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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The 8 Biggest Hardcore HD games of Fall 2009,

seece said:
disolitude said:
Bayonetta should stay...that title will most likely be more "hardcore" than any other. If its anything like dEvil May cry and 3...

Also, FPS does not = hardcore. Left 4 Dead is an arcade game...

Its most likely to be the worst as well ....

Are we talking worst for the Metacritic gods?

Cause I know for a fact I will like bayonetta better than assasins creed, forza 3, Bioshock 2, Uncharted 2 and most likely Splinter Cell Conviction.

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Bro, where's Demon's Soul if you're saying hardcore?

MAG is hardcore also.

Still though, pretty good list.

seece said:
disolitude said:
Bayonetta should stay...that title will most likely be more "hardcore" than any other. If its anything like dEvil May cry and 3...

Also, FPS does not = hardcore. Left 4 Dead is an arcade game...

Its most likely to be the worst as well ....

Bah, let people have their opinions. I think GTA is terrible, all Splinter Cell games suck, and that Halo isn't fun anymore. But, hey, let people have it their lists.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

disolitude said:
seece said:
disolitude said:
Bayonetta should stay...that title will most likely be more "hardcore" than any other. If its anything like dEvil May cry and 3...

Also, FPS does not = hardcore. Left 4 Dead is an arcade game...

Its most likely to be the worst as well ....

Are we talking worst for the Metacritic gods?

Cause I know for a fact I will like bayonetta better than assasins creed, forza 3, Bioshock 2, Uncharted 2 and most likely Splinter Cell Conviction.

I'm with disolitude here, Bayonetta looks awesome! Though I can't really say how much I will like it compared to all those games

outlawauron said:
seece said:
disolitude said:
Bayonetta should stay...that title will most likely be more "hardcore" than any other. If its anything like dEvil May cry and 3...

Also, FPS does not = hardcore. Left 4 Dead is an arcade game...

Its most likely to be the worst as well ....

Bah, let people have their opinions. I think GTA is terrible, all Splinter Cell games suck, and that Halo isn't fun anymore. But, hey, let people have it their lists.

lol where did I say he couldn't have his opinion?

@ Disolitude & Rainbird, thats because you don't "like" those games as much, doesn't mean they're worse. I'm not saying Bayonetta is going to be crap, but looking at that list of games, which game strikes as having the worst dev and most chance for being the worst game, it isn't any of the other 7. Bayonetta stands out like a sore thumb in that list.


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seece said:
outlawauron said:
seece said:
disolitude said:
Bayonetta should stay...that title will most likely be more "hardcore" than any other. If its anything like dEvil May cry and 3...

Also, FPS does not = hardcore. Left 4 Dead is an arcade game...

Its most likely to be the worst as well ....

Bah, let people have their opinions. I think GTA is terrible, all Splinter Cell games suck, and that Halo isn't fun anymore. But, hey, let people have it their lists.

lol where did I say he couldn't have his opinion?

@ Disolitude & Rainbird, thats because you don't "like" those games as much, doesn't mean they're worse. I'm not saying Bayonetta is going to be crap, but looking at that list of games, which game strikes as having the worst dev and most chance for being the worst game, it isn't any of the other 7. Bayonetta stands out liek a sore thumb in that list.

I agree that other games have proven devs. But don't you think that all other games on the list are kind of starting to drag their feet? I mean these games are the corporate blockbusters that activision, microsoft, sony and ubisoft fatcats are going to count on for their salary bonuses. They will deliver the goods take your money and make sure your expectations are met.

Bayonetta on the other hand has a chance to do crazy stuff and take risks that the other games on this list can't. Its by far the most exciting game on this list... and while it won't be the best, it should deliver an experience with a twist.

seece said:
outlawauron said:
seece said:
disolitude said:
Bayonetta should stay...that title will most likely be more "hardcore" than any other. If its anything like dEvil May cry and 3...

Also, FPS does not = hardcore. Left 4 Dead is an arcade game...

Its most likely to be the worst as well ....

Bah, let people have their opinions. I think GTA is terrible, all Splinter Cell games suck, and that Halo isn't fun anymore. But, hey, let people have it their lists.

lol where did I say he couldn't have his opinion?

@ Disolitude & Rainbird, thats because you don't "like" those games as much, doesn't mean they're worse. I'm not saying Bayonetta is going to be crap, but looking at that list of games, which game strikes as having the worst dev and most chance for being the worst game, it isn't any of the other 7. Bayonetta stands out like a sore thumb in that list.

I didn't you said that, but rather telling him that it be removed because it's going to be the worst. He obviously doesn't think so.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I see people are still doubting Bayonetta. Tsk, tsk.

Seece, you have Lips in your sig. You're in no position to call other people out on their tastes :P

seece said:

@ Disolitude & Rainbird, thats because you don't "like" those games as much, doesn't mean they're worse. I'm not saying Bayonetta is going to be crap, but looking at that list of games, which game strikes as having the worst dev and most chance for being the worst game, it isn't any of the other 7. Bayonetta stands out like a sore thumb in that list.

To you maybe, I feel the same way about BioShock 2. BioShock wasn't a bad game, but I never found it to be GotY material, and I never understood why it got so much praise.

So there are two things that need to be defined for this thread to work:
