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Citan said:
Jereel Hunter said:
Citan said:
Jereel Hunter said:
Citan said:
Jereel Hunter said:

I will comment one thing; The word retard. It`s hard to take you seriously when you say Jrpg`s are retarded. Retard is a typical english word used to comment something that`s different. And people that`s scared of something that`s different fails to get my attention....end

It wasn't meant as a real insult. I don't actually think that of JRPGs -  It was my way of making fun of the fact that he can't understand someone being offended by an insult.

The question is: What am I insulting? People who have wrpg`s as a religon?

You are insulting the developers of WRPGs like Mass Effect who's games have every bit as much "soul" and artistic merit as anything classed a JRPG, and in turn, their fans.

Guess this is not having more soul and artistic merit than wrpg`s then:

Yes, it`s comparable. Just read the whole text and you might understand what I mean. I can be of help if you don`t :)

No, it's not. Soul is about originality, when an entire genre has so many basic aspects that are duplicated in all of them, it eventually loses its soul, and artistic merit points as well. And it's arrogant to assume that because one prefers this art style, that it it somehow superior(particularly when EVERYONE uses the style). Using your example of WoW, it earns more points for original art style than most JRPGs. If you look at the game, you can walk into a random empty house and look at a table, and the table has designs carved in it. Why? Everything in WoW has a distinctive art style. In fact, it's a beautiful game without matchign the graphical capabilities of most current games. It's style goes beyond it's graphical appearance quite substantially.

And don't get me started on the artful creation of Mass Effect. It was a labor of love that truely shines. You can just call up the codex and read articles on things that aren't even involved in the game. A truely immersive masterpeice WITHOUT the rails.

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StanGable said:
Citan said:

StanGable said:

If you're not willing to play Mass Effect and understand why it moved the RPG forward instead of stalling it like JRPGs then you have no room to say that Xenosaga is better. Also, I love JRPGs, but I admit that WRPGs have done much for the genre than JRPGs. JRPGs do have the potential to create great storylines, but that storyline will never change and to make a game that never changes is a lot easier than creating a game that will be affected by the way the gamer plays it.

Also, and to pretty much shut down your whole

obots, Science Fiction, 12-year old girls in swimsuits, Drama, action, comedy, sex, philosophy, love, hate, friendship and intertekstual references to Friedrich Nietzsche`s subjects, Carl Gustav Jung`s Analytical psychology, The Bibel, Jewish religion, German history and novels, Anime.

Number 1 - You keep mentioning all of these but you have not given a clear example of how t hey use that. I could basically copy paste this and say that ME uses them all, so by your definition Mass Effect is better.

Friedrich Nietzsche:

Der will zur macht.

Jenseit von gut und böse.

Also spracht Zarathustra.





I will not go into what it means for the story because it`s like  writing a novel, but it`s based on his philosofy.



Carl Gustav Jung:

The characters Nigredo, Albedo, Citrinas  and Rubedo is based on Carl Gustav Jung`s work "Psychology and Alchemy.

Still I won`t go further into what it means to the story.



Dreamvision based on Jung`s interpretation of dreams.

The Bibel and other religions:

Zohar, 666, Marienkind, Angels, Gnosissim, 13 doors in heaven. I could go on forever.



Other references:

German novel about the girl "Momo".





This is just a small percentage of every intertekstual reference, but I will limit it. You understand this now, and me aren`t compareable on intertekstual references.
Number 2 - Mass Effect has been well received, in fact, critics have always put it amongs best in RPGs where as Xenosaga has not been received the same way

I agree. Me might have better gameplay, but as a story-driven game it`s  not comparable to Xenosaga. Why? Because of the intertekstual references.

Many reviewers don`t even understand the whole story, and reviews it on gameplay. Just try and play the series and tell me if you`re well read enough to understand Xenosaga.



