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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Magic: the Gathering for XBLA = bad

That... has to be a bug.

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mrstickball said:
Should of bought Culdcept Saga.

Culdcept Saga is an awesome game.  I saw it on sale (new) for 10 bucks and bought 2 copies, one for me and one for my girlfriend who I knew used to play Magic The Gathering.  Best 10 bucks I ever spent on a game.  The real bummer though is that we've never been able to get through a match against each other online, we always get disconnected, usually within the first 5 turns. 

Shame about this game though.  I was going to buy it just for the reasons stated above, hoping it would be something to fun to play online against each other.

daroamer said:
mrstickball said:
Should of bought Culdcept Saga.

Culdcept Saga is an awesome game.  I saw it on sale (new) for 10 bucks and bought 2 copies, one for me and one for my girlfriend who I knew used to play Magic The Gathering.  Best 10 bucks I ever spent on a game.  The real bummer though is that we've never been able to get through a match against each other online, we always get disconnected, usually within the first 5 turns. 

Shame about this game though.  I was going to buy it just for the reasons stated above, hoping it would be something to fun to play online against each other.

Culdcept Saga had its fair share of problems (like the AI fucking cheating), but it was also a lot of fun.  I let a friend borrow it and never really got around to getting it back and I think he's in California now...  ;_;


mibuokami said:
mysticD said:
twesterm said:
johnathonmerritt said:
axumblade said:
yeah.....I don't trust video game versions of Magic the Gathering...x.o

I thought the online PC card game was good. It wasn't anything fancy, but it worked well. I just didn't like the idea on having to spend so much money on digial cards.

Yeah, if they had that interface and controls just converted to XBL that would be good.

I would even be happy with the bad decks and very limited selection in the game as long as I could customize them.

Here's a good read from the designer of the game and reasons why they went this route with Duel of the Planewalkers for XBLA

Oh and you could interupt action, let said you assign blocker. Before damage is dealt there is an optiion "A" pop up and at this point you can used card ability.  For example if you have those little Pyro guy, you can assign him to block before the damage is dealth you can tap him using "A" button to use his card ability to ping someone for 1 damage.

Some of the process have been streamline for simplicity sake.  Again, not to beat a dead horse but if you want a full functioning, deck building, sanction legal Magic, there is already one available (and have been available for quite sometimes).

This game is for people who just want to pitch two decks together for fun.  I bought several pre-made Magic decks (and they cost a lot more than the $10.00 asking price of XBLA version) and used them as is because it's balance and anyone of my family and friends can just pick up and play.  I pick up couple boosters here and there to beef up the deck (since those starter are usually only 40 cards) but they deck remain balance.  No tournament style shut down (read boring to play) in casucal non compettive setting).  Why would any of your friends want to come over to play with you when you have the uber decks that beat them down every round.

Sorry for the long rant on this but it's really annoying to see people dismiss this game without seeing why and who it is for.  This is the same as people dismissing those Wii party games as lame, but you know what, when you are getting together with friends and family they are more fun to play because the game offer easy to learn and easy to pick up and play for everyone. 



That's not Magic though, if they're using the name of the franchise and building a simulation of what the real life card game does, then I expect them to at least give me some of the most BASIC functionality that any Magic player demands and expects.

What's the point of dumbing it down to such a severe degree? That's just using a franchise's name to garner more sale and deceiving the fans that bought the game thinking they're actually buying Magic the Gathering.

Make your own game and call it Magik for Beginners or something and sell that, don't make a game called Magic the Gathering that actually simulate the card game then throw away everything that makes Magic unique.

And as for local multiplayer, how the hell do you play a game of magic with only 1 screen? does this mean the opponent can see my card whenever its my turn? Urrgh!

Seriously, for all I know this could a very fun casual game but I repeat: This is not Magic! From Twestern's description, not even Portal Edition is this dumbed down!

So yes, I'll dismiss this game despite the developer's justification of a casual leaning expirience, because in his effort to make the game more noob friendly he essentially destroyed what made Magic unique. He might as well create his own generic fantasy setting card game rather than decieve real player who are actually interested in Magic into purchasing this farce.


edit: I don't have this game, I am basing my criticism on the feature twestern has highlighted as missing in his comment and which I view as completely unacceptable in any Magic game that tries to simulate the real card game expirience.


