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Forums - Sony Discussion - Confirmation on $399 PS3 (link inside with pictures)

Well I've been one of the $399 PS3 doubters, but I'm prepared to admit that there's now a chance this may be true (and still a chance it may be false). This could in fact give the PS3 a decent holiday season.

Still, with this, I doubt Sony will ever profit on the PS3's sold so far. Basically they're just fighting for marketshare in the hopes that it'll pave the way to sell more PS3s later when they're cheaper. I'm still not convinced that's a viable strategy since so far all they keep doing is skimming the top off of the market with the mainstream buyers still way below their price. The Wii is going to tap the mainstream first, with the 360 pretty far behind it and by the time the PS3 gets to that price range they may be too far behind to recover (and they may be that far behind already).

"Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" -- Daffy Duck
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This is pretty amazing if true, has any other console ever dropped in price like this in it's first year?


Seems everyone has something to announce next week. New SKUs, possible megatons ... what a great time to be a gamer!

To bad a lot of the people that adopted it on launch day are weeping tears of money right now

iPhone ftw anyone?

Nah, it's not that bad, but still, Sony's been riding the price roller coaster for a while now. At least now we'll get to see some interesting numbers a la discount SKU.



Currently playing: Civ 6

darthdevidem said:



a respected UK Videogames selling site (like Amazon)

I think it might outsell the wii in europe. Footboll is popular there more than anywhere.  At that price wit a soccer game bundeled in. I wont be suprised if it tops 100k.


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Legend11 said:
This is pretty amazing if true, has any other console ever dropped in price like this in it's first year?


Nice trolling there buddy.

 No no other console has dropped this much


leo-j said:
Legend11 said:
This is pretty amazing if true, has any other console ever dropped in price like this in it's first year?


Nice trolling there buddy.

No no other console has dropped this much

You know what's trolling? Falsely accusing other people of trolling.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957


Sorry but I consider bashing a console for being desperate trolling.



Where is the bashing? He just said this price drop is amazing if it happens... don't you agree?

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Yeah, Leo, chill out. As far as I'm concerned 399 dollars for a PS3 inside of a year when it launched at 600 is damn skippy for the consumer. If I had kids I'd buy them a PS3 and Ratchet Future so fast....