No, you're not understanding. You point out at novels and claim that they in fact make Xenosaga better. What you're failing to do is explain how those novels are being used and why are they so important to the characters and the overall enjoyment of the storyline.

Basically I can say that Mass Effect derived from all the novels written by Shakespeare, one of the most well known and respected novelist of all times.  In fact, I will go as far as to say that the main character in Mass Effect is based on Macbeth and by default I now can claim Mass Effect is better.

Also, whether or not Xenosaga's storyline was inspired by these works it still failed to lure the critics into immersing themselves with the plot. When you can get sucked into a story like that then you have a winning theme. Guess what? Xenosaga failed at it. Most critics thought the story was good but confusing, never being outsanding or memorable. Even you claim that the reviewers don't understand the story. Then we can conclude the developers failed at transitioning what they wanted to narrate to the player.

Oh, sorry. I didn`t understand, so I`ll try to explain in my not so very good english.

As a well read person seeing all these references makes the game really exotic if I may use that word.


The aliens called Gnosis means spirtual knowledge used in the religion Gnostitism.

They`re transparent bodies referes to the spiritual, something out of reach.

In the Bibel Lots wife becaomes salt when she`s turns around to see Sodoma beeing destroyed.

In the game Gnosis is built by salt.

The conforntation with these mosnsters in the game is about humans will to confront the forbidden.


But for the simple eye, they are just plain aliens we want to kill.


If this doesn`t make a game more interesting, I don`t know what will. But there are so many intertekstual references,

your eyes would bleed if I were to write them all down, and it would take one week.

This game is better if you`re well read. And beeing well read is not a bad thing, is it? No, it`s good.

Therefor it makes the game/story better.


Me have one intertekstual reference to shakespear. GREAT. But could the creators make more references to make the game more

interesting and not make a mess out of it? Probably not, because western culture stops it.


I totally agree that the critics weren`t lured. It failed as a game to the masses, but a perfect game for those interested in culture, society, philosophy, interpretions, religion, action, drama, love, hate, friendship, science fiction and so on.

Tetsuya Takahashi made this game because it was his dream to create a complex story, and he succeded , but it ain`t a game for everyone. Just the few well read people, which are very good to be.




I finally realise what Citan believes now, he thinks a good story must be a derivavtive of other stories and include references to other works.....

Honestly Citan you're not helping yourself here, a good story should be able to stand on its own two feet. A game is designed to be played by the masses (or it usually is for business reasons), when you look upon a story in this regard it should be accessible to most individuals without them having a requirement of the supposed deep psycological undertones.

A game like Braid had practically no story yet is more thought provoking than any JRPG or WRPG imo, this is why the basic premise of a story having to be complex or deep to be considered great is stupid. You're playing games, not some lecture on the human condition, sure its easy to put talking points in your game for cheap headlines but that doesn't guarantee a great result.

Mass Effects story is very good because despite the non linear play of the game and the multiple outcomes for the story it actually feels almost seemless. At one point in the game you have the choice to commit genocide on a species, if thats not a thought provoking topic enough for you then I don;t know what is. Genocide is considered one of the most hideous crimes to most humans yet this game actually seriously challenges you to consider the option, might I add in my experience I seriously considered the ramifications at the time.

I maybe should have posted more politely in this regard earlier but I do not take accusations of being not "well read" as being particularly complimentary Citan. Can you not see how your attitude came across as condescending hence my earlier response?

Finally, I honestly meant what I said earlier regarding the JRPG genre becoming stale, if change doesn't happen it will die completely and this is not something I want to happen. JRPG's are becoming a niche market not because gamers don't want the genre, it's becomes the games are becoming predicatable to the majority of gamers.

Citan said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

He still owned you. You have no idea how Mass Effect has changed the RPG game. I'll even say ME has a better story,depth and clearly better gameplay as an evolution of what an RPG is. Clearly ME and Fallout III are the best RPG's this gen unless someone dethrones them.

