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Okay, bring up the 10 dollar price point has already been run into the ground, but I agree, it's 10 freaking dollars. Its an amazing deal for that amount of money.

Second, why did you buy it without trying it first? You know they have a demo feature. Further more why are you still actively playing if it is that bad?

I'm an experience magic player, I started playing with third edition, played hard core for a while and now days I've played off and on with the PC version. My friends are all gone and we don't have comic shops nearby so PC or xbox is my only way to play. PC is nice but I realized how stupid it was buying cards, of course I realized that after I spent a few hundred. Even at that I was always getting crushed by people with mongo collections and endless wallets.

I like the arcade game. YES, everything you mentioned is an issue. I won't argue that. Aside from that I found a lot to like, a console version of Magic that I can play laying back with a controller in my hand.

In my opinion not being able to buy cards and build up super beef decks is a good thing. I hate you can't take the crap starting cards out when you get better ones. Otherwise everyone having access to mostly the same cards balances the game incredibly well. When I play someone online I don't have to wonder if they spent 2 grand on magic cards and beat me to a bloody pulp with rare power cards and cheesy combos. It's a leveled playing field and skill comes into play. Basically it takes the magic card collection penis measuring contest out of the game and it does wonders for it.

I've been having a blast and the sheer amount of decks you get for that cost is a wonderful deal. The timer is annoying sometime but even in your "10 second wait" scenario, its not that bad. Look at loading times on most video games. Hell, look at how long magic games could take in real life while people sit there and take ages to perform the simplest task. The timer and having time limits speeds things up while you are complaining about it slowing the game down.

Look, this game will grow and evolve. There will be DLC with new decks and cards, there more than likely will be patches. They are only one patch away from letting you take starting cards out of your deck. I'm sure they are hearing complaints. Who knows what will happen. Either way I've already gotten my 10 dollars worth and will continue to play and enjoy it. If you don't like it don't play it. But stop sounding like its a complete massive rip off and no one should buy it when we already know many people are enjoying it and many other games cost much more money on the arcade and offer much less play.

BTW, mysticD has two xboxs in his house and that is how he plays local multiplayer.