Pretty much this.  I know it's the casual version of Magic but that doesn't mean that have to take out the options completely.  Give me an advanced mode.  All those cards are in there so I could make a decent to good deck, they just absolutely do not give you the option.

Also, this game was marketed towards casual and hardcore Magic players.  I don't remember where I saw the article unfortunately, but they went on record saying this game had plenty to do for the hardcore experienced Magic players and that's one of the things that pushed me into the game.

He could not have been more wrong.  If you have any experience with M:tG you will be bored to tears by this game.  I was hoping to find a good alternative to Magic Online where I didn't have to buy online versions of cards but instead I get this garbage.

The game doing everything for you, not being able to build your own deck, and the incredibly aggrevating 2.5 second timer all add up to a game nobody should buy.

You get 8 pre-constructed decks with 17 cards you can win that you can add or not add per deck. This isn’t for the hardcore Magic player though. I was done with the game when I sold my Unlimited cards to buy my first car back in the day. So revisiting Magic was fun for me.

I wasn’t expecting a lot for $10. I don’t even think you can get 1 pre-constructed deck for that price anymore? For the price and what you get it’s pretty good. It was fun getting into a 4 player match too…

I think you guys are judging it way too harshly for what it is.

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twesterm said:
mibuokami said:
mysticD said:
twesterm said:
johnathonmerritt said:
axumblade said:
yeah.....I don't trust video game versions of Magic the Gathering...x.o

I thought the online PC card game was good. It wasn't anything fancy, but it worked well. I just didn't like the idea on having to spend so much money on digial cards.

Yeah, if they had that interface and controls just converted to XBL that would be good.

I would even be happy with the bad decks and very limited selection in the game as long as I could customize them.

Here's a good read from the designer of the game and reasons why they went this route with Duel of the Planewalkers for XBLA

Oh and you could interupt action, let said you assign blocker. Before damage is dealt there is an optiion "A" pop up and at this point you can used card ability.  For example if you have those little Pyro guy, you can assign him to block before the damage is dealth you can tap him using "A" button to use his card ability to ping someone for 1 damage.

Some of the process have been streamline for simplicity sake.  Again, not to beat a dead horse but if you want a full functioning, deck building, sanction legal Magic, there is already one available (and have been available for quite sometimes).

This game is for people who just want to pitch two decks together for fun.  I bought several pre-made Magic decks (and they cost a lot more than the $10.00 asking price of XBLA version) and used them as is because it's balance and anyone of my family and friends can just pick up and play.  I pick up couple boosters here and there to beef up the deck (since those starter are usually only 40 cards) but they deck remain balance.  No tournament style shut down (read boring to play) in casucal non compettive setting).  Why would any of your friends want to come over to play with you when you have the uber decks that beat them down every round.

Sorry for the long rant on this but it's really annoying to see people dismiss this game without seeing why and who it is for.  This is the same as people dismissing those Wii party games as lame, but you know what, when you are getting together with friends and family they are more fun to play because the game offer easy to learn and easy to pick up and play for everyone. 



That's not Magic though, if they're using the name of the franchise and building a simulation of what the real life card game does, then I expect them to at least give me some of the most BASIC functionality that any Magic player demands and expects.

What's the point of dumbing it down to such a severe degree? That's just using a franchise's name to garner more sale and deceiving the fans that bought the game thinking they're actually buying Magic the Gathering.

Make your own game and call it Magik for Beginners or something and sell that, don't make a game called Magic the Gathering that actually simulate the card game then throw away everything that makes Magic unique.

And as for local multiplayer, how the hell do you play a game of magic with only 1 screen? does this mean the opponent can see my card whenever its my turn? Urrgh!

Seriously, for all I know this could a very fun casual game but I repeat: This is not Magic! From Twestern's description, not even Portal Edition is this dumbed down!

So yes, I'll dismiss this game despite the developer's justification of a casual leaning expirience, because in his effort to make the game more noob friendly he essentially destroyed what made Magic unique. He might as well create his own generic fantasy setting card game rather than decieve real player who are actually interested in Magic into purchasing this farce.


edit: I don't have this game, I am basing my criticism on the feature twestern has highlighted as missing in his comment and which I view as completely unacceptable in any Magic game that tries to simulate the real card game expirience.