You have no idea what I`m talking about since you can`t argue with me. You just say me have a good story, but can`t explain it. I`ll give you one more chance before I ignore you.

What makes me`s story better than Xenosaga`s?



Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Bitmap Frogs said:
Citan said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

He still owned you. You have no idea how Mass Effect has changed the RPG game. I'll even say ME has a better story,depth and clearly better gameplay as an evolution of what an RPG is. Clearly ME and Fallout III are the best RPG's this gen unless someone dethrones them.

You have no idea what I`m talking about since you can`t argue with me. You just say me have a good story, but can`t explain it. I`ll give you one more chance before I ignore you.

What makes me`s story better than Xenosaga`s?



He failed to answer my question on whether he's played Mass Effect. I already told him I've never played Xenosaga or Xenogears. He's holding onto the glory days of JRPG's. Thats what makes his argument such a fail. He holds onto the great games of the past, and uses that as an excuse to call JRPG's superior.

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slowmo said:
I finally realise what Citan believes now, he thinks a good story must be a derivavtive of other stories and include references to other works.....

Honestly Citan you're not helping yourself here, a good story should be able to stand on its own two feet. A game is designed to be played by the masses (or it usually is for business reasons), when you look upon a story in this regard it should be accessible to most individuals without them having a requirement of the supposed deep psycological undertones.

A game like Braid had practically no story yet is more thought provoking than any JRPG or WRPG imo, this is why the basic premise of a story having to be complex or deep to be considered great is stupid. You're playing games, not some lecture on the human condition, sure its easy to put talking points in your game for cheap headlines but that doesn't guarantee a great result.

Mass Effects story is very good because despite the non linear play of the game and the multiple outcomes for the story it actually feels almost seemless. At one point in the game you have the choice to commit genocide on a species, if thats not a thought provoking topic enough for you then I don;t know what is. Genocide is considered one of the most hideous crimes to most humans yet this game actually seriously challenges you to consider the option, might I add in my experience I seriously considered the ramifications at the time.

I maybe should have posted more politely in this regard earlier but I do not take accusations of being not "well read" as being particularly complimentary Citan. Can you not see how your attitude came across as condescending hence my earlier response?

Finally, I honestly meant what I said earlier regarding the JRPG genre becoming stale, if change doesn't happen it will die completely and this is not something I want to happen. JRPG's are becoming a niche market not because gamers don't want the genre, it's becomes the games are becoming predicatable to the majority of gamers.

I just learned that me have an intertekstual refernce to shakespear, so there goes one of your arguments.

A story can`t stand on it`s own. A story alwyas use something from a different story. Always.

Still I haven`t said that me have a bad story. I said that Xenosaga is way beyon.

Let`s agree that thought provoking is good for the story, shall we?


Bitmap Frogs said:
Citan said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

He still owned you. You have no idea how Mass Effect has changed the RPG game. I'll even say ME has a better story,depth and clearly better gameplay as an evolution of what an RPG is. Clearly ME and Fallout III are the best RPG's this gen unless someone dethrones them.

You have no idea what I`m talking about since you can`t argue with me. You just say me have a good story, but can`t explain it. I`ll give you one more chance before I ignore you.

What makes me`s story better than Xenosaga`s?



Please read my last reply to you. I`m sorry about my grammar. I meant he don`t know what I`m talking about and therefor it`s no use arguing with him.


Citan said:
slowmo said:
I finally realise what Citan believes now, he thinks a good story must be a derivavtive of other stories and include references to other works.....

Honestly Citan you're not helping yourself here, a good story should be able to stand on its own two feet. A game is designed to be played by the masses (or it usually is for business reasons), when you look upon a story in this regard it should be accessible to most individuals without them having a requirement of the supposed deep psycological undertones.

A game like Braid had practically no story yet is more thought provoking than any JRPG or WRPG imo, this is why the basic premise of a story having to be complex or deep to be considered great is stupid. You're playing games, not some lecture on the human condition, sure its easy to put talking points in your game for cheap headlines but that doesn't guarantee a great result.

