog jumping. 

- Final fantasy 10 (i like this game but it's the game i like least out of the games i have played on the list)


- Fable ( look at my post before this)

Around the Network

+MGS3 (One of my all time favorites - Amazing plot, characters, addictive gameplay, amazing graphics and Soundtrack).

-GTA3 (Boring ass story, and I don't like to go around mindlessly killing stuff in video games, that's what real life is for)

Bet with Dr.A.Peter.Nintendo that Super Mario Galaxy 2 won't sell 15 million copies up to six months after it's release, the winner will get Avatar control for a week and signature control for a month.

forest-spirit said:
+ Metroid Prime (Superb game, it has everything, great gameplay, I love the exploration. There, I can't say anymore, must save something for my next vote :p)
- Halo (Most disappointing, after FFXII. Maybe my expectations were to high...)

How was Halo so dissapointing? I bet you never played it, and know nothing about it other than it is uber popular.


+ Halo (do I need to explain again or can you look at my last post?)

- Metroid prime (once again, looks like it would be a fun game...but just doesn't have the story, graphics, or following that Halo had, so I must vote it down.)

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

-Metriod Prime


ironman said:
forest-spirit said:
+ Metroid Prime (Superb game, it has everything, great gameplay, I love the exploration. There, I can't say anymore, must save something for my next vote :p)
- Halo (Most disappointing, after FFXII. Maybe my expectations were to high...)

How was Halo so dissapointing? I bet you never played it, and know nothing about it other than it is uber popular.


+ Halo (do I need to explain again or can you look at my last post?)

- Metroid prime (once again, looks like it would be a fun game...but just doesn't have the story, graphics, or following that Halo had, so I must vote it down.)

Lol Metroid prime looks A LOT better then the first halo because of the great design art and halo has a story? Wow, didn't know... Seriously, the prime story is a lot better then the one from Halo... You probably don't even know how the story is told in the prime games or who metroid prime is. Seriously, play the game before you judge it because you clearly know nothing about it. Nintendo isn't going to spend $30 million just to promote metroid prime, so obviously it won't have the same following and it's a hardcore game unlike Halo which is casual--> More people buy it.



+ metroid prime (The game still looks great today and it has one of the greatest game world I've ever seen in a game. The design art is amazing and I had a wow feeling in a lot of places. It has a great story which is mostly told through scanning, so the story isn't forced on you unlike MGS4 LOL. The boss battles were also pretty cool but I found the metroid prime 2 bosses cooler though, but prime 1 is still one of the greatest games ever created. I just love to go to an alien planet where all inhabitants are DEAD XD, the isolation adds a lot to the great atmosphere the game has)

- Halo( it only became popular because it was the first great console fps, but it still sucks compared to pc fps...)

deleted wrong thread

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !