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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit gets 6.5'd on Gamespot

Ive heard the online pretty sweet,I wanna try out sometime.

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I honestly stopped Reading Gamespot Reviews. They have a lot of Wii haters on the staff, and a lot of Xbox fanboys go to there sight just to bash ((no offense)). So honestly i just use them for when games come out or Guides other than that i really don't care what they have to say anymore.


gamespot hates the Wii, we knew it long ago, but come on, 6.5??

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
gamespot hates the Wii, we knew it long ago, but come on, 6.5??

Lol no they dont they gave SMG the GOTY in 07, they seem to hate the 360 now they keep giving out 7.0 for the exclusive 360 games lol

bbsin said:
The conduit looks like a game that would be welcomed by wii exclusive owners but shunned by PC/PS3/360 multiplatform owners. I think it'll serve it's purpose for the intended audience (aka wii owners that are looking for a more core shooter).

Pretty much. There really doesn't seem to be anything that would make someone with access to KZ2, Halo, CoD, etc sit up and take notice. That being said, it does look like a solid, fun multiplayer FPS for the Wii, something that is very nice to see in it's own right.


That being said, despite owning a PS3+360, and most major FPSs for them, I ordered the Conduit for a number of reasons. The biggest is probably that I still lean toward being a Nintendo fanboy, and tend to enjoy Wii games more, if only because they are on the Wii. :) Additionally, I want to reward HVS (in my own, small way) for putting the effort in on a Wii title, and I'd really like to see how well done Wii controls compare to dual analog for FPSs.


Hopefully all the criticism of the Conduit, warranted or not, is taken well by HVS, who can then use their great engine to build an even better game.

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Dark_Rulez89 said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:
gamespot hates the Wii, we knew it long ago, but come on, 6.5??

Lol no they dont they gave SMG the GOTY in 07, they seem to hate the 360 now they keep giving out 7.0 for the exclusive 360 games lol

SMG was 2 years ago and SMG is SMG!

they give 7.0 to 360 exclusives, but Conduit is far more hyped and deserves more than 8.5, not 6.5 come on......

and i know because i've played a bit, it's awesome...

it's very rare to find a good review for Wii in that site, and they always give about 2.0 lower score than other sites to most Wii games

i don't know who said it before, but it's true that "reviewers are the problems, not the games) and that fits perfectly to Wii, because if you don't like Wii you don't like it's controller obviously, then how can you like a game that uses that controller

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

Look anybody who is mad because reviewers compare game between all consoles to make their reviews is ilogical. You can't review one game comparing your experience to just experiences onone consle. That is crap. The industry only betters itself by comparing all modern games to all modern and old games past and present. The entire nature of reviews is subjuctive, relative and arbitrary to be redundant. But a reviews average is always a decent viewpoint on what is top of the line in the modern video game industry. If Wii gamerz limit there shooter experience to this than they are not shooter fanz. It's ok. But there should be no complaining when a suppossed partially objective reviewer rates a game badly no matter the system. We all judge are previous gaming experiences to judge the new ones. Anyways, enjoy the game if u can. Peace!!!

Soriku said:
Same score as ToS: DotNW, and that's an amazing game :P

Just ignore these reviews if you don't like them. The comments on the game page of it here on VGC are positive, and early impressions sounds like it'll sell well, so who cares?

Off topic....but why do we all reverse our opinions of a game based on score? This game got a 6.5, and everyone's like "just ignore it, it's a great game"

But when KZ2 got a 9.1 from IGN, everyone tried to nitpick at every reason that it shouldn't have gotten above a 7.


A Lot Of Sites Are Giving This Game Around The Same Score. No Need To Call Gamespot Biased.

One thing that always bothers me is when a non-cross platform game gets compared to HD games. Sorry but almost nobody who owns a console owns more than one, we are the exception. Is The Conduit a great game if it were HD? No. But the Wii has few FPSs and as such it should be compared to its competition. This is a game the Wii needs, its far from perfect, but it is a huge progression. To ignore and spite this step forward is just silly. At least HVS fucking tried, we needs to give them a break, support them, and let them learn. Until then I will be duking it out online.


As a side note, I don't know when the console reviews suddenly stopped putting control near the top of the list of importance. To most PC gamers dual analogue is like trudging through mud. A well done Wii FPS can challenge the best PC game for control, which to me- and any real control snob is certainly the only competition that exists in the first place.

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