Mass Effects story is very good because despite the non linear play of the game and the multiple outcomes for the story it actually feels almost seemless. At one point in the game you have the choice to commit genocide on a species, if thats not a thought provoking topic enough for you then I don;t know what is. Genocide is considered one of the most hideous crimes to most humans yet this game actually seriously challenges you to consider the option, might I add in my experience I seriously considered the ramifications at the time.

I maybe should have posted more politely in this regard earlier but I do not take accusations of being not "well read" as being particularly complimentary Citan. Can you not see how your attitude came across as condescending hence my earlier response?

Finally, I honestly meant what I said earlier regarding the JRPG genre becoming stale, if change doesn't happen it will die completely and this is not something I want to happen. JRPG's are becoming a niche market not because gamers don't want the genre, it's becomes the games are becoming predicatable to the majority of gamers.

I just learned that me have an intertekstual refernce to shakespear, so there goes one of your arguments.

A story can`t stand on it`s own. A story alwyas use something from a different story. Always.

Still I haven`t said that me have a bad story. I said that Xenosaga is way beyon.

Let`s agree that thought provoking is good for the story, shall we?


Thats about the only thing I'll probably agree with you on when it comes to RPG's .

I didn't mention Shakespeare by the way so don't attribute that to me please.  Also it's not wise to claim one story is better than another if you haven't played it.  If you had played Mass Effect then you would have known about the thought provoking aspects of it.  You can check my posts but I'm pretty sure I never claimed ME had a better story than Xenosaga and I'd certainly never claim it was way beyhond if I hadn't thoroughly played and understood both games stories. 

Finally a story can stand on it's own and thats the biggest problem with your argument, fiction doesn't need to be derivative. 

Citan said:
slowmo said:
I finally realise what Citan believes now, he thinks a good story must be a derivavtive of other stories and include references to other works.....

Honestly Citan you're not helping yourself here, a good story should be able to stand on its own two feet. A game is designed to be played by the masses (or it usually is for business reasons), when you look upon a story in this regard it should be accessible to most individuals without them having a requirement of the supposed deep psycological undertones.

A game like Braid had practically no story yet is more thought provoking than any JRPG or WRPG imo, this is why the basic premise of a story having to be complex or deep to be considered great is stupid. You're playing games, not some lecture on the human condition, sure its easy to put talking points in your game for cheap headlines but that doesn't guarantee a great result.

Mass Effects story is very good because despite the non linear play of the game and the multiple outcomes for the story it actually feels almost seemless. At one point in the game you have the choice to commit genocide on a species, if thats not a thought provoking topic enough for you then I don;t know what is. Genocide is considered one of the most hideous crimes to most humans yet this game actually seriously challenges you to consider the option, might I add in my experience I seriously considered the ramifications at the time.

I maybe should have posted more politely in this regard earlier but I do not take accusations of being not "well read" as being particularly complimentary Citan. Can you not see how your attitude came across as condescending hence my earlier response?

Finally, I honestly meant what I said earlier regarding the JRPG genre becoming stale, if change doesn't happen it will die completely and this is not something I want to happen. JRPG's are becoming a niche market not because gamers don't want the genre, it's becomes the games are becoming predicatable to the majority of gamers.

I just learned that me have an intertekstual refernce to shakespear, so there goes one of your arguments.

A story can`t stand on it`s own. A story alwyas use something from a different story. Always.

Still I haven`t said that me have a bad story. I said that Xenosaga is way beyon.

Let`s agree that thought provoking is good for the story, shall we?


Actually Citan, slowmo is a 100% correct. I don't know if ME has any references to Shakespeare, I was using that as an example. 

What are you looking at, nerd?

In my opinion it has always been and most likely will always will be JRPG > WRPG. I just don't like how WRPGs play.