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Spiteful49 said:
You get 8 pre-constructed decks with 17 cards you can win that you can add or not add per deck. This isn’t for the hardcore Magic player though. I was done with the game when I sold my Unlimited cards to buy my first car back in the day. So revisiting Magic was fun for me.

I wasn’t expecting a lot for $10. I don’t even think you can get 1 pre-constructed deck for that price anymore? For the price and what you get it’s pretty good. It was fun getting into a 4 player match too…

I think you guys are judging it way too harshly for what it is.

Yeah, but with a preconstructed deck you 1) get a better deck than what you get in this game and 2) you have the power to change it.

Yes, there are 17 cards you can win for each deck, but you cannot take out the cards you don't want.  So even assuming those 17 cards you can win are great (and they aren't) you then have a giant deck and you will never see those cards.

I think people that are saying it's fun because they've never played or haven't played since 1995 are right (except for the 2.5 second timer), but anyone that has any kind of experience with the game is going to be horribly dissapointed.

There are five HUGE flaws with this game:

  • The 2.5 second timer is painful because it's attached to everything and stacks with everything.
  • You can add and take away the cards you've win but you cannot add or take away cards that start in the deck.
  • You cannot choose how you tap lands.  This takes away some mind games and can stop you from casting spells.  Also keep in mind there's no preview how lands are going to be tapped and most things cannot be taken back.
  • If you don't have a card to play, the game just assumes the phase is over.  Again, this takes away from the mind games.  If I'm playing against an opponent playing blue and I see that their turn immediatly ends, I know they don't have anything they can do to me.
  • The interface is just awkward and confusing.  It's also incredibly unforgiving, a bad combination.

If the game only had any one or two of those problems then it would probably be a decent to good game and I would be totally happy but it has all five those and it's just a giant mess.