Pretty much this.  I know it's the casual version of Magic but that doesn't mean that have to take out the options completely.  Give me an advanced mode.  All those cards are in there so I could make a decent to good deck, they just absolutely do not give you the option.

Also, this game was marketed towards casual and hardcore Magic players.  I don't remember where I saw the article unfortunately, but they went on record saying this game had plenty to do for the hardcore experienced Magic players and that's one of the things that pushed me into the game.

He could not have been more wrong.  If you have any experience with M:tG you will be bored to tears by this game.  I was hoping to find a good alternative to Magic Online where I didn't have to buy online versions of cards but instead I get this garbage.

The game doing everything for you, not being able to build your own deck, and the incredibly aggrevating 2.5 second timer all add up to a game nobody should buy.

They should of just rereleased the old Microprose game and expansions on Xbox live...

Okay, bring up the 10 dollar price point has already been run into the ground, but I agree, it's 10 freaking dollars. Its an amazing deal for that amount of money.

Second, why did you buy it without trying it first? You know they have a demo feature. Further more why are you still actively playing if it is that bad?

I'm an experience magic player, I started playing with third edition, played hard core for a while and now days I've played off and on with the PC version. My friends are all gone and we don't have comic shops nearby so PC or xbox is my only way to play. PC is nice but I realized how stupid it was buying cards, of course I realized that after I spent a few hundred. Even at that I was always getting crushed by people with mongo collections and endless wallets.

I like the arcade game. YES, everything you mentioned is an issue. I won't argue that. Aside from that I found a lot to like, a console version of Magic that I can play laying back with a controller in my hand.

In my opinion not being able to buy cards and build up super beef decks is a good thing. I hate you can't take the crap starting cards out when you get better ones. Otherwise everyone having access to mostly the same cards balances the game incredibly well. When I play someone online I don't have to wonder if they spent 2 grand on magic cards and beat me to a bloody pulp with rare power cards and cheesy combos. It's a leveled playing field and skill comes into play. Basically it takes the magic card collection penis measuring contest out of the game and it does wonders for it.

I've been having a blast and the sheer amount of decks you get for that cost is a wonderful deal. The timer is annoying sometime but even in your "10 second wait" scenario, its not that bad. Look at loading times on most video games. Hell, look at how long magic games could take in real life while people sit there and take ages to perform the simplest task. The timer and having time limits speeds things up while you are complaining about it slowing the game down.

Look, this game will grow and evolve. There will be DLC with new decks and cards, there more than likely will be patches. They are only one patch away from letting you take starting cards out of your deck. I'm sure they are hearing complaints. Who knows what will happen. Either way I've already gotten my 10 dollars worth and will continue to play and enjoy it. If you don't like it don't play it. But stop sounding like its a complete massive rip off and no one should buy it when we already know many people are enjoying it and many other games cost much more money on the arcade and offer much less play.

BTW, mysticD has two xboxs in his house and that is how he plays local multiplayer.

Spiteful49 said:
You get 8 pre-constructed decks with 17 cards you can win that you can add or not add per deck. This isn’t for the hardcore Magic player though. I was done with the game when I sold my Unlimited cards to buy my first car back in the day. So revisiting Magic was fun for me.

I wasn’t expecting a lot for $10. I don’t even think you can get 1 pre-constructed deck for that price anymore? For the price and what you get it’s pretty good. It was fun getting into a 4 player match too…

I think you guys are judging it way too harshly for what it is.

Yeah, but with a preconstructed deck you 1) get a better deck than what you get in this game and 2) you have the power to change it.

Yes, there are 17 cards you can win for each deck, but you cannot take out the cards you don't want.  So even assuming those 17 cards you can win are great (and they aren't) you then have a giant deck and you will never see those cards.

I think people that are saying it's fun because they've never played or haven't played since 1995 are right (except for the 2.5 second timer), but anyone that has any kind of experience with the game is going to be horribly dissapointed.

