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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Mass Effect 2 Thread

Darc Requiem said:
mrstickball said:
Just got my copy.

Hit a freaking deer on the way home from the store. Never going to do a midnight launch again.

That Deer wanted your copy of ME2. I should have preordered at retail like normal. I did mine online, if I'm lucky I'll get around the same time gamers in Europe do.

Is that when we are supposed to egt it or when it finally arrives?

I keep thinking it'll turn up late because Royal Mail will lose it, Amazon wont post it til release day, they'll be an unnanounced postal strike, illiegal immigrants are causing house prices to soar...

Sorry, i read the Daily Mail today.

Around the Network
mrstickball said:
Im 2 hours in.

Any questions that need answered?

Quasi-spoilerish (nothing to do with story).

You get HUGE bonuses for importing a ME1 character.

How flat are the textures? Is there no AA? what about the lack of field depth and low poly count?

Gametrailers review:



Score: 9.7 !!!



Very unusual score from GT.

Question - has anyone loaded ME2 to the harddrive? can you load both discs, to prevent swapping? and how does it effect load times?

CGI-Quality said:
Jereel Hunter said:
Question - has anyone loaded ME2 to the harddrive? can you load both discs, to prevent swapping? and how does it effect load times?

Yes, you can install both discs but I'm not sure if that prevents swapping. I'll have to play more but the game is so fun, I hardly want to rush through it.

Well you still would have to put the disc in for security...

How soon after the start do you swap to the 2nd disc? Because I read that it was very early on, so I then I would only install the 2nd disc until I got to the end of the game

Around the Network
Lord Flashheart said:
mrstickball said:
Im 2 hours in.

Any questions that need answered?

Quasi-spoilerish (nothing to do with story).

You get HUGE bonuses for importing a ME1 character.

How flat are the textures? Is there no AA? what about the lack of field depth and low poly count?

I'm not a graphics guy that could explain what all it does, and does not have. However, all the graphical issues that ME1 had are gone. Field of depth seems to be really good. I haven't been in enough areas to really tell how great it is, as I'm 2-ish hours in.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Lord Flashheart said:
mrstickball said:
Im 2 hours in.

Any questions that need answered?

Quasi-spoilerish (nothing to do with story).

You get HUGE bonuses for importing a ME1 character.

How flat are the textures? Is there no AA? what about the lack of field depth and low poly count?

I'm not a graphics guy that could explain what all it does, and does not have. However, all the graphical issues that ME1 had are gone. Field of depth seems to be really good. I haven't been in enough areas to really tell how great it is, as I'm 2-ish hours in.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Rhonin the wizard said:
quarashi said:
I got a question about the Cerberus Network. So I saw the extra content DLC list when I started the game, and the only things available for me were the Blood Dragon Armor and Crash. Is that all I was suppose to see or do things like sporadically show up in it?

Since this is the launch day maybe they haven't released the DLC for the public on Cerberus Network. What is "Crash"? Also do the pre-order bonuses appear on the Cerberus Network?

I don't really want to spoil it for anyone but I mean I guess I can say an area in France that the Allies invaded in WW2 that pertains to a ship in the game.  The crash of that.  And I don't know about the pre-order bonuses because I didn't preorder the game.  Just went to Wal-Mart and picked up the game at Midnight.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.