There are five HUGE flaws with this game:

  • The 2.5 second timer is painful because it's attached to everything and stacks with everything.
  • You can add and take away the cards you've win but you cannot add or take away cards that start in the deck.
  • You cannot choose how you tap lands.  This takes away some mind games and can stop you from casting spells.  Also keep in mind there's no preview how lands are going to be tapped and most things cannot be taken back.
  • If you don't have a card to play, the game just assumes the phase is over.  Again, this takes away from the mind games.  If I'm playing against an opponent playing blue and I see that their turn immediatly ends, I know they don't have anything they can do to me.
  • The interface is just awkward and confusing.  It's also incredibly unforgiving, a bad combination.

If the game only had any one or two of those problems then it would probably be a decent to good game and I would be totally happy but it has all five those and it's just a giant mess.

That sucks. MtG without full deck customization is no Magic. The original PC version, with its fair share of problems, had full customization deck options and a nice share (if somewhat limited) of cards, I enjoyed it a lot. While I didn't like much the RPG elements, the "playing Magic" part was pretty much flawless and not different at all to the regular Magic. Sucks that this game doesn't have that

JPL78 said:

Okay, bring up the 10 dollar price point has already been run into the ground, but I agree, it's 10 freaking dollars. Its an amazing deal for that amount of money.

$10 for a bad game isn't a good deal...

Second, why did you buy it without trying it first? You know they have a demo feature. Further more why are you still actively playing if it is that bad?

I don't like demos and that is my own fault.  I figured they would give me a bad deck and a bad opponent and that just wouldn't give me a good experience.  Also, I wanted the Garruk because I happen to need one more.  I admit getting the Garruk for $10 isn't a bad deal.

Also, I played as much as I did hoping it would get good.  I generally like to try games out before I go on long rants about them. 

I'm an experience magic player, I started playing with third edition, played hard core for a while and now days I've played off and on with the PC version. My friends are all gone and we don't have comic shops nearby so PC or xbox is my only way to play. PC is nice but I realized how stupid it was buying cards, of course I realized that after I spent a few hundred. Even at that I was always getting crushed by people with mongo collections and endless wallets.

I absolutely agree that buying cards on Magic Online is stupid.  I got into it for a while and had fun with the sealed and thought the interface was pretty well done but I just didn't like paying for the cards.

And yeah, it is annoying getting crushed by the people with infinite wallets, that's why I hoped this game would be different.  Everyone has the same pool of cards and you don't have to spend extra money for that same pool.  I was hoping you could pick from that pool and build your own deck.  Even if the pool was the preconstructed deck plus the 17 cards that would still be perfectly fine.

That would solve the overly powerful people and solves the infinite wallet people.  Not a hard concept.

In my opinion not being able to buy cards and build up super beef decks is a good thing. I hate you can't take the crap starting cards out when you get better ones. Otherwise everyone having access to mostly the same cards balances the game incredibly well. When I play someone online I don't have to wonder if they spent 2 grand on magic cards and beat me to a bloody pulp with rare power cards and cheesy combos. It's a leveled playing field and skill comes into play. Basically it takes the magic card collection penis measuring contest out of the game and it does wonders for it.

It's a leveled playing field that makes you rely more on luck than skill.  That isn't really that fun with Magic: the Gathering.

I've been having a blast and the sheer amount of decks you get for that cost is a wonderful deal. The timer is annoying sometime but even in your "10 second wait" scenario, its not that bad. Look at loading times on most video games. Hell, look at how long magic games could take in real life while people sit there and take ages to perform the simplest task. The time speeds things up while you are complaining about it slowing the game down./quote]

But that 10 second scenario wasn't a rare thing, it was every turn and multiple times a turn.  Imagine a game where you load for 10 seconds, take a few steps, load again for 10 seconds, repeat.

[quote]Look, this game will grow and evolve. There will be DLC with new decks and cards, there more than likely will be patches. They are only one patch away from letting you take starting cards out of your deck. I'm sure they are hearing complaints. Who knows what will happen. Either way I've already gotten my 10 dollars worth and will continue to play and enjoy it. If you don't like it don't play it. But stop sounding like its a complete massive rip off and no one should buy it when we already know many people are enjoying it and many other games cost much more money on the arcade and offer much less play.

But it is a massive ripoff because it's a bad game.  They can add more decks but unless they five those five fundamental problems I listed above, more decks aren't going to solve anything.

You still have the timer, you're still limited on the decks, and you completely lose the deck building game and the mind game.  All that you have left is a game of luck.